Sep 13, 2008 11:23
Today my baby is considered full term. I'm a little more nervous? excited? freaked? that in a very short time I will be holding an actual moving, breathing infant that my husband and I made. Just so very wild and powerful and wonderful and a little scary. I'm ready, I think, but I just haven't been able to visualize what happens after this pregnancy ride comes to an end. I really think that I will never leave the house again. Or something. I have no idea.
Last night we went for barbecue, and in the room was a couple with an older woman, and what we estimated was a two-week old baby. Huh, I thought. Yeah, people can actually re-enter the public scene after giving birth. Imagine that. So what's my problem, I wondered.
Rob thinks I'll go early. Just a feeling he has, he tells me. I honestly haven't a clue to the timeline. It would be much better to go closer to my due date, of course, but I'm starting to feel certain new aches that give me questions, too.
. . .
Yoga classes were good this week with lots of hip opener asanas. I have developed a strange affection for the pigeon pose.
Tonight I will go to a bachelorette party to learn how to give an erotic dance, in all my very pregnant glory. This amuses me to no end.