(no subject)

May 14, 2013 19:06

There are so many different weeks I can do... but right now I'll take a break from Pottersues Weeks and do another entry sent in. This one is sent in by maniacaleddddd.

TITLE: Who Is Voldemort's Dad: The Tales of Vernon Dursly

FULL NAME: Voldemort and Vernon Dursley. On top of this we have Dumbledore and a bunch of other characters who are OoC.
SPECIES: Well, they aren't in a romantic relationship. I'm not sure if that is more bizarre then the relationship they do have or not.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Voldemort shows up and says he's Vernon's son. They then blow up Dumbledore. Vernon finds out then that he has a grand nephew from Harry and Ginny. It gets weirder.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Dumbledore's yelling about the force

NOTES: I decided to label this one as a troll because I found this page.


It was seven o clock only not really but uncle Verons watch was all broken. He looked at it and sed "f-cking watch it is broken again!!!"

He steped out of the car and found himself. In the middle of a car park.

"I'm glad you met me here when I sent you you those anoyomus letters" said a mysterious voice coming mysteriously from the buses around the park.

"It was no problem"

"that is good" said the man as he jumped out the bush.

"YOUR VOLDEMONT!" yelled Vernon jumping backwards and stepping on a cat which screamed quite loud and then ran away.


"How can this be!" he shoted. "I have only have to kids and they are Dudly and Harry."

Then voldemort grabbed his long wand which was under his cloak in his pants. It was made of wood from the whomping willow tree which made it supper powerful.

He pulled his wand and pointed it at vernon and a long shooty of white magic strings flew out of the end and landed on some stuff.

"I can do magic and so can Harry. Did you think it was a reason?"

"I did not think of that" Vernon confetti as he wiped off the sticky magics that were on every thing.

"But you are the most powaful wizard of them all. Like even more powered than dumbeledore and that dude with the turban thing put together!"

Vernon looked in his feelings and found they were all true even the ones that just a few short days ago would have seemed crazy to a tall handsome mustachiated man like himself.

stu - voldemort, stu - albus dumbledore, stu - vernon dursley, rating - troll

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