ganked from agentelrondAs evidenced by Katie Couric, Sarah Palin is unable to name any Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade. (She was also asked what newspapers or magazines she regularly reads. She couldn't or wouldn't name one
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Take a picture of yourself right now. Don't change your clothes. Don't fix your hair. Just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with your picture.
Today my baby is considered full term. I'm a little more nervous? excited? freaked? that in a very short time I will be holding an actual moving, breathing infant that my husband and I made. Just so very wild and powerful and wonderful and a little scary. I'm ready, I think, but I just haven't been able to visualize what happens after this
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Rob and I were taking a walk the other day and as I looked down (because I can't see my feet unless I'm walking) I was marveling at how this belly can stretch so far. Biology amazes me.