Drabble - Below 50

Aug 22, 2007 16:09

Title: Below 50
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Ianto, Owen
For tw100's challenge #37 Seven Deadly Sins (Lust), and x-posted there
Summary: It's a slow night at the Hub...

Below 50

"What's taking so long? He'll catch us at it if we're not careful."

"If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing well" Ianto replied crisply. "And honestly." His online test result revealed itself. "Hmm, looks like we have more in common than you thought."

"What?! Let me see that!" No way was Ianto as guilty of the sin of lust as him! "Thirty percent. You are perverse and disgusting. Send a picture of yourself naked to… Bugger me!"

"Sorry Owen." Ianto glanced over to Jack's office, small smile twitching at his lips. "You'll have to wait in line, I'm afraid."

ianto, owen, torchwood fic, torchwood

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