Title: The Academy Is...
paranoiascreamsChapters: 11/?
Genre: AU, crack, high school life, angst, fluff
Pairing: Tora x Saga (main), Shou x Hiroto, Kai x Uruha, Reita x Aoi, Kazuki x Manabu, Jin x Yuuto
Rating: PG - 13
Warning: dialogue-driven, un-beta'd
Disclaimer: The Academy Is... is a band. I dont own them, nor the PSC boys. The story is all mine.
Summary: The boys are all in high school, like everybody else's experience, they belong to different cliques, but when their lives intertwined, their lives changed and made high school unforgettable.
Comments: This chapter is almost nonsensical except towards the end.
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [Interlude] [12] [13] "He slept over." Aoi tells Kai, the mysterious senior is obviously oblivious to the huge grins from some of the other people in the room.
"And why would my bestfriend sleep over?" Tora asks with mockery in his voice; Reita glares at him only to get smirked at by the basketball team's captain.
"I invited him over for practice. We didn't notice the time so i just told him to sleep over." Aoi answers Tora without even a hint of discretion.
"I never slept over in your house." Kai adds and Aoi faces him, "You live nearby my place, there's no need for you to sleep over, ever."
Kai pouts, "Well I guess you have a point."
"A valid point actually. Even if you're his bestfriend, you're creepy." Uruha comments as he takes another spoonful of the food Kai cooked.
"Hey, I resent that!"
Everybody laughs at the small bickering that ensues between Uruha and Kai - issues on how Uruha's learning from the worst and that Kai hasn't given his best yet. It's not everyday that you'd suddenly see this group of students altogether in the campus; if anything, if given different circumstances, they'd actually be ignoring some of these people, more so not know that some of them even exist.
"Focus on me again! PLEASE!" Jin screams, the short blond is obviously an attention-seeker. All eyes turn to him, he grins in victory, "Help me out with Yuu-chan..."
Nobody says anything and the room falls too silent you can hear them breathing - until it's broken off by Saga's question, "To whom are you referring to, exactly?"
The group goes in a fit of laughter again, except for Jin who turns beet red from embarrassment.
"Well, uhh... Anyone who's willing to help?" the short blond can only scratch his head - the only salvation he has from dying more from humiliation.
Most people just nod their heads and shrug - a silent response to Jin's pleas.
"Oh, count me out. I've never had a boyfriend." Saga shakes his head, his comment gets the focus of the group towards him, especially the raven - haired captain beside him.
"NEVER had one?"
"Never, okay?! Shout it out to the whole galaxy, wont you?" Saga exclaims with a scrunched eyebrow. Kai and Reita (who instantly recovers since the focus diverted away from him and Aoi sleeping together) grins and as if by some sort of mental connection, blurts out the same thing.
"You're gross, do you know that?" Uruha pushes him away from him. Saga throws crumpled napkins to Kai and Reita.
"I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one worth sacrificing inside this room!" Saga crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for anyone to agree with him. Nobody does. Saga gasps and looks at Manabu.
"M - me...? Oh... I - I can't be sacrificed."
"You can't?!" Kazuki exclaims, Manabu nods apprehensively, "I... I've had a boyfriend before..."
Instead of the short brunet blushing, it's Kazuki who does, "My innocent Manabu...."
"Please tell me i'm not the only one with NBSB* syndrome..." Saga looks at everyone in the room, then sighs. "Shit... You too, Uruha?"
"Yeah. In middle school. First boyfriend. Nothing too serious." Uruha nods, Hiroto chirps in, "You were better in middle school, brother."
"I was lazy." Uruha tells his younger brother and then dismisses the subject immediately by turning his attention to Saga again, "Looks like you're really the only one."
"My goodness, Tora. You're gonna ravage a virgin." Reita teases his bestfriend, and before Tora can retort, a loud voice finally emerges from hiding.
"NO RAVAGING WILL BE DONE TO MY BESTFRIEND! ESPECIALLY NOT FROM THAT EVIL FIEND!" Shou screams with shaking fists, startling everyone around him.
"They really brought in a defective replacement... YO, WEIRDO! WHETHER I RAVAGE YOUR SAGA OR NOT, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT." Tora exclaims, he grins. He loves pissing Shou off.
