Title: The Academy Is...
paranoiascreamsChapters: 12/?
Genre: AU, crack, high school life, angst, fluff, romance
Pairing: Tora x Saga (main), Shou x Hiroto, Kai x Uruha, Reita x Aoi, Kazuki x Manabu, Jin x Yuuto, Byou x Hikaru
Rating: PG - 13
Warning: dialogue-driven, un-beta'd
Disclaimer: The Academy Is... is a band. I dont own them, nor the PSC boys. The story is all mine.
Summary: The boys are all in high school, like everybody else's experience, they belong to different cliques, but when their lives intertwined, their lives changed and made high school unforgettable.
Comments: I'm not sure but I think high school is only three years in Japan? I remember in Gokusen that they're section is 3-D but they're about to graduate hehehe.
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [Interlude] [12] [13] Hiroto sighs as he watches Shou talk to the decorating team for the festival. He rests his chin on his palm and waits patiently until his lover's done.
The young blond turns to the window and looks at the clouds outside. The sun is shining brightly on the sky and the morning gives him a nostalgic feeling.
Hiroto smiles.
Never in his wildest dreams would he ever think about dating Shou.
Rewind a year ago. Hiroto is a freshman and Shou's a second year student. Even then, Shou is a popular kid - to both boys and girls -with good looks, a gentle personality and a kind smile for everyone, no one can ever resist that charm. Even with eccentricity, Shou is loved by all.
And Hiroto hates people adored by many.
In their school there are those exceptionally popular students in their own field. Tora is the star player of the varsity, and is up to be the next captain next year. Aoi may not be the president of the music club, but he's definitely the most popular member. He doesn't speak much but his mysterious aura only added to his fame. Then there's Shou of the drama club, an exceptional kid with exceptional acting talents. He's diversed and can take on whatever roles he's been given and act it out with all his passion. And the most famous would have to be Uruha, Hiroto's own older brother. Smart, collected, and reliable. The vice president of the student council and the top student their school ever had.
And Hiroto hates to have to bask in his brother's glory whether he likes it or not, that he becomes rebellious. He becomes the infamous younger brother of Uruha, but even if he skips class, fight with a lot of other students or even scream to his professors, he's still popular and adored by most. And he hates that his rebellion causes people to think he's only undergoing some sort of phase and they find it adorable.
But Shou's different from all the people he's known. Different. Figuratively and literally.
Hiroto's watched him in plays, seen him with his bestfriend Saga most of the time but he's never seen Shou stress out over club activities, he's never met someone who looks so normal, and down - to - earth. Hiroto's always been surrounded by people who's fame blows up their ego and heads, thanks to the social parties their family gives monthly. His prejudice against popular people has been totally knocked down by Shou.
It took some sort of twist of fate when their paths and hearts finally crossed.
"My prince, are you okay?"
Hiroto's thoughts are cut off when object of his affection sits across him with a worried face.
"I'm fine, Shou. Why did you stop the meeting?"
"My heart felt bad when I saw you staring blankly outside. You seem to be uninterested. If you decide to do something else and not be here, I will totally understand."
Hiroto smiles and gives a pinch on Shou's nose, "You know I love watching you work your magic."
"Aww, you make my heart burst into a million star fragments." Shou giggles.
The door bursts open to the surprise of everyone and Reita steps inside rushing towards the young blond. "Good God. I finally found you."
"Me?" Hiroto asks confusingly, "We were all just together earlier, Reita - senpai."
"We have practice. Music room. Aoi's already there, Kai called and he has some personal business with Kazuki."
"Wow. Less than an hour after brunch and something's bound to happen to Kazuki." Hiroto comments then turns to Shou, the senior gives him a tight hug and a victory sign.
"I'll drop by later to breathe in your music once my meeting here is finished. I shall see you until then."
Hiroto smiles and bows before leaving the room with Reita.
"What are you grinning about?" Reita asks.
