Friday, I took the day off. Jana's school was closed for an in-service day so I just planned to spend it with her. I did get up 2 hrs before she did and was able to get some gardening done. Hmm, I think that was the only time I got for gardening*.
After breakfast I took her to one of the playgrounds the Pittsburgh Mothers Center women meet regularly at every Friday at 11am. She seemed to have a great time. We stopped at a Starbucks on the way to pick up Iced Passion Tazo tea, our favorite. One of the moms at the park kept suggesting we're drinking some fancy Italian soda. Sigh, I think I told her 3 times we're drinking herbal tea. She gave me a look as if to say, "What toddler drinks tea, let alone herbal tea?" I told her twice, "I won't let her have soda." Whatever.
Then it was nap time. I worked on some bills and put together some deposits. And made a graduation card for my nephew who's graduating this weekend from Cal State Poly.
After Jana got up, I drove around with her. Luckily, there are drive-by mailboxes and banks nearby. We only had to get out for the pharmacy stop. Then she spent the rest of the evening after dinner playing with her new golf set. She was more interested in carrying them around on her shoulder than hacking.
I was exhausted by 8pm. I coaxed her into a much needed bath and then bed for both of us as soon as her hair was dry enough. Michael worked through the day and then went to Mingo observatory after dinner to help plan some wireless network install there. Plus he probably did some stargazing if anyone from the Astronomy Club was there. I woke up when he got home at 12:48am. I haven't been able to fall back asleep since.
This weekend is a
Strawberry Festival, I hope we can make it.
* - Gardening stuff done from previous list:
(1) Wonder Light Tomato going upside
CHECK Add eggshell and more potting mix to Mountain Princess
CHECK Add more potting mix to various pots
CHECK Add more soil to potato containers (need to purchase) - eh, just used my premium potting mix
Add more potting mix and strawberry plants to hanging planter
Coffee plants to: green 8" pots and seeding tray when empty
I also transplanted some seedlings into bigger containers:
(2) Yellow Pear Tomatoes
(1) Cherokee Purple
(1) Roma
An update on my self-watering containers. (
What I ordered.
When they arrived, I planted chives seeds in one, parsley seeds in another, lavendar from Lowes and coffee seedlings from Gurney's.) Well, it seems that I have proper wicking in 2 out of 4 planters. I really have no idea what the real difference was. I tried to put them together in exactly the same way. I guess I'll have to take 2 of them apart to re-do. The soil dried out and hardened badly in the chives and lavendar containers. The lavendar is surviving but I have no chives.