(no subject)

Jun 27, 2010 22:33

TITLE: Torment
PERPETRATOR: Endless Torment

FULL NAME: Amaryllis Le Ann Potter
HAIR: "unlike her parents and brother her hair was straight"
EYES: "amethyst colored eyes"
MARKINGS: She "had inherited her father's pureblood features and lightly tanned skin".
POSSESSIONS: dark arts books

ORIGIN: Harry's "older" twin sister. Set in a time where Harry's parents were not killed by Voldemort.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Harry's sister. She is Snape's goddaughter.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She is "unlike" a Potter. Her attitude is more "pureblood". She "she was as bad a prankster as her godfather Sirius Black and as cunning, determined, and ambitious as her other godfather, Severus Snape." She loves to learn about the dark arts.

NOTES: They seem like the worst twins ever.


"What are you reading?" her twin, Harry, asked.

"Did mother tell you to ask?" she said lowering it to hide the cover, not looking up from her book.

"No, why would she do that?" Harry replied nervously.

"She's our mother and she seems to monitor what I read," Amaryllis finally looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"She doesn't monitor what you read," Harry said sitting on her bed.

"Ever since she caught me reading that book about Necromancy she has been practically monitoring me," she said starting to get irritated.

"Necromancy is dark though, Amy, why read it," he said looking at his sister with amusement.

"I know it's dark, it's interesting though," she argued, mentally book marking the page she was on.

"Why are you more attracted to the dark stuff than other stuff?" he asked looking at the door.

"I don't know, I just am," she said quickly hiding the book under her pillow.

"You're really weird, you know that?" Harry said pushing his hair out of his emerald green eyes, not noticing that the book she was reading was gone.

"Yeah, I know," she replied with a small smile.

"Are you excited about going to Hogwarts?" he asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, I wonder what house we're going to be put in," she said eagerly awaiting the trip to Diagon Alley.

"Me too, I can't wait to go to Diagon Alley," he said excitedly.

"Me neither," she said with a giggle.

"We should ask when we're going," Harry said lying down.

"Wanna ask?" Amy said lying down as well.

"Yeah, let's do it," he said shooting up.

"Okay, then let's go," the ravenette said sitting up and getting off of her bed.

"Mom, dad, when are we going to Diagon Alley?" the raven haired boy asked running down the stairs with his sister following closely behind.

"Harry, remember what they said about shouting in the house," she scolded with a light smack on the head.

"Oh, yeah," he mumbled to himself.

"Now who's the weirdo?" she asked smugly, not noticing that both of their godfathers were talking to their parents.

"Still you," Harry said with a chuckle.

"Hi, Harry. Hi, Amy," Sirius said with a grin.

"Hello, brats," Severus said with a barely noticeable smile.

"Hi, Siri. Hi, Sev," Amaryllis said cheerfully.

"Hi, guys," Harry said with a slight pout at being called a brat.

"Aw, is little scarhead pouting?" Amy said teasing her brother in a baby voice.

"Amy don't tease your brother," Lily said with a smile.

"Yes, mother," she said with a small sigh.

"We'll go tomorrow. We have stuff to get anyway," James said smiling at his children.

"Do you want to come with us?" Lily asked the two other men.

"Sure, I'm wondering what kind of wands they will get," Sirius replied with a grin.

"Alright, I was planning to get potion supplies next week but i guess tomorrow is good too," Severus said, his smile widening slightly.

related to the potters, b - speshul eyes, rating - bad

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