"So you really have an intention to ravage Saga - senpai?" Hiroto asks with a raised eyebrow to defend his lover.
"Well, not exactly..." Tora turns red, Reita laughs, "You dont want that pure and innocent sacrifice? I'll take him."
"Shut up Reita or you'll end up in the center of this all!"
"Fine! I'm shutting up Tora. You bastard."
Aoi smiles faintly at the commotion. He realizes that neither any of the people in the room noticed that they had all become friends, accidentally or by some sort of twist of faith. Aoi's always been keen on little details, especially on things he's not used to and will need time to adjust. Having a bigger group of friends is an alien to him since it's always just him and Kai (with the occasional Hiroto during club meetings) together. He feels a home-y feeling about the people around him, even with all the bickering and the noise. Honestly, he likes it.
"NO RAVAGING! NOT YOU! NEVER YOU! YOU'RE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO DATE HIM!" Shou stands up from his seat, ready to attack Tora, only to be pulled back down by Hiroto.
"Too bad weirdo, we're going out on Sunday. Just like you told me to do." Tora smirks.
"TORA!!!" Saga hits Tora's arm then buries his face with his palms, Saga knows he's blushing and he's trying to hide it.
"FIRST DATE!!!" Kai exclaims with a closed fist, as if showing a victorious move.
"Why Tora...? I pity you, Saga." Uruha tsks as he shakes his head left to right.
"What's wrong with me, your highness?"
"You're an arrogant bully. You think good looks will get you everywhere. You're wrong. That's never the case."
"And being uptight is?" Tora crosses his arms over his chest. "You're sterotyping jocks, Uruha." Admittedly, Tora's getting a little pissed, only just a little because it takes a lot to piss the tiger.
"No need to stereotype you, you're a typical jock." Uruha shrugs then faces Kai, "Kai, indeed the food is delicious, thank you. I have to go on ahead." Uruha checks his watch, "I'm already almost an hour late with my meeting. I'll be on my way." The president smiles - to Kai first, then to everyone else before he leaves the room.
"Can we all focus on me again?!" Jin raises his voice, Kazuki scoffs, "You know Jin, there are far more interesting stuff that just surfaced than your problem with Yuu - chan."
"Interesting stuff like what?! My problem's obviously the most important here."
Hiroto raises an eyebrow, he's still patting Shou's back. The drama club president's still in shock that Saga agreed on the date. "Reita - senpai sleeping over at Aoi-senpai's house is one." Uruha's brother tells the short blond.
Reita responds immediately in order to get the focus away from him, "I think Manabu having a boyfriend in the past is way better."
Manabu gets wide-eyed, Kazuki pulls the shorter boy closer to him. "That's not interesting, senpai!" The playboy exclaims in defense.
Kai crosses his arms over his chest and speaks with a grin, "Having our little virgin get sacrificed to a hungry tiger is the best."
"You're assholes." Saga exclaims with a pout, "I just haven't found the One."
"Tora is the One, no questions about that. The One who rules over the blazing inferno of hell. Do not waste your precious innocence on him, Saga-chii. I'll have to perform harakiri if that happens, it's shameful to see my beautiful bestfriend with a demon..." Shou grunts as he gives Tora a death glare.
"You weirdo, shut up and do the harakiri now and get out of my life." Tora glares back at him with more intent.
The staring showdown gets interrupted when Jin stands up from his seat with full force, swinging his bag over his shoulders, "Some friends you all are." he comments and marches out of the room.
Hiroto scans his eyes to the people left inside the lab, "We all became friends, huh? Weird as our little group might be..."
"We have the rain and the diner to thank..." Kai agrees with a smile on his face as he scans the room as well.
"... I'll clean up." Aoi offers, living alone made him domesticated after all. The dark - haired senior gets up from his seat and takes the dirty dishes off the table, Reita does the same.
Shou scoffs, "I'll have to take my leave now for I am a busy person too. I need to beautify our beloved school for the festival. Saga, I shall see you later for our drama club meeting. DO NOT be absent and keep your distance away from that fiendish jock. He's quietly and stealthily stealing you away from me." the drama club president stands up and takes his bag, Hiroto holds his hand and they bid their farewells to the rest of the people left.
