Today is Gwen Day!

Nov 07, 2010 09:53

That's right, kids! Today is Gwen Day! It is a day to celebrate Gwen! It is a Gwen Pride Day! It is a day for all of us to talk about the awesomeness of Gwen!

Think of this a a Gwen Day master post. You can write fic in the comments. You can picspam in the comments. You can leave prompts in the comments and hope that other people will write you fic. You can rec fic and look for other Gwen!loving friends or just talk about how you think Gwen is awesome!

Things this post is not for:
1. Bashing Gwen. First and foremost. I understand not everyone on my flist loves her. If you want to NOT love Gwen, feel free to do that in your own journal. If you try to do it here, I'll delete it. Because I'm like that.
2. Bashing other characters or ships. Self-explanatory. It is totally okay to ship whatever thing you ship and to do it on this post, as long as you don't bash other people in the process. If you do, I'll delete your comment. Again, I'm just like that.
3. Bashing other people in fandom. I don't care if they got a tattoo that said "Gwen is a Jerk!" in big letters. Live and let live. Talking cattily about other fans is what IM is for.

I probably could have summed that up with "Don't be a dick," but I like to be specific.

In general, this should be a POSITIVE POST. This should be a post BRIMMING WITH LOVE AND AFFECTION FOR GWEN AND HER FRIENDS AND FAMILY. And with love and affection from all of us to each other, because it's hard out there for a Gwen!fan, and we need some love sometimes too!

And also, that other Gwen...
I don't know anything about Merlin (as shown in my Not My Fandom Fest entry about it), but I do know that Gwen from Merlin gets a lot of shit as well, and from what I can see, she's awesome. And gorgeous. So if you wanted to spread from Gwen-from-Merlin love here as well, I wouldn't be opposed. I would, in fact, encourage it, though I don't feel that I'm in a position to pimp this post to Merlin-related communities or anything. FEEL FREE TO DO THAT IF YOU WANT. Or whatever. WE LOVE EVERYONE TODAY, OKAY? ESPECIALLY IF THEIR NAME IS GWEN.

With all of that said, Happy Gwenning! :D

eta 11/8/10: Gwen Day might be over, but I will keep updating the master list as long as people keep posting in the comments :)

Gwen Day Masterlist:
kel_reiley has a all Gwen picspam!
chicleeblair has a masterlist of her Gwen!fic, plus a new one!
sassysailorgirl has a link to Still Have Each Other, a Gwen+Ianto friendship fic!
jooles34 offers A Time to Dine, in which Gwen and Owen go on a date!
iceshade has an important debate!
pocky_slash is taking prompts, but anyone should feel free to fill them themselves if something speaks to them!
brilligspoons posts a picture of Eve's adorable shoulder freckles!
valancy_joy has Home is Where the Heart Is, in which Gwen is sick and Ianto brings her things!
pocky_slash writes a ficlet in which Gwen knees Jack in the groin totally by accident!
alt_universe_me presents us with Baby, It's Cold In Here in which Tosh and Gwen cuddle on a couch!
aranellaurelote gives us 5 things Gwen got on valentine’s day (and the one thing Ianto got, without any persuasion whatsoever) and a link to an older fic, Love Hearts as a Metaphor!
thepyromaniacal1 has a Gwen gif!spam!
eldarwannabe gives us some Gwen!fic recs!
azarsuerte links to some of her Gwen!fic!
rose71 has a Gwen limerick!
rabecka posts some Gwen icons!
czarina_kitty links to Asmodeus’ Sin: Luxuria!
creadigol_lili has a picspam!
pocky_slash has an AU ficlet about Gwen mothering Ianto a bit!
lizzledpink has a squee about Gwen!
suchaprince has a fanmix!

gwen day!

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