Not sure what happened. :'(

Nov 30, 2012 12:52

I came home last night to find my pacific parrotlet, Oghren, had died during the day. :'(
I don't understand what happened to him! I know that birds are masters at hiding their illnesses, but I am very atuned to spotting it if they are sick having had birds all my life.

I know he was a little less frisky than usual the past few days, and he did not like to be handled at all. He recently was out of his cage and flew around way too much, I saw him come down hard on a landing spot. I'm wondering if he hurt himself internally and I didn't notice? Can that kill a bird? Is that common?

It's so heartbreaking to know you were not there with them when they died. As much as I hate the feeling of a bird dying in my hands, at least they feel some comfort. I know my others did when they got past the point of any hope with illnesses. Oghren really didn't like to be handled, but he would've liked to have heard my voice as he was always so chipper that way. Parrotlets are sassy little guys, and I'm going to miss that.

My other concern now is should I freak out that my Quaker Parrot and Budgie were in the same room as Oghren? I promptly removed Oghren's cage and his body from the room they are in, but now I'm concerned.
Anything I should do as precaution?

*sigh* I hate losing little pieces of my heart, but I wouldn't have it any other way as a bird lover.


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