"Aoi, just leave the containers in the closet. I'll take it all later. I need to talk to Uruha with our club's participation in the festival." Kai tells his bestfriend and exits out immediately.
"We're gonna go ahead too. See you when we do." Kazuki tells the remaining seniors in the room, he takes Manabu by the hand only to get it pulled away. Manabu meekly waves goodbye and walks out with Kazuki.
Saga fidgets in his seat, with the only four people left - two cleaning the dishes, without the teasing and the bickering, the air suddenly becomes a little weird for him. The silence takes its toll on Saga so he stands up and takes his bag, "I'm gonna go and see if Shou needs help." Before Saga can move away, Tora takes him by the wrist.
"Come with me." Tora stands up, "Hey, Reita."
Reita takes his attention away from the dishes and to his bestfriend, "What now, Tora?"
"I'll see you later. I need MORE details." Tora tells him looking at Aoi and back to Reita. Saga bows and leaves with Tora, wherever the jock might decide to take him.
Saga finds himself on the rooftop, near the water tank - the highest point of their building. Tora sits in the cemented floor, Saga sits beside him.
"The air feels nice, Tora. Do you often come here?" Saga asks, Tora nods in silence.
"No wonder. You're a jock after all, you live to cut classes."
"Was it true?" Tora breaks his silence with the question.
"What's true?" Saga turns to face his companion.
"About you... you know?"
Saga turns red and hits Tora playfully, "Yah... drop the subject."
"I'm just curious."
"Well... yeah? I've never fallen in love." Saga sighs and closes his eyes. He breathes in the cold breeze and listens to the quiet humming of the wind. Tora stares at Saga, he touches his chest. His heart is currently beating too fast for his own comfort. The feeling isn't new, Tora knows very well why his heart is beating like this but this is stronger than in the past. This is too strong. And he's scared, real bad.
"Hmn?" Saga opens his eyes and looks at Tora, "What is it?"
"What do you think of me?"
Saga chuckles and raises an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"
Tora scratches his head, "I mean... Am I likable? Or do you hate me with passion too, just like your bestfriend?"
The brunet laughs and shrugs his shoulders, "You're random. It's not like I ever found myself being friends with you. I mean, we've been in this school for a long time and became friends on our senior year. I never thought I'd sit here with you, and even agree to go out on Sunday." Saga smiles for a moment then continues, "You seem to be keeping a huge secret too, you know. Hiding beneath that cool exterior. How about you? What do you think about me?"
"You're a mind-reader, Saga." Tora averts his eyes away from the boy beside him then lies on the floor.
"That's it?! I'm a mind reader? You're lame."
And a frickin' heart invader.
Tora stays quiet. He did ask Saga for a date, something he did just to thank Saga for all the things he had done for him. Knowing that Saga had never fallen in love kind of tipped the balance over. It can be a big responsibility and it gives Tora a faster adrenaline rush; of excitement, nervousness, and fear. Mostly about his fears and Tora's inner demons.
"You're no fun, Tora. I'm gonna go ahead, okay?" Saga tells him but he doesn't move from his spot when Tora holds his hand.
"Stay with me for awhile, Saga."
They've been walking for awhile now as they make their way back to the shorter boy's own classroom, and Kazuki can't take the silent treatment Manabu gives him since this morning. "What's wrong, Manabu? You're here with me, but not really with me."
Manabu sighs then looks up to Kazuki, "Kazuki... I can't like you back."
"You can't? But you do?" Kazuki's eyes light up, even a small chance with Manabu is okay.
"Maybe. I don't know. I don''t want to know. You don't know anything about me... I don't think you'll like me if you do." Manabu hangs his head low, refusing to look at the resident playboy.
"Tell me and I'll decide. But with you? I'm pretty sure I'll still like you all the same."
"... You wont. Just leave me alone." Manabu walks away, Kazuki is left dumbfounded in the middle of a slightly busy hallway.
"Zukki-kun~!!" The twins Byou and Ruki interrupt Kazuki's thoughts the moment the two blonds saw Manabu walk away from their appointed leader of the pack.
"Why are you still wasting your time with that whore?" Byou asks as he wraps his arm around Kazuki's shoulder.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Kazuki pulls away from Byou, glaring at his friend. The last word just made his blood boil.
