Hey ladies! I have my 36 week appointment on Tuesday and it's the "special appointment" where the midwife sits with us and we make our birth plan. This is something she does with all her patients.
I'm planning for a natural hospital birth (actually, the midwife doesn't do epidurals at all - I knew this going in and I'm totally fine with it). The hospital I'm delivering at is 100% natural birth friendly, so I feel like most of the things that would be a "must" on the birth plan if I were delivering at a different hospital are unnecessary, since it's considered routine at this hospital. For example: intermittent fetal monitoring, no IV, freedom to move around, ability to push and deliver in whichever position you want (they even have a birthing stool!), use of the jacuzzi tub, ability to eat/drink while in labor, immediate skin to skin after birth, etc etc. So I'm kind of at a loss for what else I would even put on the birth plan, lol.
I'm on the fence about the vit K shot and erythromycin ointment, but I've done some research on it & I'll discuss further with the midwife. One thing I've seen in a lot of other birth plans but don't know much about is "delayed cord clamping," like waiting until the cord stops pulsating on its own to clamp it off and cut it. Does anyone know more about this, or have any particular links/articles they've read?
I've been browsing the birth plans tag and have seen some others, but if anyone else is willing to share theirs, that would be great. :) Or, if anyone can think of what else would be important to have in the birth plan, since I can't manage to come up with anything else, that would be great too! Thanks in advance for your help!
(x-posted to