
Jan 14, 2010 22:45

I mostly participated in More Joy Day non-fannishly: I took the time to get back in touch with some people I haven't been the best about keeping in touch with, I called some people up for no reason--just because I wanted to say hi. And I'm not always the best about doing that sort of thing, but I should be better, because it's a joyful thing to do, connecting with other humans you love!

And I've been trying to think all day what I could do that would be LJ-based, but to be honest, I don't have time to write fic other than the one I'm already working on (which will hopefully bring some people some joy, once it's finished), and I haven't been reading much fic (other than Lie to Me, omg!) so don't have a list of things to rec, and ultimately I think I'm left with a list of the things that have made me smile a lot today. That feels selfish--to list the things that have brought me joy rather than making an effort to bring it to others--but the funny thing about this joy stuff is that it all sort of goes into a big pile and everyone benefits, I think.

So. Joyful things:

1. Leftover joy from Tuesday: on Tuesday evening the old Daniel/Janet gang got together for a party--about a dozen or so of the Gateview Girls watching shippy eps and chatting and reminiscing, and it was So Much Fun!!!!!!!!! This is why fandom is so special, y'all! Because even when it's years later and people have gone in their various directions, there's still this community because we loved this show and these characters and this small, almost non-pairing, and I'm so glad I got an opportunity to reconnect with my first fannish family this week!

2. chaila43 wrote Sarah Connor fic!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a little snippet of Sarah and James and Savannah, post-finale, and it's just SO perfect!!!! Which leads me to

3. I've started rewatching TSCC with R. this week, and MY GOD, I LOVE SARAH CONNOR!!!!!! Even more than I remembered. And the show is so much better than I remembered, too!!!!! I keep trying to find words for it, but instead I just sort of bounce and flap.

4. Something else that's making me bounce and flap: this Slings and Arrows vid!!!!!! First thing I've watched from Festivids, which went live today (masterlist here), and if they're all like this, my mind will be BLOWN! Oliver, Geoffrey, and Ellen, and!!!!

5. Have people seen the promo for next week's Castle???? OMG!

6. And Lie to Me is officially my new obsession. YOU ALL NEED TO BE WATCHING THIS SHOW, SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!! Because at first I thought, "oh, another cop partner show," and it is that, with all the trappings (including the eccentric-but-prickly genius protagonist trope that seems to be so especially popular these days, from House to Bones to The Mentalist, etc.). And yet it's really a lot more than that, as well. There's some real character growth and development, and the interpersonal relationships are set up in such a way that allow for surprising moments and interactions. And all told it's a much more character-driven show than most of the other procedurals I've been watching lately, while still retaining the comfortable format that's so characteristic of the genre. I find it's sort of the best of both worlds--just brainless enough, yet also just engaging enough--and as much as I enjoyed both Castle and Bones this week, they also both look really one-note compared with Lie to Me.

Anyway, I'm now 9 episodes in to season 1, and I am IN LOVE!!!! And because there don't seem to be that many people watching, I take it upon myself to spread the word: if you like Bones or Castle but sometimes get bored by the plot or wish that the interpersonal dynamics were a little meatier, check out Lie to Me!

So there we have it: my Day O' Joy! I hope at least some of it manages to bring you a little bit of joy, as well!

lie to me, tscc, castle, fic rec, more joy day!, vid rec

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