
Jun 27, 2010 22:33

TITLE: Torment
PERPETRATOR: Endless Torment
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related to the potters, b - speshul eyes, rating - bad

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Comments 74

zoreta June 28 2010, 03:01:32 UTC
So wait; She acts like a pureblood rather than a Potter, but the Potters were pureblood, and she has the pureblood features of her father, who is a Potter...

potter = pureblood = pureblood mentality =/= Potter mentality
potter = potter mentality
potter = pureblood =/= potter

My math teacher says that this FAILS. You can't say you have a pureblood mentality, rather than a Potter mentality, if the Potter-line is pureblood.


jzygail June 28 2010, 11:25:59 UTC
And Mummy and Daddy are still alive, but Harry still has the scar. What, did he smack his forehead on the sliding glass doors as a tot? He was just destined to have a scar on his forehead no matter what?


sandstorm June 28 2010, 11:48:24 UTC
I thought because of Lily, Harry was...like a tarnished pureblood, since Lily was a muggleborn witch or something. I'm sure he mentions something to the effect of that in GoF, HBP, or DH.


hildabeast June 28 2010, 12:45:51 UTC
yeah, Harry is a half-blood. James is pureblood, but any children he has (Harry and AU-spawn) will be half-blood. so it depends if you are talking about "the Potters" as James and his parents and grandparents etc., or "the Potters" as a pureblood, a Muggleborn, and two (in this case) half-bloods.

zoreta, I assume the Suethor was going for a "Potter mentality" in the same way as a "Weasley mentality" of being known Muggle-lovers/blood traitors... but that kind of reinforces your point that pureblood mentality is not a thing if pureblood families don't always have it!


Someone Please gag me and call the Cannon police anonymous June 28 2010, 03:34:56 UTC
i'm pretty sure i just mentally puked because of the horrible, horrible toxic level of OoC in the entire sample ( ... )


Re: Someone Please gag me and call the Cannon police little_masaouki June 28 2010, 13:10:52 UTC
I don't have a problem with Snape being Harry's godfather, on the idea that Lily might ask him to be as an olive branch and he wouldn't refuse Lily. That being said, he's not going to be chummy or hanging around, particularly not with Sirius around.


Re: Someone Please gag me and call the Cannon police anonymous June 28 2010, 15:19:50 UTC
well except James is also harry's parent and he probably wouldn't automatically make Snape godparent to his child.
SPECIALLY if he calls one of them "Brat"

come to think of it, another MAJOR FAIL on the suethors part for not having James or Even lily reacting to Snape calling harry Brat.

because Cannon james and lilly would have None of that detrimental name calling.

infact james would probably Hex snape for calling harry a brat.


Re: Someone Please gag me and call the Cannon police little_masaouki June 28 2010, 16:10:45 UTC
I agree that it's unlikely, as that would probably be something that James would fight, but if Lily insisted as a peace-offering she could possibly get James to agree. I find it unlikely, but I would be willing to accept it as a possibility.

That being said, I agree with what you said, there's no way that they'd let Snape call them anything like that. I could see Sirius getting away with it, as a pet name kind of thing, but that's because he's Sirius. Snape is too dour for them to assume he's having fun (and not at their expense). Plus James would be looking for any vindication to remove/lessen Snape from his doorstep.

On that note, Snape wouldn't be this "casual uncle" type, particularly with the children. If he'd be involved at all, it'd be to stay/get back in good graces with Lily which means he'd be civil and proper at all times with the kids. Except when Lily and James aren't around, at which point he'd use them to try to sabatoge their marriage.


anonymous June 28 2010, 03:50:50 UTC
I honestly don't get the appeal of writing a story where James and Lily are alive. I mean. Seriously. Wouldn't that just simply mean that the First Wizarding World is still going on and the Potters aren't even famous? So what's the point of the story then?

It's a complete domino effect really ever since Harry's parents die. Because if that didn't happen, Harry wouldn't be a horocrux, wouldn't have that connection to Voldemort and wouldn't have been able to ultimately defeat Voldemort once and for all.

I mean, I get it if they replaced Harry with Neville and Neville's parents were murdered and Neville became the chosen one and the story is written as Harry becoming dark or joining up with Neville becoming the chosen one...

But then that would just simply make sense with Earth logic and there is obviously none of that in this fic.


well.. anonymous June 28 2010, 04:21:22 UTC
well harry didn't even liked being famous, so he definitely wont be missing that.

and if he could keep his mom and dad and have a normal life that would be nice too.

and it would be interesting to see what would happen if it was neville instead, even though poor neville

but yeah, this story? complete FAIL on touching up Any of those points with any degree of good quality.


Re: well.. turtle_yurippe June 28 2010, 13:41:36 UTC
Well, poor Neville indeed, but although his parents aren't dead in canon, they are close to, aren't they?


Re: well.. beacon80 June 28 2010, 17:56:47 UTC
One could easily make the argument that Neville would have been better off if they had died. If they had then he, like Harry, would be over it for the most part. He was too young to really remember them, after all. Now, they're a chain around his neck. A constant reminder of what was stolen from him.


bluealoe June 28 2010, 03:59:20 UTC




lian_hua June 28 2010, 07:00:56 UTC
It falls in the same category with ebonette, amberette, goldenette etc.

I have googled the name and got the following title: "A Preliminary Experiment on Paranoid Delusions" by someone whose last name is Ravenette. How appropriate!


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