Quest 276

Jun 07, 2011 20:38

Back home in Daventry, we have...something of a tradition of telling stories, you might say. I suppose it's only to be expected of a family with a habit of getting into adventures, but it's something we all do and something my father's court chronicler insists upon, besides. When an adventure is through and the journey home is finally at an end, the first thing--or one of the first, really, since the very first is usually to embrace the whole family--one does is to sit down with Gerwain and tell him the whole story so that he might write it down for the royal archives.

It's a bit strange, you know; I had an adventure of my own just before I fell into this City, and never had the chance to tell it to Gerwain myself. It's rather why I started keeping a journal here in the first place. And a good thing I did, really, since that adventure is coming up on three years ago now, and I'll still have to tell it all back as soon as I'm finally home again. To say nothing of all the adventures I've had here, besides!

I suppose one could say that the point of a story is to help keep a memory alive and fresh--which is part of the reason we always have Gerwain write it, since he has the most marvelous knack for taking a spoken tale and making it come alive on paper, almost as real as it was when we were living it ourselves. My friend Blue once did something similar, here in the City: he liked music very much, and so he convinced as many of the City's musicians as he could to play for him, and recorded their music, and kept it all as a memory of the people that have come and gone from here before. I was one of the ones who played for him, myself, so I suppose that means my music will still be here, too, even after I've gone. Blue's still is. It's the only way I have left to hear him play anymore, and though it may not be much, I'm glad for it.

It's...easier to hold onto memories when there's something to hold on to, isn't there? My best friend Sam left me a movie of one of his adventures, and Blue left me his music, and Penny left the Welcome Center, which isn't mine but still makes me smile every time I pass it by in the Square. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all do the same, somehow?

I've been thinking of stories and memories lately. Everyone has at least one, no matter how long or briefly they've been here. I rather wonder what they'd sound like, if we were all to put them together. And what a collection they'd make for the people who might follow us after we ourselves were gone.

[OOC: And thus begins the preliminary stages of the City Chronicle project; Alms, I left it a little vague so we could expand or refine the idea ICly if you wanted? Regardless, Rosella wants to chronicle your stories, City. Good memories, bad memories, hilarious curse retellings, anything goes! Interested parties, please inquire within. ♥]

blue is such an enabler, taking care of business, stronger now than yesterday, your princess is in another castle, fairy tales, parting is such sweet sorrow, home is where the heart is, chronicles of the city, daventry represent!, score one for the good guys, absence makes the heart go yonder, literary analysis, i love my friends, time to be a princess, a modern sort of princess, twenty and loving it, gotta love that optimism, family

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