Viking Death Squad - TS2 Adventures! Kjalarr Legacy Gen 3.0a

Jun 13, 2010 16:04

Previously the Kjalarr's boringly sent off second generation.

This time! The heir candidates duke it out for the coveted spot as generation three's torch holder!

Heir Candidates: All children of Embla (Gen 02 Torch Holder) who is the child of Rygr simpurity and Robert hjsnapepm and various baby!parents.

Rekkr Child of Gregorian bondchick_nett
Molda Child of Flynn Minion telectroscope
Hetta Child of Tamarind amaryssobellus
Leikn Child of Clancy simtopi

Appearances by: nentarisims Anabela, pinkposeysims Delphina, dorkasaur_sims Claudio, brilliantcat Maia, & naughtydolphin/simtasia Imma.

Rekkr - Aries 10/9/3/2/3 TO: Unemployed/Good Cleaner - Creative Aspiration: Family LTW: Marry off 6 kids X_x

Molda - Aries 6/9/6/4/0 TO: Stink/Logical - Blond Aspiration: Family LTW: Marry off 6 kids Q_Q

Hetta - Scorpio 9/5/9/1/1 TO: Cologne/Redhead - Stink Aspiration: Fortune LTW: Medicine

Leikn - Gemini 4/10/9/4/1 TO: Redhead/Hard Worker - Unemployed Aspiration: Knowledge LTW: Gamer

The heirs let me know they're frustrated and tired of college already. It's only been six hours guys. Six, long, hours. Let's fix this!

The Kjalarr brood will dance any time and any place.

Okay Hetta since you weren't busy elsewhere you're up first for trying to catch an heir. Meet Anabela nentarisims.

'Seriously, she's for me?'

Yup, all for you. And she's shocked! Go for it!

'So I can do whatever I want?'

Well at least whatever she'll let you get away with, yeah.

Hetta wastes no time in getting to a dream date with her two bolter. :D

Then it was Rekkr's turn. Delphina pinkposeysims is a three bolter! Woot!

I think he's pleased.

Very pleased. :D

Er Hetta what are you doing? Your date is over and I'm not currently controlling you...

'Is Hetta trying to undermine my date?'

No, of course not. That would be dirty and underhanded!

Um, yes. Well...

'Hetta is trying to ruin my chances at the heirship!'

She's doing no such thing! You just focus on your date!

See? Much better.

Um, Hetta?


Okay so there might be a little bit of rivalry for the heir title!

Claudio dorkasaur_sims was called up for Leikn. He's the only guy available at college age for her.

Come now Leikn, how can you resist The Claudio? They're only one bolters so she resisted him rather well all things considered.

Meanwhile Molda is on a date with her top chemistry crystal ball mate Maia brilliantcat.

She likes Molda's charms.

And agrees to a date! Woot this won't be like Ymir in his college days!


That's better!

No, no I don't think Maia is falling for the charm this time...

Well let's keep trying. She can't be cooly impassive forever!

Okay maybe she can.

At least she's willing to look at your boobs so that's a plus right.

Wait what?! You had a mediocre date and then she steals your first kiss?

Is this some kind of Kjalarr tax for dating Maia?!

NEXT DATE! WE'LL ROCK THIS ONE.... ah hell it's Imma simtasia. Okay girl, we can do this. She's a tough nut, but you'll be the Kjalarr to crack her hard shell!


*dances a little*


That's Imma's classic, 'have fun trying to get me in your legacy' kiss off wave. *shakes tiny fist of rage* I'll get you yet Imma!

Ask, don't make me call up Rygr and get her to come take you on a rigorous five hour long jog.

No, instead...

He got to go on a special date with Delphina since his sisters tried to upstage him last time.

I kind of love the karaoke lot and abuse it constantly.

Then I moved lots because after moving in Anabela and Delphina I found they had that damn doesn't register they have their requirements bug glitch again.

Why hello there Imma...we meet again.

Wait, what?!

No, no go back. Imma Teapot agreed to a date? WHY ARE YOU PLAYING WITH THAT LOGIC PUZZLE?!

Who are you and what did you do to Imma? Are you nega-Imma? The Claudio is enjoying the show.

My sims live in a weird alternate dimension campus...

Where Imma has completely done a 180 and is autonomously kissing Molda?! I WILL TAKE THIS WIN!

Meanwhile Leikn is getting tips from her sister.

You're still one bolters, and yet you're doing this autonomously? They must be in the love dorm.

Then that lot glitched and wouldn't work either so I moved in Imma and The Claudio and pulled them into Fiesta Tech and crossed my fingers and toes.

Rekkr wastes no time in wanting to fulfill his and Delphina's wants of getting engaged.

After which Hetta and Anabela also rolled the want to get engaged. I SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING THERE HETTA!


Thankfully Molda and Imma have some restraint.

Not a lot, but some! It counts!

They're so cute together. :D

Oh yeah and my first Mini-challenge was 3:6 She's Simply Irresistible: all female sims on the lot must max out their Charisma skill within the week.

The heir candidates all had that by teenage years. The move ins not so much and since I moved them in right before sophomore year. I failed that. Dammit.

The girls are randomly doing a smustle shunning on the cow mascot.

Sophomore Mini-challenge 6:3 Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition: NOT THE FLUFFY CUSHIONS, ANYTHING BUT THAT! All existing chairs/beds in the house must be swapped for the highest comfort replacements. You have the week to achieve this - if you've not earned enough during the week you may sell items, forego food, or whatever is necessary (without cheats) to achieve this goal.

My dice are very decisive about these kinds of things. Here's a shot of most of the dorm being done over. I still need several chairs in the dining room/patio. Incidentally, I failed that one. It took three semesters worth of college money to do a complete change over and two semesters per year. :(

Imma is worried that she and Molda might no win the heirship. Or worse they will and she'll be stuck with Embla as a MiL.

Luckily she gets over it pretty quickly. As pleasure sims do.

Hetta and Anabela aren't really worried about their chances. They plan on stealing the limelight often next update and winning over the readers.

Leikn and The Claudio will not be outdone!

Anabela trying to hone in on a Molda and Imma moment...or more accurately Molda and Imma have less self control autonomously then the rest of them.

A lot less...

Rekkr and Delphina had opposite sleep/school schedules so they didn't have any cutesy moments for a while there. I'm sure they'll rally back for the second half of college though. :D

Next time, Junior and Senior years! AND THEN THE HEIR POLL!!!

viking death squad, sims 2

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