dear god, not another one!!!

Jan 11, 2010 17:33

How much do I need a new television show right now? Oh, not at all.

How much do I need a new variation on cop partners with banter and sparkly chemistry and UST? LIKE I NEED A HOLE IN MY HEAD! You know this is true.

And yet what have I fallen head over heels for in the past 48 hours? Lie to Me


It's Tim Roth! I'm not sure how I've resisted this long, really. And Gillian ought to irritate me with her excessive girliness, but instead I kind of love her a lot. Oh, I don't know! I'm beginning to think I'm hopeless!!!

Though unlike, say, Bones, where I mostly just don't pay attention to the parts with the bones and the case-solving, I find I'm actually really fascinated by the Lie to Me premise: how do you know when someone is telling the truth, when does it matter, and when is it better to lie? And they're lie detectors for hire, too, so there's this ambiguous element where they don't have to be committed to Truth and Justice (tm) all the time, and that's fun, too. I mean, mostly it's totally a predicable procedural with sparkly partner chemistry, but with just enough of a twist that I don't actually tune out the solving-the-case bits as much.


In better television news, I've started rewatching TSCC with R., who has not seen it before. AND OH, HOW I LOVE SARAH CONNOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it's amazing how much I don't remember from season 1! I don't have time for this, but it's well worth it anyway.


And tomorrow is DANIEL/JANET DAY!!!!!! And my fic will so not be ready in time. But I am writing fic. Which I also don't have time for. Nevertheless, I am, and I think if we appoint January as Daniel/Janet MONTH, I will not be late!

It's like fandom just swooped back in this week, despite my best intentions, and jumped up and down flapping its arms screaming, "hey, pay attention to me!!!" And I, naturally, am powerless to resist. Even though I really have a zillion more important things I need to be doing instead.

lie to me, tscc, daniel/janet

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