(no subject)

May 13, 2013 22:39

Here is day Z

TITLE: The Story of Liz Bower, the rewrite The Story of Liz Bower and the second rewrite .

FULL NAME: Liz Bower
SPECIES: A Mary Sue... of course.
HAIR: She has “sandy blonde hair”
EYES: She has “smokey blue eyes”
MARKINGS: She's “a fifteen-year-old girl”. In the second Ron becomes “awestruck at the sight of Liz. Never before in his life had he ever seen anyone more gorgeous.”
POSSESSIONS:An “Aunt Manaly, who Liz loved deeply” as well as a flat. In the second attempt she gets “Hogwarts, A History” from Hermione. In the third she has a wand she buy's for seven Galleons that is “maple, phoenix feather, thirteen inches”. She also gets the books “Charms, Protection of All Forms, “Secretive charms of the Ancient Times” and almost buy's “The Complete Volume of Counter Curses”.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first attempt had Voldemort kill off the entire Malfoy family because they refused to kill their son so he kills all of them. The writer also says, “why Voldemort wanted Draco dead was a mystery. Such a powerful wizard worrying about not even a fully trained wizard was a mystery to all”. She's pretty much at “The Tree Broomsticks” before heading to her flat to see her auntie. The second attempt involves her meeting Harry and company in Diagon Alley. She seems to be new to school and needing them tell her a bit more and gets a book from Hermione. The third story has her asking for a new wand because it got broken in class by another student. She then meets Harry in the robe shop. Harry tells her good-bye, she should be in Gryffindor before she goes off and gets herself an ice pop with her aunt.
ORIGIN: She's the writer's self insert.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The first attempt she's just a plain old OC. In the second fanfic we find her already knowing she's pretty much going to have certain people “play a major role in her future” as soon as she met them.

NOTES: Focus...


Liz Bower, a fifteen-year-old girl with sandy blonde hair and smokey blue eyes sat at "The Tree Broomsticks" merrily listening to the conversations. All around gossip flew that Voldemort had yet again attacked, and yet again killed three. This did not surprise Liz one bit, for she knew about the surprise attack on the Malfoys.

Lucius Malfoy and his wife Narcissia Malfoy had betrayed Lord Voldemort, by not killing their son Draco Malfoy.

From the second fic.

As Liz walked up and down the walkways of Diagon Alley she spotted a group of people that looked her age. Liz, not being the shy type immediately walked up to them and introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Liz Bower!" Said Liz, wanting to make a good impression on these people. Something in her gut told her that they would play a major role in her future.

From the third fic.

Liz peered through the shop windows as she walked up and down Diagon Alley.

"What a wondrous place!" Said Liz, peering through Mr. Ollivanders shop for wands. It was then she realized that a new wand good do some good, if her aunt would let her have one.

"Uh, Aunt Manaly, do I have enough money for a new wand?" Asked Liz sheepishly.

"A new wand?" Said her aunt with a confused expression on her face.

"Well yes, you see, last year when I was in Charms class, a boy sat on it, and well it, it is now broken." Said Liz holding the wand, a strand of unicorn hair coming out of the tip.

je - student (new to school), rating - bad

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