(no subject)

May 12, 2013 11:38

Here is day y.

TITLE: The Dark Mark

FULL NAME: Aiden Smyth
SPECIES: Aiden is an angst ridden romantic. She's also the daughter of... well, the title should be rather explanitary.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: “I looked down at what he was looking at it was my birthmark the one that looked like a skull with a snake coming out of it's mouth.”
POSSESSIONS: She has a firebird named Ayah. (I believe that's supposed to be a phoenix and that isn't an animal you can pick up off the street. She also gets a Dumbledore card on the train. When she arrives in her dorm room... well “Harry showed me to my room where there was a package there with some books and plain black robes. Harry said he would go get Ayah and my trunk for me and he left. I changed quickly kicking off my grubby jeans and tee-shirt right then Harry burst in.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: Aiden shows up and is bemoaning the fact her one true love is dead. She has to transfer to Hogwarts and finds herself bumping into Harry and instantly falling in love with him despite the fact she's supposed to be getting over the death of a loved ones. They almost miss the train. Draco says “And who is this? Harry seems to have found a friend. How sweet.” And everybody goes off on him and becomes defensive. We then fin out from Neville that for some reason Voldemort was in America. She gets sorted into Gryfinndor of course. Harry comes in without a shirt on and finds out about her birthmark. She then whines and cries about how everyone hates her, but it's not her fault Voldemort is her father. Harry then rejects her because "I-I-you-the girl I was holding hands with all the way to Hogwarts is a-a deatheater!!!!!!!!" She then screams at him, "I...AM...NOT...EVIL!!!!!!!!!" And then Harry says, "Alright! I believe you!" and then... “"I am sorry I didn't believe you that you aren't evil." he said and then he leaned forward and kissed me. I was so surprised I didn't kiss back for 3 seconds then I finally got hold of myself and kissed back.” He then invites her to some dance. The last chapter ends with a dark mark showing outside.
ORIGIN: She is an American exchange student.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She has a birthmark that looks like the dark mark. Also, she is able to perform “morsmordre minutus”. “I muttered and instantly a bunch of tiny "dark marks" poured out of my wand and went up and made a crown around my head.” This is because, "He used to call me his princess and would say I needed a crown and tap my head and say 'morsmordre minutus' I am surprised I remembered it."



I walked into the mist knowing what I was leaving behind. I was leaving the only person I had ever loved. No I thought don't think about that now! He is dead and gone doesn't help to remember. I knew I hadn't been safe and I knew this was the only way but still I had regrets. I had to stop thinking about that right now though. I could see blurry shapes in front of me and I knew I had to step forward now or god knows where I would end up. I stepped out and right into a boy with messy black hair and glasses. I dropped the cage I was holding and Ayah shrieked. "Oh! I am sorry. I didn't see you coming!," he said stooping to pick up Ayahs cage for me. "That's all right.," I said hurriedly grabbing Ayah back from him. "Um. Excuse me but I don't think we've met.," he said smiling at me. I suddenly realized how green his eyes were. Shaking off this thought I said teasingly, "I could say the same to you!" "Oh!!," he said seeming surprised that I didn't know who he was, "I am Harry Potter." "Ok Cool," I said, "I am Aiden, Aiden Smyth. A pleasure to meet you. I am the exchange student from America." "So would you like to sit with me?," Harry asked. Would I? I thought. "Oh! And my friends Ron and Hermione too seeing as you don't know anyone I mean you don't have to.," he said hurriedly. "I would love to." I said. Ayah chose that moment to start emitting sparks. Harry and I looked down at the cage. Harry looked slightly alarmed. "Oh that's just Ayah my firebird."

rating - awful, related to voldemort, bp - birthmark, bp - tattoo

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