"None of your business, senpai."
Reita smirks, this young blond ought to be punched. The senior shakes the thought off his head and asks, "How'd you end up with Shou?"
"Huh?" Hiroto's obviously not ready for the question, Reita smirks wider, "I mean, I'm curious. Did you just date him to piss Uruha off? You know your brother's always about the norms and your boyfriend clearly defies Uruha just by being you know, him."
"Shou saved me."
"Saved you, how?" Reita's really curious now. He's not the type to be, but Hiroto and Shou's relationship is really weird - nobody ever saw it coming, the rebellious younger brother dating the famous and eccentric drama club president.
"I used to be in a lot of back alley brawl, remember?" Hiroto starts, not knowing why he does, but he does so anyway. Reita nods his head, nevermind the slow pace both of them are doing now, Aoi can wait.
"One time, it was really fucking serious. I was bleeding to death. And I was alone. I didn't want to call Uruha since he'll freak out and I might just punch his face too and then out of nowhere an obviously expensive scarf was being wiped on my face and countless of OH MY GOODNESS was ringing in my head."
"That's Shou for sure."
"Yeah... I only caught a glimpse of his worried face before i passed out."
"You died?"
"What the fuck, man. I died? Seriously?" Hiroto stops on his tracks and gives a confused look at Reita, "Why are you my senpai?"
"I.WAS.JUST.KIDDING." Reita glares, "Continue, you idiot."
"I woke up in his bedroom with him sleeping on a chair beside me. He told me he took me to his house and he had their family doctor fix me up. You could say I owe my life to him."
Reita smirks, "Your love story's so cliche, do you notice that?"
"I know. I KNOW." Hiroto glares at his senior but continues on, " But he's different in my opinion because for all I know, elites would have probably not run to me and avoid me thinking I'm some sort of trash left on the side of the road. But Shou, he didn't. He ran up to me and used his own scarf, laid me on his own bed and had their doctor treat me. You wouldn't want to know how we started dating right, because come on. That's too much sticking of your nose where it doesn't belong, senpai."
"I guess i dont wanna know. Fairly predictable anyway." Reita walks back on their normal pace but almost falls flat on his face when Hiroto asks a question.
"How about you and Aoi-senpai?"
"I saw you picking his locker's lock. Aaaaand putting a rose inside." Hiroto walks ahead, Reita pulls him back hard.
"Did you tell anyone about what you saw?!??!" Reita is staring hard at the younger boy, Hiroto is smirking like mad.
"No. NOT YET."
"Why not? Aoi-senpai would loooove to know who his secret admirer is, wouldn't he?"
"Look, I'm just trying to get enough courage before I tell him. You ruin my plan I'll pull your guts out, Hiroto." The senior pulls Hiroto by the collar, but the younger boy laughs maniacally. He is cut short when the door to the music room opens, "When are you two planning to get in here?" Aoi is standing between the door, Reita's face turns white.
He couldn't have heard this prick, could he?!
"Senpaiiii, have you heard what we were talking about?" Hiroto asks, grinning. It's obvious he wants to piss Reita more.
"No. Only your laughter. Get inside, now. We're already backed up with tons of works to do." Aoi gets back inside, Reita releases his grip on Hiroto.
"You call me that again I am telling him the moment 'Uruha Junior' slips out of your mouth again." Hiroto fixes his collar and walks ahead, Reita follows him.
"By the way," Hiroto turns to Reita again, "I think your love story is more cliche than mine. Just saying." the young blond smirks then gets inside the room.
"Is he okay?" Uruha asks once Kai gets out of the president's office.
"He's sleeping." Kai sits on the bench outside the room, Uruha does the same beside him.
"Did he tell you what happened?" Uruha asks with concern, Kai smiles.
"Are you really that nonchalant person we all used to know?"
The Student Body president pouts, "Excuse me, Kai. I actually have a heart."
"Really? Am i in there?"
