(no subject)

Mar 05, 2007 01:27

Who: Suki and Ino
What: Identifying Puck's body
When: Post-murder spree
Where: Suki's room
Rating: PG-13? For dead bodies.

Ino was a little anxious to leave the room - someone might come in at any time, now that that stupid woman had written that article - but she thought this would be a good idea. She knew Gatts had cared about Puck, so he would probably want to help her bury him. Or something. A little scared, a little sad, and a little tired, she knocked in the door to Suki's room. Despite the conditions, she was a little excited to see Suki. She wondered what kind of girl would agree to go out with Sokka -- okay, that was a little mean, but still. She was curious.

Suki was pacing nervously in her room-- it helped to distract her from the reality of last night, and the even more heavy-hitting reality of the body in her room. She had managed to clean it up a little--no more blood. In fact, despite his crushed wings he looked...peaceful. She had placed him in small, handmade coffin--clumsy because of her broken fingers--and he lay there in the middle of her room. It was almost as if she was keeping vigil. When she heard the knock, she jumped, and dashed over to the door. This must be her... she thought, and opened the door with as much of a smile she could muster. "Hi Ino, come in.."

Ino nodded to her. "And you must be Suki." She smiled in return. Although that makeup was kind of .. strange, Ino could tell she was really pretty, and decided to tell her so. "Wow, Sokka wasn't kidding when he said you were pretty." She grinned a little before her face dropped back into its previous solemn state. She looked around and spotted a small box in the middle of her room. "Is that him?" she asked, pointing to the box to confirm what she was talking about.

Suki blushed slightly, but managed a quick smile--"Um, thanks--you're pretty too." Okay, that sounded kind of lame but it was true. Honestly, Suki couldn't remember ever seeing anyone with such...light hair. It looked almost like gold. She followed Ino's gesture to the box in the center of the room, her face falling slightly. "Yeah...that's him. You know him?"

Ino nodded slowly. "Well - kind of. We met right before we ended up going to fight the person who was killing all those people last night. He ... ended up being one of the casualties." She was smiling, but only with her lips. She crouched down and touched the box gently. "I still can't believe that everything that happened last night ... well, happened."

Suki nodded to Ino's explanation, and felt a surge of guilt rise in her. Last night her biggest problems had been explaining her feelings to Sokka--last night she had been baking a cake while people were dying. She remembered joking about the noises she heard with Sokka--she should have been there. She should have helped somehow--it was her job as a warrior and protector. "I...what did happen?"

Ino sighed, and put her hands on her knees. "To make a long story short ... The person who killed those people, and him ..." she pointed to the box. "... Something about the lunar eclipse made him go crazy and he went on a bit of a rampage. This little guy and I went to go stop him, and I convinced him with Mind Tranfer to calm down." She paused. Should she tell Suki she killed him? She couldn't take the risk of Suki spreading the word that Ino had him in her room. "... Then I got rid of him," she finished lamely. She tucked a hair behind her ear. "I was hoping he didn't kill that many people ... I guess we're lucky it was only 5 or 6."

Suki nodded. 5 or 6? Whoever did this was certainly powerful...and a monster. She shivered slightly. "It was very brave of you to take care of that situation--you must be very strong." Mind Transfer? What sort of technique could that be? It sounded interesting, but she decided against prying. Instead she went with, "Are you a warrior of your village?"

"Thanks." Ino nodded, although she had heard that so many times today it was losing its flavor. Besides, all she had really done was screamed at him until he came to his senses. Not very heroic at all. She glanced up at Suki, slightly confused. "Warrior? No. I'm a shino-- a ninja." She kept forgetting nobody around here was familiar with the term 'shinobi'. "I guess we're kind of like warriors, though; we fight for our village and go on missions and stuff."

Suki smiled--this was familiar territory. It sounded like Ino basically did what she did, only called it a funny name. Ninja? Strange. "So your village let's females fight? Some places in my world won't allow you to fight if you're a girl. I was lucky I was born on an island that's protected by a group of female warriors! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't fight.." She stopped abruptly, suddenly self conscious that she had been rambling--She must just have been excited to meet a similar girl. Of course, it was nice talking to Katara but still--Katara was a bender, something Suki couldn't really understand. "But yeah. That sounds interesting."

"Ah, yeah ... for some reason, a lot of people around here don't really understand that girls can fight too. It's kinda frustrating, huh?" She let a slight grin cover her face. Interesting, huh? It was funny how interesting other people's lives were, and yet you found your own so boring. The grass is always greener on the other side, she supposed. "Yeah, I'm not sure what I would do if I couldn't fight, either. Most of the people in my village become ninja at fairly young ages, so we don't really know much else."

