Quest 277

Jun 15, 2011 13:20

[Accidental Video Post]

[And here is Rosella, sitting in what appears to be the hold of a ship, hands and feet tied with rope and looking quite disgruntled about the whole prospect. It's fairly dark there in the hold, and the sound of water splashing is close and distinctive; every so often, a faint shout can be heard from somewhere far away as the crew of the ship call to each other from up above. The room is littered with shadowy shapes that are probably crates of various sizes, and far off to one side dangles a rope ladder that apparently connects the upper decks to the hold via trapdoor. It's far too high to jump to reach, but it's a small beacon of hope to strive for.

Rosella, for her part, has never been one particularly inclined to sit around when she gets herself into peril, and so she promptly hops and shuffles her way over to one of the nearby crates, pushing on it in an attempt to open the lid; when that fails, she tries another with better success. The second crate holds bottles of what are probably rum, and she plucks one out and gives it a thoughtful look. She holds still, listens silently to the chatter from up above, and then quickly smashes the bottle against the edge of a crate, earning herself a hefty splash of rum and a lot of jagged pieces of very sharp glass. And again, she holds still, listening to see if she's been discovered--but no, nothing, the commotion from up above must have covered it.

Now looking more triumphant than anything else, she retrieves a piece of glass and begins to saw through her bonds, making slow but steady work of the ropes. It takes some time, but soon her hands and feet are free, and she's free to roam around the hold--which she does, apparently taking catalogue of its contents before beginning to push boxes together, building a makeshift set of steps up to the hanging ladder above. It's a precarious endeavor, and the stairway of boxes looks as though it could fall over at any moment as she darts her way up toward the top, but it gets her close enough that she can leap and grasp hold of the rope ladder without trouble.

But then, curiously, she heads back down to the floor of the hold, pushing on the crates a little more and securing them as best she can before rummaging in her skirt pockets to produce a small, unassuming pouch. Lips set in determination, she pulls the drawstring open and begins to shake what appears to be sand or powder onto the floor, walking backwards in a wide circle to scatter it evenly. Then, when the pouch is empty, she steps into the center of the circle and murmurs two words that are barely audible, but there: ]

Slumber, henceforth!

[She waits a minute...two minutes...and then replaces her things in her pockets, darting up the crate-steps once more; this time, as she leaps for the rope, the crates go crashing to the floor--which makes it a very good thing that she's got a firm hold on the rope ladder and the strength to pull her up to the upper deck.

For a few moments, there is the shuffling of fabric, the steady draw of breath, and the rustle of hands and feet on rope; a moment later, there is a creak of hinges as the trapdoor opens, and then, surprisingly enough, a loud, juicy snore.

And as Rosella swings herself up onto the deck, now successfully the only one still awake on the ship, the video ends.]

[OOC: Yeah, I couldn't resist. This post is a nod to Rosella's brother Alexander, the protagonist of King's Quest III; upon being captured by pirates, he ends up escaping in basically the same way that Rosella does here. Like brother, like sister? Anyway, Rosella's off to make the best of her capture by ransacking the ship looking for dubloons. And her sleep powder's pretty much ensured that everyone currently on her ship is now fast asleep, but if anyone would like to bring a different ship to come rescue her, ride a dolphin out to see her, drop from the sky to action with her, whatever, be my guest!

Also, don't mind the pirate icon, I just couldn't resist that either. :D]

not that kind of girl kthx, curse: wrinkle in time plot, pirate tales, this is not my castle, adventures, the perils of being rosella, daventry represent!, score one for the good guys, so farfetched it's gotta be true, curiosity killed the princess, next time be more careful, behold my mad skills, swash swash buckle buckle, little princess in a terrible mess, twenty and loving it, a bit tied up at present, all the cool kids know magic, why yes i am a ninja, what is this i don't even, la femme rosella

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