I don't know about you guys, but when I was a little girl, I thought it would be cool to walk a dog and a cat on a lead at the same time. Well today I realized that childhood dream.
Since I am in full packing mode the pussies are running out of nesting sites. Their classic perch, my fabric wardrobe is now gone so they are at a loss of places to sleep. At night they obviously sleep in my bed or on me
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I managed to get a picture of both Thirteen and Lillian together. Its a miracle! They were sitting on top of the wardrobe, staring at me, wondering why I am scrubbing the wall.
I have now had the cats for exactly two years. When I got them they were both in pretty bad shape as they are rescues. They have come a long way since despite Lillian's weird nipple habits :D
They are my lovely babies and here are a few pictures of them both from the past two years.
All you Finnish minions, you will the company of yours truly from December the 19th until December the 29th. I will be staying at my parents' place in Tampere. Se you all around the city!
Thirteen has lost it. She is normally a very well behaved, calm and shy little cat but she will occasionally get very strange. (I think there might be a stash of catnip hidden in the flat that I don't know about.) For the past 10 minutes or so she has been on top of my wardrobe chasing her tail. I don't mind at all as I think it's really cute, I'm
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I finally managed to get a good photo of the very unphotogenic Thirteen! (Thirteen is a beautiful cat, she just somehow always looks really bad in pictures...)
I can't leave my babies alone for one night without them mauling each other!
Last weekend I slept over at Andrew's. He usually stays over at mine because my place has more pussy. Well I was away for one night and Thirteen had managed to take a piece out of Lillian's ear
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