Uruha gasps and turns away, he can feel his cheeks burning, " You asshole. I'm gonna leave you."
"I was just teasing." Kai grabs hold of Uruha's hand and pulls him back down to the bench.
"I hate it when you tease me."
Because you get me confused with a lot of things.
"Because it's so hard to take you seriously, do you know that?" Uruha hisses, Kai laughs.
"Fine. Fine... I'll be serious."
Uruha takes a look at Kai who's just smiling beside him. "Kazuki respects you alot, huh?"
"We grew up together. That kid. He was orphaned at a young age and our family took him in. He was of course a delinquent in so many levels. I had to restrain him. I used to beat him up like mad."
"You? Beat him up?" Uruha laughs, Kai nods.
"Yeah. I needed to straighten him up. I used to ignore how he beats up kids in the playground and lift girls' skirts there but when it got worse, you know... he came home almost everyday bleeding. His wounds weren't healed yet and there were new ones already. That was when i finally told myself, 'that was it'."
"You really have a knack of straightening people up, huh?"
Kai looks at him apprehensively, the drummer scratches his head. "Well, you could say that."
"Am I your new experiment?" Uruha asks with conviction.
"You're not an experiment Uruha. Is that what you think this is?" Kai asks with a raised eyebrow, Uruha nods. "Well, you're not. Okay? It will seem like it, but tell me. Honestly, do you hate this? You're having a bigger social network. You're meeting people, befriending them even, and those people are those you wont even greet in the hallway WITHOUT reprimanding them. Take Tora and Reita for example. Who would guess you'd even join them for lunch?"
Uruha lowers his head, "It's not that I hate that I'm meeting these new people. I dont. I find them all amusing actually. I just dont want to think that you're experimenting on me because I'm bent a little and I need to be straightened up."
Kai pinches Uruha's cheek, "You're never an experiment, Uruha. You're my friend. And I like you like that."
"You like me like what?" Uruha blushes a little and faces Kai.
"Like that. You know. A little weak. A little confused. Makes you more reachable." Kai smiles and gets up from his seat. "I'm leaving now, Uruha. I need to get to my rehearsals too. Can you keep an eye out on Kazuki? You can call me when he wakes up."
"Sure. Do I have to be warned about his waking habits though?"
"Mind his foot. He kicks everything in his path."
"Just kidding." Kai laughs then pinches both Uruha's cheeks.
"You're so cute. Bye Uruha." Kai turns and walks away, leaving Uruha flushed red.
Jin grumbles as he walks around the school. He doesn't have anyone with him after he stormed out of the laboratory. He sighs as he sits on the grass nearby the soccerfield.
"Yuutooooo... why do you torture me so?" He asks to no one in particular and lays his body on the greens.
"Uhmn, excuse me..."
Jin opens his eyes and looks up to see a man staring down at him, "Yes?" he asks.
"I'm kind of, a transfer student here and I just arrived today. I see that everyone's busy so i thought it's a bad time... and I see you sleeping there, and... uhmn."
Jin sits up and smiles, he finds it amusing that the transfer student is almost in tears as he explains his currrent situation, "Calm down."
"I dont like transferring. It's what I hate the most." The students lips shake, "Can you help me?"
Jin stands up and brushes himself off, "Sure. I dont have anything to do anyway."
"What's happening in this school anyway?" The transferee asks with his lips pouting a little.
"It's almost time for the festival and we have two weeks off for it. You came at a very awesome time!"
The new student giggles, "You could say that, I guess."
Jin extends his hand to the taller boy (which he just noticed) in front of him, I'm Jin. I'm a junior student here. You are?"
"Rui. Nice meeting you. I'm an incoming junior too." Rui gives off a welcoming smile and Jin can't help but sigh.
Author's Notes: Update! Wooot~!! I really liked the convo between Reita and Hiroto. Lol. And i'm still thinking of what to do with the new character that emerged. hahahahah~!!!