30 Days and 30 Nights: Day 15 & 17

Sep 17, 2010 07:52

Title: 30 Days and 30 Nights
Day: 15 & 17
Prompt: Cybertronian Heat Cycle & The birth (or start) of something special
*Verse: G1 AU
Rating: PG
*Words: 5488
Other Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Ricochet, Smokescreen, Bluestreak, Barricade, Pantera (yes it is Prowl's name in another verse for this it's a femme's name), Downshift (it's a real Transformer.  I got out of vol 1 of More then Meets the Eye book), and an OC - Sonata because i like the name
Warnings: none unless you dont like fluff and adorable mechlings
Summary:  One version of how Prowl and Jazz met for the first time.
Notes: As promised, and after some much TLC, here's a double prompt fic.  I could not seperate them.  I tried to work it out but couldn't.  It took away from the story.  These are the only two prompts I combined.  I hope that was ok.  If not, oh well it's too late now!  lol

Cybertronian time references similar but not equal to our own: astrosecond ~ second, klick ~ minute, joor ~ hour, cycle ~ day, deca-cycle ~ week, orn ~ month, vorn ~ year

A/N: I'm aware of several fics that use Cybertronian Heat Cycle as a way to get Prowl and Jazz together. This fic is PG so I'll let you figure out what I mean by together! Lol. Anyways, I went out of my way to try and NOT do the obvious with a few of the prompts. Prompt 15 was one of them. So instead of cyber porn, I give you cyber fluff and adorableness!

"words" denote normal talk, 'words' denote bond talk

Day 15 & 17: Cybertronian Heat Cycle & The birth (or start) of something special

Of all cycles Sonata had promised to take her two sons to the titanium grained beaches of Rust Sea, this cycle had to be the hottest during the first ten of the Cybertronian Heat Cycles in Polyhex. Thankfully her sons, her pride and joy, were doing everything she asked of them that morning and more. She was even surprised they'd been so quiet on the transport.

It was so rare for them to be quiet at all when Downshift was on duty at the Precinct. Not that they were quiet when their father was home. One of her three mechs were always singing a tune or rambling excitedly about their day. Not that Sonata would complain. She loved the sound of her mechs whenever they sang, especially her sparkmate's deep voice.

Of course, the silence during the trip couldn't last long as her youngest little mech, Jazz, at four vorns old and a mini-replica of his father right down to the stubby sensitive sensory horns on his black helm couldn't contain himself any longer. Honestly, she was even amazed that he'd been able to sit still during most of the transit ride as her little Jazz was always in motion unless he was recharging.

"Are we there yet, mama?" he sweetly asked.

"Not yet, sweet spark," Sonata smiled, carefully wiping a sticky smudge from Jazz's blue tinted visor. He'd only been wearing it a couple of deca-cycles now and would for the rest of his life in order for him to see. And typical youngling always got sticky fingerprints on everything. "Another few klicks."

"Yippy!" Jazz clapped excitedly bouncing up and down on his tiny black aft.

"Settle down, li'l bro," Ricochet ordered, preventing Jazz's from clapping.

"No, I don't have ta listen to ya! Yar not mama or papa!" Jazz spat, sticking his glossa out at his older brother.

Ricochet was a full eleven vorns older than Jazz with markings and features that resembled Sonata, save his faceplates that looked so much like his father's. And his attitude was every bit like his father as well which at times made him a little ornery with Jazz.

"But I am older than ya. Ya need ta respect me."

"Mama, what's re…respect mean?"

"It means ya have ta listen to me."

"I didn't ask ya Ric!"

"Be nice to each other mechs," Sonata chastised. "You have each other's love. That's more than enough. And Ric you know better than to say things like that to Jazz."

"Sorry mama."

"I see it mama!" Jazz squealed jumping up and pointing excitedly out the transport's window receiving a few smiles from the other passengers. "I see it! I see it!"

Sonata pulled Jazz onto her lap, holding him firmly. If she didn't she was positive her hyperactive little mechlet would zip out the door of the transport once it opened. Jazz scared her from time to time because he was like his father…fearless.

"Shudup, squirt. I think we heard ya the first time."

"Ricochet, Downshift or I never once ordered you to quiet it down whenever you were Jazz's age and got over excited. So give your brother the same courtesy you were given."

"Yes, mama."

