(no subject)

Mar 04, 2007 21:31

It was an ordinary day just like all the others in Paradisa, which meant that Naruto was bored, just like he had been all those other days. He was sitting cross-legged on his bedroom floor, trying to kill some time by idly flipping through the pages of the journal. Sadly, nothing exciting and/or dramatic was happening. Usually, he could count on that to keep him going for some time, but not today. Sighing, he snapped it shut.

That was when his gaze fell on Sasuke's clothes messily thrown on a chair. Grinning as he remembered how much Sasuke had whined - excuse him, it was called being insistent - about wanting his clothes back, Naruto picked up the black shirt and held up in the same way he had done on the day of the masquerade. It really had been comfortable wearing Sasuke's clothes, although he wasn't sure why. Actually, he wasn't sure he wanted to know why.

The clothes smelled like Sasuke even though he had worn them several times. It was strange to know the scent of your friend, yet it didn't bother him. Still grinning idiotically, he stretched out the shirt.

If there was anything Sasuke missed about Konoha at this point, it was the fact that most buildings were only three to four stories high. Paradisa had to be something like twenty, and even though Sasuke's ninja training made it almost effortless to bound up the stairs, it was a very, very annoying task to do about four times a day, seven days a week. Very annoying. Even more annoying when he remembered why he was making this trip.

Hn, maybe the fault wasn't Naruto's alone. Ino had almost as much blame put on her at the moment for reminding him about the clothes and getting him so riled up. But then again, Naruto was the one who'd taken the shirt hostage, and that itself made his imbecile factor go way higher.

Sasuke quickened his pace as he headed down the hallway, not even counting the doors as he made his way. He knew Naruto's door, remembering all too well the last time he'd tried to enter the idiot's room. Of course, the castle must have regenerated itself again, because there was in fact a door waiting for him. Pity that the castle had gone through all the work to make a new one.

Without even thinking about knocking, Sasuke aimed his foot and smashed it into the hardwood door. This time, though, the door hadn't even managed to come off the hinges. Maybe Paradisa did have some sense. Whatever.

"Naruto...," Sasuke started, his voice laced with malice as he stared ahead at the wall.

At the sound of his door being smashed open again, Naruto already knew who it was that had arrived for a visit. Sasuke. It wasn't a surprise at all, really. Having his privacy intruded upon so rudely had become a weekly, almost daily, occurrence. Although he couldn't complain since he did the same to Sasuke. "You called?" Unwittingly, he stepped out to greet the other boy with the shirt still clutched in his hand. "Nice to see you decided to drop by." he said cheerfully. One could almost thing Naruto put himself in these situations on purpose.

But it really wasn't his fault that Sasuke was so attached to his clothing. He still hadn't gotten it through his mind why the other kept on insisting and complaining that he had taken his clothes hostage. Naruto had to be honest, though. He was surprised and amazed that he'd managed to keep a hold on the clothes for this time. The clothing switch for the masquerade felt like a vague memory, which was how one usually felt with memories that were several months old.

Standing in front of Sasuke, he gestured for the other boy to step into his room and away from the smashed doorway. Inside his mind, Naruto was estimating that the door would be back together in a few hours max. Good, it would be just in time for a nap. "What made you visit all of a sudden?"

One had to marvel at how oblivious Naruto was at Sasuke's annoyance and anger.

Sasuke had to wonder if Naruto was really that stupid, or if this was all just a plan to piss him off more, because if so, it was working very well. Extremely well, for that matter. As if it wasn't bad enough that Naruto was talking to him as if nothing was wrong, the fool had the nerve to dangle the item he'd come for right before him, almost mockingly. Bastard.

His gaze trailed down from Naruto's face to said item. "My shirt," he growled out, "Give it to me now

It took Naruto a moment for Sasuke's demand to register in his mind. "Your ... shirt? This one?" He held it up without any intention of making it seem like he was mocking Sasuke. Unfortunately for him, it looked exactly like that. "Are you still going on about your clothes?" He stepped back and crossed his arms, eying Sasuke warily and scrunching up the shirt in the process without noticing.

"I never thought you were so attached to them." He had a careless air about him, which would no doubt further anger Sasuke.

Sasuke felt his eye twitch before the responce had even completely registered in his mind. The bastard... so he was mocking him! What the hell did the fool want with his clothes anyway? He reflected back on what Ino had said earlier, about how Naruto had been hanging onto it for... he shook his head. Bullshit.

"Naruto. Don't make me repeat myself." He stepped farther into the room, advancing slowly on the blond, "I'd rather not waste any more of my time on you than I need to." The raven jutted his hand out in Naruto's direction, "now hand them over."

Naruto continued backing up the closer Sasuke got. So, he was a waste of time, huh? Typical Sasuke. He really didn't know why he even expected more of him. "The clothes are right here, not in any harm," He knew he would trip over the small table in the room if he didn't change direction soon, so he tried to come up with a plan of action. "But ... " Suddenly, he knew what to do.

