30 Days and 30 Nights: Day 18

Sep 18, 2010 06:37

Title: 30 Days and 30 Nights
Day: 18
Prompt: Guardian
*Verse: G1 AU
Rating: PG
*Words: 1125
Other Characters: Prowl, Optimus, Ironhide, Ratchet, Bumblebee
Warnings: none
Summary:  Optimus listens to the arguments on whether or not Prowl would be a satisfactory guardian for an orphaned sparkling.
Notes: I'm not that happy with this one.  But it was the best I could come up with.

Cybertronian time references similar but not equal to our own: astrosecond ~ second, klick ~ minute, joor ~ hour, cycle ~ day, deca-cycle ~ week, orn ~ month, vorn ~ year

Day 18: Guardian

Of all the mechs or femmes to offer their services as guardian to the small youngling, no one, including Optimus Prime, expected Prowl to step forward and claim responsibility. In fact, all of Prime's officers were stunned into a few moments of silence.

"No slaggin' way!" Ironhide grumbled, glaring at the tactician across the table. "No slaggin' way are we gonna let a sparkless fragger like you raise that little younglin'!"

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with Ironhide on this one," Ratchet spoke up. "You didn't even show any emotion kind of emotional response when the first reports of the attack on Praxus, your home city, came in. Even worse, you were out there working when you should have been grieving! I know your battle computer gives you some control over your emotions. But in my professional opinion you're not fit to raise the youngling."

Optimus listened as many others seemed to agree with Ratchet and Ironhide. He also observed how his SIC's facial expression never changed. Not that Optimus expected Prowl to have some kind of emotional outburst. He'd never met a mech who was so in control of his emotions like Prowl was. In fact, Optimus not only admired his second in command but he also envied Prowl because he didn't require wearing a battle mask to hide his emotions like Optimus did.

"Wait an astrosecond guys!" Bumblebee spoke up, standing to get everyone's attention. "I don't think Prowl is as bad a mech as you're making him out. After all, he's bonded to Jazz. That has to count for something. And I'm sure if Jazz was here he'd have something to say against all of you about Prowl."

"But he's not here," Ironhide huffed. "And I still say Prowl doesn't deserve to be the younglin's guardian. I'll do it, Optimus. I helped raise Bumblebee so you know I'll do a good job. Besides, Blue's still a sparklin' at four vorns. Far too young to allow his life to be ruined."

"Prowl, have you anything to say?" Optimus spoke, curious as to how the black and white mech was going to defend himself.

"I do have a few things to say, Sir."

"Very well. Go ahead."

"Thank you, Sir," Prowl nodded politely, rising to his feet. "I'm aware that many of you see me as sparkless, a workaholic, even a prick because I'm such a stickler for the rules and don't overreact emotionally to anything. I've never made it a secret that I am a private mech by nature. I'm a logical mech. To whom and when I share my emotions is of my choosing. I think if you'll ask Jazz, he can attest to each one of you that I do have emotions and I can be as passionate as the next mech. And where you all see a workaholic, I see myself as a mech dedicated to the Autobots, to doing my job to the best of my abilities in order to ensure our success in battle, to ensure that the lives lost are kept to a minimum, to ensure we have the resources to run all our bases of operations. Hence the reason I will continue to quote rules and regulations on this base."

"Ratchet, you say I had no emotional reaction to the attack on Praxus. You're wrong," Prowl continued with full conviction in his tone. "My actions spoke volumes of what I felt inside. Who was it that organized, in record breaking time, the hundreds of mechs, the several dozen transports, the medical supplies and equipment needed for the rescue operation? Who was it who came up with the search plan that enabled us to save two hundred precious sparks out of a billion? Who was it who was first to greet the injured as they were coming in?"

Optimus observed how Ratchet turned away, unable to meet the Praxian's intense, penetrating gaze.

"If you require further evidence of how much losing my home city meant to me, ask Jazz. He's the one and only mech who I can afford the luxury of seeing me at my weakest. Ask him about how he had to pick me up off the ground when I collapsed three cycles into the rescue operation because I kept pushing myself to save just one more life. Over a billion lost! Two hundred saved. How many of you can recount each of the survivors' names?"

Prowl looked slowly at each mech in turn around the table. When no one challenged him he turned to address his Prime.

"Optimus, I'm aware you have the final say and I will abide by whatever you command. I can only present you with the facts that there is no one more qualified to be Bluestreak's guardian than myself. He is Praxian. I am Praxian. I am most qualified to teach him his heritage. You of all mechs understand how important it is that we do not forget who we are during this war. You personally know of my devotion to the Autobots having seen me server under your father's leadership. I can promise you that I would promote the same kind of devotion to Bluestreak and more. And finally, because of my long-time bondmate, Bluestreak would be raised in a stable environment…we'd be a family."

"And what of Jazz?" Optimus asked. "Have you informed him of your intentions?"

"Yes, Sir. I made Jazz fully aware of my plan to take in Bluestreak before he left for his mission. He was…in his own words, 'thrilled', Sir."

"Then my decision is made, I will appoint Prowl as Bluestreak's official guardian."

The decision was final.

No one protested, in front of Optimus at least, for it was clear the Prime favored Prowl being little Bluestreak's guardian. An orn later those with lingering doubts in Prowl's abilities as guardian came to believe their Prime had chosen wisely. Prowl had sustained severe injuries during a skirmish with some Decepticons while on patrol. Bluestreak showed his devotion by refusing to leave Prowl's side. Not even Jazz could convince the sparkling to leave his guardian's side.

A question was asked to satisfy the curiosity of several mechs on the base as to this obvious love and devotion this small youngling had for Prowl. Bluestreak's answer was simple and spark felt by all.

"Coz, Prow's my guardian. He wuvs me and I wuv him."

The End.

30 days and 30 nights, prowl, challenge 2010

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