all kinds of joy!

Jan 05, 2010 22:20

1. Back in the classroom for the first time in six months. Early signs are positive--a good group, and yes, I do really love teaching (at least most of the time), even though sometimes I forget that.

2. Mail call! I've forgotten to shout out to all the wonderful people who sent me cards and in doing so made my holiday season a bit less stressful. Thanks to gabolange (did I tell you I'd gotten your card?!?), zinke, brynnmck, siljamus, runawaynun, kernezelda, frolicndetour, and 50mm!!! I'm hanging them up in my carrel tomorrow so they can boost me through the rest of the diss!

3. It seems my recent experience in fannish navel gazing has served primarily to explain my whole Daniel/Janet history to the people who have gotten to know me more recently. Nevertheless, I'm still not sure that there's a way to explain to the non-Daniel/Janet people why I'm so excited that a week from today will be the Ultimate Dan/Jan Day!!!!! It's one of those awesome fan community things that has a long and not entirely logical history and basically comes down to the fact that we've arrived at the future and must therefore celebrate with ship nostalgia. It is 2010!!!! The year it all began! Somehow I must figure out when I'm going to write Daniel/Janet fic in the next week...

4. Regardless of how you feel about Daniel and Janet, I think we can all get behind the other big celebration of next week: More Joy Day!!!!!!!! There is absolutely no downside to More Joy Day! Go make someone's day better next Thursday. Or, well, every day--but especially next Thursday!

more joy day!, daniel/janet

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