ganked from
As evidenced by Katie Couric, Sarah Palin is unable to name any Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade. (She was also asked what newspapers or magazines she regularly reads. She couldn't or wouldn't name one.)
The Rules: Post info about ONE Supreme Court decision, modern or historic to your lj. (Any decision, as long as it's not Roe v. Wade.) For those who see this on your f-list, take the meme to your OWN lj to spread the fun.
This is an easy one, but sue me (ha!)
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS, 1954.
The courts ruled that the existing laws that provided separate educational opportunities for black an white students kept black students from receiving an equal education. It was deemed unconstitutional, going against the 14th amendment.
(Oh, and as an aside, the Georgia state flag added the stars and bars in 1956 to protest this decision. The current flag harkens back to what it was pre-'56.)
granting is correct-- the meme should be which court case can you name other than Roe v Wade that you disagree with.
Plessy v. Ferguson upheld the state's decision that separate facilities for blacks and whites was acceptable. 1896
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In other news, today is my Estimated Due Date, according to the docs. The spicy Chinese food I had for dinner last night hasn't done much, as of 7am. We have a sonogram and blood pressure check this afternoon, and my mom's coming into town later on. And then there's the debates tonight. So, really, today will be exciting in some form or fashion.