"Good, now get our stuff, your brother is an arm full," Sonata smiled, kissing one of Jazz's sensory horns on his helm.

The little mech purred leaning into his mother's affections and was temporarily distracted enough so that they made it off the transport without incident. The difference between Ricochet and Jazz's over excitement was that Ric was purely vocal where as Jazz was equally vocal but often had to be physically contained in a small area or held in one of his parent's arms.

Thankfully by some miracle, Sonata and her mechs made it down to the beach without incident and found a spot that wasn't so crowded and near the oil line. Then she made the mistake of setting Jazz down on his peds so she could set down a towel to sit on. Ever the dutiful big brother, Ricochet chased after his little brother.


"I'll keep ma optics on 'im!" Ricochet shouted over his shoulder as he chased Jazz into the cool rust colored oil sea.

Sonata relaxed and settled down, contently watching as Jazz swam happily trying to elude his brother's grasp and Ricochet in turn allowed his little brother to escape from time to time. Jazz's squeals and Ricochet's laughs were music to her audio receptors and made her spark pulse contently.

She sighed, thinking that the only thing missing was Downshift to make this moment more perfect.

Meanwhile, else where not too far away…

Pantera continued to hold her youngest son in her arms. Prowl had fallen into recharge during the ride over which didn't surprise her. He was far too shy and instead of acknowledging the strangers on the transport when they greeted him he went into recharge to avoid them.

It was partly her fault her youngest sparked was that way. His arrival into the world had been premature and he was sickly for the first few orns of his life. As a result Pantera was overly protective of little Prowl afraid any bot might give him a virus. Barricade never attempted to force her to change, knowing he might get reformatted into something unpleasant. Besides, he was just as fearful for his son's well being. As a result, Prowl was clingy with his mother and extremely shy around strangers.

Now that Prowl had just turned four, Pantera knew she had to break him of his shyness before he started schooling next vorn. So during the past few deca-cycles she'd been taking him to small populated public areas where there'd be a variety of mechanisms including sparklings or younglings. For Prowl's sense of security, she always brought Bluestreak and Smokescreen since he was most comfortable around family. Bluestreak had a knack for distracting Prowl enough and get him to open up a little.

So this cycle's outing was just another session for Prowl but also a reward for Smokescreen and Bluestreak for all the work they did helping with the packing and unpacking of the family's possessions for the move from Praxus to Polyhex.

Of course Pantera didn't expect this cycle to be the hottest on record!

"Will father being joining us later?" Bluestreak asked as they exited the transport.

"'Cade's not sure how long he'll be. He's supposed to meet his new partner, the Chief, and go on some tour. But he promised he would try, Blue."

"Ok," Blue happily smiled.

Pantera grinned at her mechlet's happiness. Bluestreak was an optimist to a fault and could talk the audio receptors off one of any of the Crystal Statues in Praxus' Helix Gardens. And at ten vorns old he showed no signs of changing his demeanor.

"Mother, can Blue and I go ahead?" Smokescreen asked.

"Yeah, mom can we? We'll pick you and Prowl a nice spot on the beach!" Blue added.

"Sure, but keep an optic on your brother, Smokey. You know how Blue has a tendency to talk to strangers."

"Ok, mother," Smoke smiled. "Come on Blue, I'll race you!"

"Ok but you have to let me win!"

"As if!"

Pantera chuckled watching her two eldest sons' enthusiasm, something they inherited from her. Smokey was fifteen vorns and a responsible mech so she had no worries and knew he'd take care of Blue. He even had the patience to sparksit Prowl a couple of times.

Not that Prowl was a difficult sparkling. He was quiet and calm when comfortable. He loved to play with puzzles for joors at a time. And was funny when he got frustrated with a puzzle because he had this adorable brooding look on his faceplates that reminded Pantera of her spark mate, Barricade.

"See mom! We got a good spot for Prowl! Not too crowded and there's a sparkling nearby," Bluestreak beamed proudly, fluttering his winglets.

"You did good Blue," she said, looking around. The beach wasn't too crowded in the spot Blue picked. Most everyone was near an energon bar in the middle. The farther away from the middle the more spread out mechanisms were. The nearest mechanism was a white femme with blue highlights was nearby who was intently watching two youngling mechs playing. "Go on and play with your brother."