"We did some research on your new playmate." Ruki tells him, ignoring the rage emanating from Kazuki's voice.
"Apparently, your darling and sweet Manabu used to sell himself to anyone who can pay." Byou smirks before Kazuki's fist lands on his face.
"SHUT UP BYOU!" Kazuki screams, causing the attention of the people decorating the hallway turn to them.
"We're just saying what we found out from his middle school! We're just concerned about you!" Ruki screams as he picks his brother up from the floor.
"Did I tell you to do this?! I don't need the two of you snooping for his past!"
"How would we know?! You used to let us check the backgrounds of all the people you play with! What makes him any different?! You dont hang out with us anymore to let us know what you want. You turned away from our friendship to waste your time with a lying whore!" Byou screams in anger, the other students scream when Kazuki punches Byou again, pinning the older twin under him, punching him continuously in a fit of rage, Ruki tries to pry the two of the apart only to be punched too, Byou takes this as a cue to land his fist on Kazuki's face too.
"KAZUKI!" Uruha runs to the commotion with Kai running behind him. "Stop it this instant!" Uruha stomps his foot, Kai steps in to pull his cousin away from his bleeding classmate.
"Take your twin to the clinic, Ruki." Kai tells the younger twin as he forces Kazuki to stop struggling against his grip since his younger cousin is still trying to land another punch on Byou. Ruki pushes his brother away from the commotion and they head to the clinic.
Kazuki's breathing is way too fast that Kai had to shake him up a little as he tightens his grip on his cousin.
"Let me go." Kazuki glares at his cousin as he swings his way away from Kai, only to be grabbed on the wrist again by his older cousin.
"Don't even think of starting a fistfight with me Kazuki. You're coming with me." Kai tells the younger boy with scrunched eyebrows and a tight jaw.
"Get back to your own business. I'll handle this." Uruha tells the curious onlookers, and with his words, the students go back to their own businesses, nobody tries to defy Uruha, except maybe to Tora and Reita anyway.
Kazuki and Kai walks on ahead towards the music room. The younger boy wipes his bleeding mouth with the back of his hand.
"What happened?" Kai asks, concern returning in his voice. Kazuki ignores him by releasing himself from his cousin's grip.
"Can you fix him up? I have my own first aid kit in my office. I'll bring it to the music room. I'll be back." Uruha tells Kai and before Kai can say anything, the president is already running towards his own office.
"What happened to you...?" Manabu asks, he had just gotten out of the toilet and he sees Kazuki's bleeding face, "I only left like... 5 minutes ago..."
"Tell me it's not true, Manabu. Lie to me if you have to..." Kazuki whispers, Manabu gets wide-eyed. He knows very well what Kazuki is talking about, "Who told you...?" The shorter boy's voice quiver and he hangs his head low again, Kazuki punches the wall behind Manabu, "Lie to me, Manabu!"
Kai pulls his cousin away from Manabu a little, Manabu's lips shake and if it is still possible, he tries to hang his head lower than it is now, and his tears are falling down to the floor.
"I told you Kazuki..."
"You can lie... Manabu. Please...."
Manabu shakes his head, "It's true." Manabu gazes up to see Kazuki's lips shaking and almost in tears. "...I'm sorry, Kazuki." Manabu runs away, Kazuki punches the wall again, stronger this time, causing his knuckles to bleed.
"Stop it, Kazuki. You're gonna hurt yourself more." Kai pulls his cousin again and tries to get him to walk with him, "Let's go."
"Ahhhh!!!" Kazuki screams, too loud to get some students passing by them to turn their attention to Kazuki. Kai tells them to mind their own business again then turns to his cousin, "Look. Kazuki, I dont know what happened, but if you like Manabu enough, you'd talk this out..."
"I don't... I can't even look at him..." Kazuki cries and hugs his cousin, images of Manabu in a sexed up state flashes in his head.
"Shit..." Kazuki mutters as he hugs his cousin tighter.
Author's Notes: *NBSB - No Boyfriend Since Birth (just in case)
I loved how i made them random at the beginning. High school kids are, well we were when we were younger. The stories are slowly unfolding for each of them, i'll go to the other pairs next chapter. ^_^
Comments are forever looove. ^_^
I'll keep my word and update this often~