ficlet round-up!

Nov 08, 2010 21:33

Hello, internet! It's been awhile, I know!

I have so much to tell you about! The Walking Dead! Big Eden! The Children! Paranormal Activity 2! My job! The Weepies concert! um, other stuff!

And I'll get to it all eventually, but to get back on track, I thought I'd link to the various ficlets I've been writing this week. They are kind of scattered all around the internet.

For coffeesuperhero: The BAU celebrates Halloween!

For solsticezero: Gwen and Ianto terrorize some kids on Halloween! (a sort-of missing scene from A Vision Too Removed To Mention)

For such_heights: Amy, Rory, Eleven, and the Zombocolypse!

For mcwonthelottery: Ianto, Gwen, and Owen encounter John Watson, the motherfucking King of post-Zombocolypse London!

For metonymy: Neal, Peter, and El go to a Halloween party!

I have a handful more trick-or-treats that I may or may not get to as the mood strikes me. Such is the nature of trick-or-treating, I suppose.

MEANWHILE, yesterday was Gwen Day! and I wrote some stuff for that, too:

Gwen knees Jack in the groin totally by accident!

Part of my not!OT3 AU kidfic verse*: Gwen forces Ianto to sleep.
*Note: This verse really only exists in e-mails I write to solsticezero sometimes at 2am, but it is hella plotted out.

Hm. I think that's it! Anyway, feel free to peruse, internet. I will make a for-real update maybe later. Or something.

fic: sherlock, fic: tw, fic: cm, fic: who, fic: wc

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