"Ready or not here I come, Smokey!" Blue cheered loudly racing into sea and then proceeded to jump on Smokescreen's back sending them both under the oil. They both popped back up laughing and splashing at each other.

"Prowl, sweetspark, time to wake," she murmured, giving him a gentle shake. Her little black and white mechlet yawned, rubbing his optics. "Look, we're at the beach."

"What's all that brown stuff mommy?" he asked with a sigh, content in leaning against her chest.

"That's the Rust Sea."

Prowl gasped and trembled, gripping tightly to his mother's arm.

"Oh, it's not going to hurt you," she cooed, hugging him close.

"But Smokey told me there were turbo sharks in the oil that would gobble me up and eat me."

"Smokey was joking and will be grounded for telling such things to you. I promise you there are no turbo sharks. Ok?"

"Ok," he said but looked unconvinced.

"Here, your father got these for you so you can build shapes with the grains. Want to try them out?"

Prowl nodded with a small smile.

"You're going to need some oil for the grains so use the bucket to get your oil."

Prowl held bucket tight in one hand and a look of dread fell across his faceplates and his tiny winglets trembled.

"There are no turbo sharks," she smiled, smoothing a hand over his white helm. "I promise my little Prowl."

"Ok," he swallowed hard as she set him on his little peds. "Go on, you're brothers will help you if you need them. Remember what I told you about being brave?"

"Yes, mommy. I remember," he nodded.

"Off you go then," she said, giving him a gently push to get him moving.

Pantera watched intently feeling a sense of accomplishment as Prowl made it all the way to the gentle lapping waves at the oil's edge, a feat two deca-cycles ago wouldn't have been possible in such a public place. She made a note to take him to more open public places. He seemed to have a tendency to react negatively in more confined public areas.

"Oh Prowl," she chuckled to herself watching as he attempted to get some oil in the bucket. Each time he tried the wave moved out of his reach, so he'd step forward. Then when the wave came back he scampered away. Pantera watched him attempt to get oil a couple more times with the same result before she reminded him over their bond to call for help from his brothers.

Out in the sea's shallow oil…

"What are those?" Jazz asked pointing at the grey mechlet's back.

"Winglets," the grey mech answered.

"Ya mechs are flyers?" Ricochet asked excitedly.

"No, we're Praxians," the blue and yellow mech answered, flicking his large winglets. Jazz was fascinated by them. He'd never seen anything like them before. "My name's Smokescreen and this is my little brother Bluestreak."

"The name's Ricochet an' this bundle of bolts is my li'l brother Jazz," Ric teased patting Jazz on the head.


"Slag," Smokescreen grumbled.

"Who's that?" Jazz asked excitedly. It was someone his size! He'd never seen another mechanism his size so close by before. Oh, he had winglets too!

"That's Prowl, our little brother," Bluestreak grinned. "He's kind of shy."

"Smokey! Blue!" Prowl shouted, standing on his tippy toes.

"Blue, go see what he wants," Smokescreen said.


"Does Blue always smile like that?" Ric asked.

"Yeah, he's always in a good mood. Only time he's not is when he has a system upset," Smokescreen snorted.

"I don't like system upset eitha," Jazz commented, noticing how Prowl wouldn't let the oil touch his peds. "Why don't Prowl come in the oil wit' us?"

"He's scared of turbo sharks," Smokey snickered.

"There's no turbo sharks," Jazz countered.

"But Prowl doesn't know that," Smokey smirked. "You know what, I'll be right back. I can't resist."

Jazz curiously watched as Smokescreen disappeared under the oil's surface.

"Ric, what's Smokey doin'?"

"I think he's gonna play a prank on his brothers," Ric chuckled.

Sure enough, Smokescreen popped up right where Bluestreak was helping Prowl fill his bucket. Prowl screamed and when he turned to run tripped and fell on his face and started crying. Ric erupted with laughter just like Smokescreen and Bluestreak did.

Jazz frowned. He didn't think it was funny to see Prowl screaming and crying. Even mama didn't think it was funny as she was rushing to see if Prowl was ok along with an all white femme with red highlights that must have been Prowl's mother. Jazz hurried over. He wanted to help too.

"Is he ok, mama?" Jazz asked worriedly as he was lifted up.

"He's going to be ok, Jazz."