"Come and get them yourself~!" Now, he had turned this into a game that completely taunted Sasuke. Why, oh why did he do these things? He supposed it was because it was better than a full-out confrontation. That and it would rid him of the boredom for a while. Ah, the things he did to entertain himself.

"Is that a challenge, Naruto?" His eyes were no more than slits now as he kept advancing on the blond devil. This had ceased to be amusing... not that it had ever been, and by now Sasuke was only moving on instinct to grab that shirt and leave. A simple plan, an easy plan. Well, nothing was easy with Naruto, but it was as easy as it could get. All he had to do was reach out and snach the black shirt from his grasp and...

Sasuke had been so intent on the retrieving the shirt that he'd almost missed the large object that had been moving closer and closer as the two had moved farther and farther back into the room. In fact, he had barely even realized it was there until the split second before it had happened. In that second, Sasuke noticed in his periferal vision a large wooden coffee table that was at such a height that if one were to, say, back up into it, they would crash down onto the floor behind it in an awkward fashion. Of course, a second was definitely not a long enough time for him to utter any sort of warning, and before he knew it, Naruto and the table had collided and down he went.

Naruto himself had been so intent on keeping Sasuke baited and backing up to keep the shirt just out of his reach that he hadn't even thought about the coffee table again until it was too late for the both of them. Letting out a short yell of surprise, he flailed and, letting go of the black shirt, he clutched at Sasuke to try to regain his balance ... and failed. He fell over, dragging Sasuke down with him. And just as Sasuke had observed, they landed in a very awkward position.

He was barely breathing as he tried not to make any sudden movement that would make their position even more awkward. Randomly, and much to his annoyance, the thought that he'd never been this close to Sasuke flitted through his mind, causing him to grimace slightly. "Uh, sorry," his voice sounded strained. "About this, I mean."

Yes, Sasuke had anticipated that Naruto would fall under the circumstances. No, he had not anticipated that the fool would use him as support. Typical. So he soon found himself falling down with the idiot instead of just watching him fall on his own. And just to make matters worse, he had landed on top of the blond. Now, argueably, it was much better that he had fallen on Naruto than just falling flat on the hard floor, but then again, he had fallen on Naruto.

After the moment of shell shock he had experianced, Sasuke raised himself onto his elbows, noticing just how awkward their landing had been, and awkward wouldn't even begin to describe it for him. He found himself only a few inches from the blond's face, his arms were positioned on both sides of Naruto's head, and their legs had somehow become a tangled mess.

Sasuke turned his face back towards Naruto as he prepared to sit up, but he froze when his eyes locked with the blond's. The raven could tell that expression anywhere; fear, like a dear caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. His eyebrows furrowed, and he cocked his head to the side confusedly, "Whatever. You alright?" He paused, warily adding, "You didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

Naruto wanted to bash himself over the head for letting Sasuke even sense that he was more than uncomfortable with this. Although, he really didn't understand why it was so stressing for him. This was just Sasuke, and it wasn't like they hadn't gone through stuff like this before. But before he could get caught up in memories, he forced himself to reply, "Nah, I'm fine." He paused, then said, "Though my back hurts, damn coffee table." And a little breathless laugh escaped him.

He hesitated, then tried to move his right leg only to find he couldn't because Sasuke's was in the way. He wondered how they were going to get out of this one this time. For some reason, he doubted it would be that easy. As he lay there, he started to remember what Sakura had said to him. 'You two have too much aggression built up towards each other.' He couldn't deny that she wasn't there right, but - 'It has to go somewhere.' Those words of hers had bothered him for more than few days after that incident over the journals.

Sure, it had been fun to see Sasuke flustered, but he hadn't been so calm and collected either. If anything, he had been even more embarrassed. And what if ... He felt his cheeks start to heat up. Damn it, no! Trying to keep his face clear of any sign that he was thinking about that, he glanced over Sasuke's expression, catching the hint of curiosity in there. "You're okay, too, right?”

If anything, Sasuke grew even more confused with Naruto's answers, though, not as much with the answers themselves as with the blond's changing expressions in that short amount of time. "Tch, your face is red and you seem feverish. You probably hit your head too hard on the way down." Sasuke instinctively felt his head sink lower to get a better look at Naruto for any signs of serious damage. He slowly searched around the blond's head, his breath trailing across Naruto's cheeks and face, but he found no blood or anything that would indicate any bad injuries. The raven brought his face forward again and raised a skeptical eyebrow at Naruto before he made a move to stand up. "Well, you seem fine. Nothing life threatening."

As Sasuke had checked for injuries, Naruto had barely breathed. His mind was still overcrowded with thoughts on what Sakura had said, and he was feeling more than a little overwhelmed. He moved as Sasuke did, sitting up while the other went to stand. And as he tried to stand as well, he impulsively reached out, putting his hand on the back of Sasuke’s neck, unintentionally pulling them closer. Naruto looked up and azure eyes met black. He was suddenly really aware of just how close they were. His mind was set on one track, and that did nothing to help the explosion of butterflies in his stomach.

And that was when, without any warning, he kissed him. It was strange and awkward, and Naruto had no idea what he was doing.

uzumaki naruto, uchiha sasuke

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