Suki rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I get that reaction a lot. When I left Kyoshi to help in the war, my girls and I would get a lot of 'Are you lost? Do you girls need help?'" She shook her head. "Men tend to think they're really tough--which is why it's fun to occasionally knock some sense into them. You know, Sokka even told me that back on our world I taught him to respect girl's as warriors" A small frown followed this remark. "Of course, I don't exactly remember that.

Ino snickered at that. "Yeah, he told me that too, sometime before you got here." She smiled, considerably more cheerful now than she was when she arrived. "He was so happy when you arrived, though. Before that he was always complaining about how he hated this place. I guess you did him some good!" She shifted her weight a little. "Yeah, sometimes I get that too, until I pull out a kunai and ask them if they need help."

She blushed again. Talking about Sokka still made her a little...nervous. "R-really? Well I guess me coming here did some good then. Although I can't exactly say I'm thrilled to be here." That wasn't entirely fair to say, so she amended herself. "At least, not when there's so much bloodshed. It has been kind of nice in some other ways." She tilted her head curiously. "Kunai?"

"Yeah, I don't think anybody else is too thrilled to be here, either." She nodded. "Well, this kind of thing doesn't happen normally, as far as I know. Special case." She blinked at the question. Kunai was such a natural word to her, she also kept forgetting that some people were not familiar with them. She pulled a kunai swiftly out of the pack on her leg and twirled it before gripping it by the handle and holding it in front of Suki so she could see it. "Kunai. A kind of weapon."

"Yes, it had been mostly peaceful here before last night..." That was not including her fight, of course. Suki touched her splinted hand as a reflex. Then her attention was caught by the twirling weapon before her. It was strange, but interesting. She flashed a smile, "I see. It looks useful--not too heavy, good range. I wouldn't mind having one of those!"

"other than a couple of scuffles, pretty much." She tossed it up and caught it by the ring at the top. "They are very useful. Unfortunately, there are a lot of jutsu that can dodge this kind of weapons, like Body Replacement Jutsu." She paused for a moment, remembering Sokka's confusion about jutsu. "Oh, right ... um, a jutsu is ... well, it's kind of like your "bending" thing but not element specific, if that makes sense?"

Suki laughed, "Frankly bending is a mystery to me too! I mean, I've seen benders do their thing, but I don't fully understand how. This 'jutsu' sounds cool though--it must give you a good advantage in a fight. I usually just have to rely on my sword or my fan. Or my friends!" She grinned--it wasn't as painful thinking about her friends anymore--Sokka had convinced her a positive outlook was definitely better for that whole situation. Until she knew for certain, she would just assume they were safely back in Kyoshi.

Ino nodded. "Yeah, I don't really get the bending thing either. At first I thought he meant like bending over .." she let out a short laugh. "And yeah, a jutsu can really help you out in a battle. For example, if you do a Body Replacement jutsu ... " She paused. She wanted to show Suki what it was, but should she really be wasting her chakra? The body replacement jutsu took way less chakra than Shintenshin, though, so she decided it would be a good idea. "The Body replacement Jutsu You want to see how it works?"

"Body replacement jutsu?" She blinked, and then nodded. "Yeah! I'd love to see how it works." She tilted her head curiously--would this involve special hand and body movements like bending? Ino had mentioned they were similar. "Can everyone where you come from do these..jutsus?"

Ino nodded. "Yeah, most people can. There are some people that aren't trained to be ninjas, but it's an essential thing for the people who are." She pulled another kunai out of her pack and tossed it at Suki, hoping she would catch it. Her confident grin returned, and she moved to stand across the room from Suki. "Okay ... I want you to throw that kunai right at me." She paused, realizing that sounded a pbit dangerous. "I promise it won't hurt me."

Suki grabbed the kunai mid-air with some ease, despite having to use her left hand. She even managed to twirl it slightly around one of her fingers with a satisfied grin. But when Ino asked her to throw the kunai at her...well this sounded like one of those situations Sokka had told her to stay out of. Still..her curosity got the better of her. "Well...if you're sure." She aimed for a non-vital region, just to be safe, and threw.

Ino nodded and quickly formed the hand seals for the Body Replacement Jutsu. There was a puff of smoke, and the kunai hit right into what appeared to be a chunk of wood. Ino reappared behind Suki. She decided to sneak up behind her, just for extra effect. "Boo," she whispered, right in Suki's ear. She was still grinning, hoping for a funny reaction. Although she didn't know if anything could beat Sokka's reaction to Shintenshin.