"Prowl, I'm sorry," Smokescreen apologized looking guilty for making his brother cry.

Prowl whined, shrugging Smokey's hand off his shoulder, obviously not wanting to be touched.

"I didn't mean to upset you that bad, little brother"

"Don't touch me Smokey you afthead!" Prowl screamed.

"Primus Prowl, I do apologize for that outburst," Prowl's mother nervously smiled.

"S'ok. Ma papa says it all the time," Jazz smiled.

"Jazz!" mother exclaimed.

"It's ok, 'Cade does too," the femme smiled at Jazz's mama.

"My name's Sonata. This little one is Jazz and that's Ricochet but we call him Ric for short."

"Pantera. My eldest who knows better than to tease his brothers is Smokescreen, aka Smokey. My middle mech is Bluestreak but we call him Blue. And this as you now know is Prowl."

"Mother, I'm really sorry. I didn't think he'd react like that," Smokey said Pantera.

"How did you expect him to react when you already had him terrified?"

"I'm sorry," Smokescreen said, bowing his head.

"You will sit over there for fifteen klicks and think of ways to make it up to your brother."

"Yes, ma'am."

"You know, I have some ointment for the scrape on his cheek," Sonata said. "Ric, go get it please."

"Thank you," Pantera smiled.

"Think nothing of it. I don't leave home without it. Jazz is rather lively and at times gets overly excited. Little scrapes and dents happen often as a result."

"Yeah, I got one this morning' 'coz I tripped fell down. See?" Jazz said, showing his elbow. "But it didn't hurt any."

"You are very brave," Pantera smiled, shifting a silently brooding Prowl to her other arm so she could get a better look at the scrape on his cheek. "Blue, get a G-O-O-D-I-E please."

Jazz made a face when Prowl perked up.

"Goodie, please," Prowl said, holding his hand out.

"Got a smart one there," Sonata laughed.

"Yes he is," Pantera chuckled, shaking her head. "'Cade's been thinking we should get Prowl tested because of all the puzzles he plays with."

Jazz's tank suddenly grumbled loudly! Completely embarrassed he blushed and ducked his head when they laughed.

"Well, that's my cue to feed my mechs," Sonata joked, nuzzled Jazz' helm. "Then they can play. It looked like they were all getting along nicely."

"Yes they were. Perhaps we can get Prowl to come out of his shell."

"They'll do it when they're ready," Sonata smiled. "I was like that until I was ready."

"Here, mama."

"Thanks again, Sonata," Pantera smiled accepting the medical gel from Sonata.

"Think nothing of it. Keep it. I have more. Come on my mechs, time for a snack."

"Why don't we all sit together!" Bluestreak suggested, handing Prowl an energon goodie.

The little black and white mechlet promptly shoved the entire treat in his mouth when the two mothers talked about Blue's idea. Jazz giggled, thinking he'd do the exact same thing too so his brother wouldn't get it. Ric was always taking nibbles off his treats!

Then for the first time Prowl noticed Jazz, tilting his head to one side, curiosity bright in his big round cobalt optics. The visored mechlet grinned excitedly and waved. Prowl just stared at him, chewing on his treat slowly, the gooey liquid energon sweetness from the middle trickled down his chin.

Then Prowl's mother started putting the medical ointment on Prowl's cheek. Holy Primus! The world came to an abrupt end for a few klicks as he cried and started choking on his treat. Pantera panicked for a few moments coz she'd been so busy talking with Sonata that she didn't even notice that Blue had given Prowl the treat. Then of course she felt guilty for making her son cry and choke on his treat!

Somewhere during the mayhem it was decided that they'd all sit together, Prowl got another treat that he shoved whole in his mouth, and Jazz got a treat too, which he did the same thing as Prowl when Ric made a move to grab it from him. Once everyone was settled down, Jazz sat on his mother's lap while they ate together. Ric, Smokey, and Blue were talking about games they liked to play. Jazz's mother and Pantera chatted nonstop. None of that mattered to Jazz. His curiosity kept his optics on Prowl.

The little black and white mech had fallen into recharge shortly after they'd all sat down together. Pantera had carefully laid Prowl on his side because, according to her, it could damage his winglets if he laid on his back for too long.

Those winglets were a fascination to Jazz. He observed, almost in a hypnotic state, on Smokey and Blue how their appendages were always in motion, kind of like him. Except on Prowl, his winglets were always so still unless he was upset then Jazz noticed how they trembled.

