Need urgent help, budgie poop

Nov 30, 2012 17:47

My budgie's poop is yellow and greasy looking. Recently.(2 days ago) I gave them strength/egg based food but only this budgie has the yellow poop. His cage mate's poop is normal.(but maybe they didn't eat any) What could this mean, did she just eat a lot of it or can it be something else? It's not diarrea, it's solid. He looks healthy otherwise and still eats.

I read that yellow poop can indicate liver disease. If so, can I afford to wait two days until I go to the vet? I need to be away all day tomorrow and there is no vet on sunday. If anyone knows if the food's effect can work for that long(2,5 day) I would be relieved to hear. Thank you for your help.


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