[thread] a little lesson

Mar 04, 2007 20:26

Who: Roxas and Kanda
What: Kanda's teaching Roxas how to fight with a sword. Oh boy...
When: After this.
Where: Some open area behind the castle, where they're not very likely to be seen? Hopefully >>
Rating: PG-13, just to be safe.

Roxas sat on a rock, chin resting in his palm as he held the sword he had found. Unlike the keyblade, he couldn't will it away or summon it when he needed it. It looked like he would have to carry it, and he knew he was going to look like a fool. The sword didn't fit him at all. It was too heavy. It didn't cut through the air like the keyblade had. And most of all, he didn't have a connection to it. To Roxas, it was just a tool of self preservation. He needed it--not the other way around.

Sighing, Roxas wondered what he had gotten himself into. All he knew about Kanda was that he almost died, used a sword, and was one of Axel's trusted friends (which did manage to stir feelings of resentment, but he couldn't help it). He was grateful, though. The castle was in a state of madness, and it was driving Roxas insane. He knew either he or one of his friends were bound to do something reckless, and he didn't want to be helpless.

Roxas tried to focus himself. He'd been through worse. A little lesson wouldn't kill him... but he was still nervous.

roxas, kanda yuu

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