Unable to resist any longer, Jazz slowly reached to touch one of Prowl's winglets when he thought no one was paying attention.

"No, no sweetie," Pantera smiled, gently holding Jazz's hand back. "His winglets are more sensitive than most. If you touch them the wrong way it can hurt him." Jazz gasped, pulling his hand back to his chest. "We found that one out the hard way when Prowl was learning to walk and fell on his back. I never heard a sparkling scream in such pain and never wanted to again."

"Poor little thing," Sonata gasped. "I'd be a bit overprotective too if Jazz was like that. I do apologize for my son. He's rather hands on and likes to touch things."

"No apologies," Pantera countered. "Prowl's the same way, just a little more shy about it."

"I think its time these mechs play," Sonata exclaimed, perking up the older mechs.

"Yes it is. Smokescreen, you may go play now too."

"Thanks mother!" he cheered and then chased after Bluestreak and Ric.

"Is Prowl comin'" Jazz asked.

"Perhaps, once he's had his nap," Pantera smiled.

"Oh," Jazz sighed, disappointedly.

"Go play Jazz," Sonata said, kissing his forehead. "Before you know it Prowl will be awake and then you can play with him."

"Ok, mama," he smiled, kissing her back.

Like the good little mech he was, Jazz did as he was told. At first he had fun with the bigger mechs as they played a game he could participate in. Then they swam too far away into the deeper oil where Jazz couldn't follow. He couldn't swim that fast yet and was getting somewhat tired.

However, he cheered up when he turned to head back to the shore and spotted Prowl playing by himself in the titanium grains. As quick as Jazz could he made his way over. Only when he got closer did he slow down. Jazz didn't want to accidentally scare Prowl like Smokey did earlier.

"Whatcha makin?" Jazz asked squatting down next to Prowl who was busy patting the grains down with his small hands.

Prowl looked quizzically at Jazz, tilting his head to one side.

"What?" Jazz asked, wiping his face, wondering if he had energon smeared on it or something.

"What's that on your face?" Prowl asked, pointing at Jazz's optics.

"It's ma visor."

"What's it do?"

"It helps me ta see 'coz ma optics are bad."

"Why are your optics bad? Did you fall and damage them?"

"Na, they just went bad. That's what mama tells me."

"Why do you talk funny?"

"Ya sure ask a lot of questions," Jazz huffed.

"I always do," Prowl answered with a shrug.

"Well, I talk like ma daddy," Jazz smiled proudly, puffing out his chest. "Ya talk funny too."

"I do not!" Prowl gasped, looking mortified. "I'm Praxian. We do not talk funny."

Jazz shrugged, "Neither do I. I'm Polyhexian. Can I ask ya a question now?"


"How come yar mama don't have winglets."

"She's a Praxian femme. They don't have winglets. Only us mechs."

Jazz reached out and then pulled back his hand.

"Can…can I touch one? I'll be gentle."

"Ok, but not the tip," Prowl said, turning his back to Jazz.

Jazz stuck out one finger. Then ever so gently he touched where Prowl's winglet met with his back. The reaction was instant make Jazz jerk his hand away.

Prowl shuddered and giggled, "That tickled!"

Jazz grin brightly so happy he didn't hurt Prowl.

"You want to help me build a fortress?" Prowl asked, smiling.

"Ok! What do ya need me ta do?"

"I can use some more oil."

"I'll get it!" Jazz smiled excitedly grabbing the bucket. Once he has it filled to the rim, he carefully walked back to where Prowl was squatting.

"Wow, you got more than Blue ever got!" Prowl exclaimed.

"Is that good?" Jazz worriedly asked.

"It's perfect!"

"Sweet. Now what can I do?"

"We need to build the walls using your hands like this."

Jazz dove in with his usually enthusiasm, not only getting himself covered in titanium grains but Prowl too. Neither mechlet minded as they continued chatting, laughing and building together.

Just up the beach, not to far away…

"Hey, this is the same beach Sonata was takin' my li'l mechs to," Downshift exclaimed to his partner as they rolled up to the beach's entrance.

"Wouldn't it be something if our femmes were best friends already?" Barricade joked as they both transformed into their bipedal mode.

