Title: Turn This Around
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack, Ianto
tw100's challenge #36 REM Titles (You're In The Air)
Notes: The vaguest of spoilery allusions to S2 Ep 1
Turn This Around
Your problem, you say. He's your problem, yours to fix. So you send me away. Surely you know me better than this by now? I turn back, looking up, and see you fall. You're in the air. A man like you should soar and fly, not plummet to the earth.
You bloody fool! You aren't made of india rubber. Your body doesn't bounce, it breaks. It heals around the pain, holding it in. These risks you take, they take their toll, no matter what you say. You may die a thousand deaths and come back smiling, but it's killing me.