"Ah!" Suki lept up, whirled around, and slid into defensive position before she realized that it was Ino behind her. When she saw her, her mouth fell open---and then she laughed. "Wow! That's incredible! I can't believe you can actually do something like that!" She laughed, and eased herself back in the chair--but not before wincing slightly. Jumping up so quickly had aggravated her stomach. She sighed--she couldn't wait until she was back to 100% percent.

Ino laughed. "It's pretty useful. Mind Transfer's the best jutsu I've got, but I don't think you want me showing that to you. Sokka nearly wet himself when I tried it on him." Not to mention she didn't want to waste any more energy. She blinked at Suki's sudden change in expression. "Hey, are you okay?" Maybe she was sick, and Ino had made it worse by scaring her just now? Whoops.

"You scared Sokka? I wish I had been there to see that!" She grinned. "Oh--yeah, I'm fine." She waved her hand dismissively. "I just..I sort of got in this stupid fight. And well..." she sighed, "I got my butt kicked. Again. I'm really much better now--I just have a bruise on my stomach that sometimes gets the better of me, and my hand is a mess. My friend Katara said it should heal in a couple of weeks. But waiting is such a pain."

"It was really funny, actually. He made me promise never to do it again. I can see why, though; a lot of people freak out when other people can hear their thoughts." She looked at her hand in concern. Again with the energy wasting, but if she really needed it she could probably get her neighbors on her floor to help her out. She stuck her hand out towards Suki. "Let me see your hand. The one that's messed up."

She giggled. "I bet it was funny! I'm kinda jealous--I wouldn't mind getting into Sokka's head to see what he's thinking about. Although it would probably be about meat. Or his boomerang." She extended her hand--the swelling had gone down but the middle and index finger were clearly broken. She frowned remembering the occasion of their breaking. "The girl I was fighting stepped on them. Hard." She glared off into the air. It wasn't too much fun, remembering that fight.

Ino laughed. "I would have found it funny, too, but I was a little distracted by the fact that he was screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING AAH THIS IS SO WEIRD,""she said, in an imitation of Sokka's voice. She took Suki's hand and examined it for a moment. "She sounds like a bitch." She put her other hand on top of Suki's. Her palm glowed for a moment, using her medical jutsu to (hopefully) heal the broken bone. She let go after the glow diminished. "Try using your hand now."

Suki burst out laughing--the imitation was dead on. "I can just hear him say that!" Her face hardened slightly at the mention of Azula, but she smiled at the bitch comment. "Yes, she is. I really...hate her. She humiliated and brutalized my warriors and me back home, and she is the princess of nation that is responsible for a terrible 100 year war.." She trailed off and gasped in amazement. Her hand was glowing! And there wasn't even the familiar dull throbs of pain anymore. She quickly debandaged her hand, and flexed her fingers, laughing in pleasure. "That's amazing! You healed my hand...thank you so much!"

"Oh, right, the Fire Nation? Whenever people from your world start talking about that, I get so confused. See, the place in my world that I'm from is called Fire Country, so .." she paused. The girl she was describing really did sound mean. "What's the girl's name?" She smiled, though, at Suki's appreciation. She nodded and walked over to pick up the kunai she had given Suki earlier. "Glad to be of service." She paused for a moment as she was putting the kunai pack in its place, though -- how long had she been here? Too long, that's for sure. She glanced back at the coffin on the floor. She picked it up. "Thank you for taking care of him," she said, nodding her head towards Puck's little coffin; "but I'm afraid I really should be leaving now. It was very nice to meet you!"

"Her name is Azula. And if you can help it you should try to avoid her..." So this girl was from a Fire Country? It was strange how worlds could be so different and yet strangely similar. She glanced at Puck's coffin, and her face fell. "Of course, it was no problem...and yes, it was really nice meeting you. I hope to see you again sometime soon." She held up her newly healed hand and offered a small wave. "Thanks for coming by.."

"Azula?!" Ino said suddenly. "I know her! She's the one who asked about everyone's powers. I had no idea she was a jerk, though!" She sighed, looking back at the coffin. She lifted one of her hands and gave a small wave in return. "Yeah, let's definitely hang out some more. You know, girl time." She smiled, hoping Suki wouldn't feel too melancholy.

"Girl time definitely sounds fun--I'll look forward to it." She smiled, and gestured to the coffin. "I guess I'll bury him tomorrow. So his friends can come and say goodbye." She sighed, but then shook her head and smiled. "At least everything is over now. You're probably still tired, so make sure you get plenty of rest. Thanks again for healing me. See you soon!"

suki, yamanaka ino

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