The black and white mech couldn't believe the luck he had this cycle which put him in a wonderful mood. He and his partner, Downshift or just Shift, hit it off instantly. They had so much of the important things about life in common - love and devotion to family, loyalty to friends, and a commitment to a job they enjoyed doing.

Then there was the more relaxed atmosphere at the Polyhex Precinct as opposed to strictly by the book Praxus Precinct where Barricade had worked from the beginning of his career. Both had reputations for getting the job done but the Polyhex was less constrictive which made Barricade relieved that he'd made the right decision in bringing his family here.

"Makes no difference. They will be. I just know my Sonata and your Tera are goin' to be like sistas!" Downshift grinned while scanning the crowds. Barricade noticed the mech's blue optics flared brightly and his smile grew when he must have spotted his femme. "Well, she's made a friend already out 'ere. That's ma femme."

Barricade looked to where Downshift was pointing and burst into a hearty laugh.

"Don't tell me!"

"Oh yeah, that's my bonded sitting next to yours," Barricade chuckled, shaking his head. "Tera's quite friendly as well. And can she talk!"

"Hang back a moment, I wanna surprise ma sparkmate. She's not expectin' me."

Barricade nodded and did as his partner asked. Then watched as Sonata let out a shriek when Downshift snuck up on her. She slapped his arm but was smiling, obviously thrilled to see her sparkmate. Again, Barricade felt wonderful about how his cycle was going seeing how much in love this mech and femme were.

Downshift had the same look Barricade had whenever he watched Pantera at home with him or with their mechs. And of course, Pantera with that sixth sense of hers knew he was near. He could feel her searching for him, happy that he was happy. And no matter how much Barricade could keep his end of their spark bond silent she could always sense him and find him.

'Get over here, lover,' she purred over their bond when their optics locked.

'As you wish, my love,' he replied back, sending his love to her.

"See, I was right," Downshift laughed as Barricade sat behind Pantera, pulling her onto his lap, hugging her close and kissing her shoulder.

"Shift, what are you talking about?" Sonata asked, snuggling in her bonded's arms.

"Ya an' Pantera bein' best friends already. They already have their next outin' planned!"

"We do," Tera laughed, making Barricade shake his head in amusement.

"Where are our mechs?" Barricade asked, kissing her cheek while looking out into the sea.

"Smokey and Blue are play with Ric in the oil. And…"

"Primus," Barricade gasped spotting Prowl down the beach with another sparkling.

It wasn't some optical illusion brought on the heat. Prowl wasn't alone! He was with another sparkling his age or at least his size. They were both making something with the grains. Making something and laughing! 'Cade's spark about burst with joy upon seeing this new development with Prowl. His shy little mech was finally coming out of his shell.

"Isn't it wonderful, 'Cade?" Pantera smiled.

"Look!" he exclaimed, pointing excitedly. "His winglets are fluttering!"

"Flutterin?" Shift asked.

"Praxian mechs can express a lot of emotions with their wings," Barricade explained unable to take his optics off his youngest son. "This is the first time I've ever seen Prowl flutter his when he's away from home and around strangers. Even at home he only flutters them for Pantera. It means he's very, very happy."

"Looks like ma Jazz an' yar Prowl are at the start o' a wonderful friendship. Just like us," Shift grinned.

Barricade couldn't have agreed more.

"Go on," Pantera smiled over her shoulder at him. "He asked about you earlier."

After a quick kiss, Barricade got to his peds and moved over to where Prowl was playing with Jazz. One of his favorite moments after he'd become a father was greeting his sons whenever he came home. Bluestreak was always the most affectionate and would hug his father. Smokescreen now that he was older was more mature about it would simply just say 'hi father'.

But Prowl…Prowl was special not only because they almost lost him but because he reminded Barricade so much of himself - reserved, calm, patient, had a bit of a temper. But when Prowl greeted Barricade with that biggest smile he could shine, Barricade felt blessed by Primus to make his son that happy.

"Father!" the little black and white mech smiled wide and threw himself at Barricade as he sat down. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Prowl," Barricade sighed, hugging his son close, kissing the small red chevron. His spark pulsed contently when he felt the unconditional love of his son flow so openly over their bond. "So who's this?"

"This is Jazz he's my best friend!" Prowl said excitedly, climbing off his father's lap and put an arm around Jazz's shoulders - another new development. Prowl had no problem touching inanimate objects. Strangers…forget it!

