baby pictures

Mar 15, 2011 22:22

Don't hate me, but I had the most ideal pregnancy other than the pre-eclampsia and then a really easy delivery. I was in labor for 1 1/2 hours. One hour of contractions and 30 minutes of pushing before my son was born. My recovery was miraculous since I was up and about within 24 hours and just a little sore. I did have an epidural for the pain though.

I was induced a week ago today at 4:30AM Korea time. My son Alexander Taejin Drake was born on March 8 at about 6lbs 7oz. We've been home since Thursday and taken some fun pictures.

The first one I call "our pirate baby" because both my husband and I have pirates in our family tree. My family is related to Captain Kidd and my husband's family is related to Sir Francis Drake.

Here is our pirate in training

Being a monkey

The happy family

Another lovely facial expression

newborn photos, labor, pre-eclampsia, birth announcements, epidural anesthesia, contractions, induction

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