"Are ya an' my daddy best friends to?" Jazz eagerly asked.

"You could say that," Barricade smirked. "We're partners at the Precinct."

"Woohoo!" Jazz cheered, dancing in place, making Barricade laugh.

Prowl giggled, "Jazz, you're funny."

"I'm dancin'!"

"Father, can Jazz come over to our home and recharge? Mommy said it was ok for Smokey and Blue to have a recharge with Ric at his creators' home."

"Well, it's ok with me. But Jazz has to ask his mother and father."

"I'll do that now!" Jazz exclaimed and then took off running.

The little mech only ran a couple of feet before he turned back and grabbed Prowl's hand.

'You see it to?' Pantera asked over their bond.

'Yes, Jazz seems to be the blessing we'd hope for, for Prowl,' Barricade responded as Prowl and Jazz ran back, all smiles and giggles.

"They said yes!" Prowl shouted jumping on Barricade.

"Oh, you got me!" Barricade yelped, falling down as if Prowl tackled him.

"Help me Jazz!"

"Ok Prowl!"

Laughter and giggles erupted. Squeals and shouts were shrieked loudly. Titanium grains ended up in all gaps of their armory but neither of the three cared. Barricade certainly had no problems playing like a youngling with Prowl and Jazz. He actually wouldn't care until the next cycle when Downshift would show all the pic-caps he took to the mechs at the Precinct!

"Ok, little mechs! You're wearing me out!" Barricade laughed, hefting them both up in to his arms.

"Father, no," Prowl yelped, trembling as Barricade stepped into the oil. He turned, hiding his face in his father's chest.

"We need to get cleaned up."

"He's scared of turbo sharks," Jazz whispered. "Smokey scared 'im."

"I see. Prowl. Son, look at me," Barricade gently requested and waited until Prowl looked up at him with wide terrified optics. He smiled warmly down at his son sending his love and reassurance over their bond. "I am your father. I promise you no turbo shark with harm you."

"Or Jazz?"

"Or Jazz. If one gets nears us, I'll used my blaster and blow it's aft to bits!"

"Wow!" both Prowl and Jazz gasped in awe.

"Yar papa's cool!"

"Yeah, he's the best," Prowl smiled, hugging Barricade.

Much…much later that cycle…

"Now this was one Cybertronian Heat Cycle for the record files," Pantera exhaled settling on the couch. "It never gets this hot in Praxus."

"Definitely a cycle I'm never going to forget though," Barricade murmured, looking at the music data files. He finally found the one he wanted to listen to and put it on as a soft level. "All that worrying for Prowl's emotional well being. Thank Primus he met Jazz."

"Agreed. He didn't even get upset on the transport ride home. It was like he and Jazz were in their own little world."

Barricade sighed tiredly, snuggling on the couch with Pantera.

"Sonata said the domicile next to theirs will be up for purchase next orn," she whispered. "If we plan on making this move permanent it'd be a good investment. Then Prowl can go to the same school as Jazz."

"I think after the progress Prowl made today, it would be a good idea. I would hate to break up such a budding friendship."

"I see it too. They're going to be the best of friends as they grow up together.

"Doesn't surprise me. Prowl is a lot like…"

"What is it?"

"You hear that?" he questioned, lifting his head.

"Hear what?"

"Exactly, it's far too quiet," he said, getting up quickly. "I'll be right back."

A few klicks later, Pantera decided to see what was taking Barricade so long. She quickly found him standing in Prowl's doorway.

"Shh," he whispered as she approached, noticing how her mech's doorwings were fluttering softly.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Look," he grinned, pointing.

The room was cleaned up neatly, each toy and puzzle in its place - Pantera never tolerated a messy room and taught her mechs while they were young. The only light was a soft blue tinted light on the desk, courtesy of Sonata because Jazz had one fear - he was afraid of the dark. And on the bed, snuggled together under a single thermal blanket were two little exhausted black and white mechlets - Prowl's arm was protectively laying over Jazz's chest while the little visored mech's head was tucked under Prowl's chin. One was purring and the other's wings were fluttering.

"You're right, love," Pantera whispered. "It's definitely the start of something special."


30 days and 30 nights, jazz, prowl, fluff, challenge 2010

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