[thread] a little lesson

Mar 04, 2007 20:26

Who: Roxas and Kanda
What: Kanda's teaching Roxas how to fight with a sword. Oh boy...
When: After this.
Where: Some open area behind the castle, where they're not very likely to be seen? Hopefully >>
Rating: PG-13, just to be safe.

In which Roxas hopefully doesn't piss off Kanda XD; )

roxas, kanda yuu

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Comments 25

to_dark March 5 2007, 05:03:36 UTC
Kanda had a few things on his mind right now, and the majority of them had nothing to do with swords or fighting or even hurting other individuals... however he was not going to dwell on those things right now. Especially when he had a job to do.

He knew little to nothing of Roxas. A friend of Axel's which was why Kanda had agreed to teaching him. Also a friend of Shrimp. However, he did understand that wish to fight- to be able to protect yourself.

This better not be a waste of his time. Then again- this was just the kind of thing Kanda needed right now.


lineupthepieces March 5 2007, 05:12:36 UTC
Roxas was well aware that the only reason Kanda was doing this was because he knew Axel. Everyone seemed to be hesitant about this arrangement, and Roxas understood. But he had to do this, even though he really wanted to run back up to his room and throw his journal out the window. Then his only problem would be hoping that no one would make his floor explode.

He quickly rose to his feet when he saw someone approaching. "You're Kanda, right?" He certainly hoped so... though fate would be mean and have this guy actually be the crazy murderer running around. Instinctively, Roxas' hand tightened around the grip of the sword. He could always knock him over and run if it came to it, right?


to_dark March 5 2007, 05:19:03 UTC
Well, he was not going to hurt Roxas but he was not going to cuddle him in training. If that made sense. Kanda gave Roxas a flat look, "You're not holding it properly." And that sword looked ridiculously unsuited for this kid. Still, the swordsman stopped a few paces from the other.

"Yes, I'm Kanda and you're Roxas." He was not much for plesantries and so on.


lineupthepieces March 5 2007, 05:36:44 UTC
Okay, so it seemed like they weren't going to have time to chat about the weather. That was fine with Roxas. But it did sting a little when Kanda pointed out that he didn't know what the hell he was doing. Wasn't that obvious? Roxas stopped himself from making a smart remark, remembering what Sora had said about his temper.

Kanda didn't have to be there.

"Well," Roxas sighed, digging the blade of the sword into the ground so that it was able to stand on its own, "I guess that's what I'm here to learn."


to_dark March 5 2007, 05:44:25 UTC
Kanda had no patience for this, but ... (and he had trouble accepting this thought) Axel would care if something happened to Roxas, right? And ... Kanda owed him. Although now it was more complicated than that. So...


Approaching, the swordsman glanced at the blade and then at Roxas. Oh god, he sucked at this so badly, but he would start with the obvious thing. "I'm not sure that sword is the right thing for you."

Although for today it would have to do.


lineupthepieces March 5 2007, 05:54:12 UTC
"I know," Roxas admitted, looking away at some tree off in the distance. This was embarrassing. "What I used to fight with was..."

The blonde looked down at his hands. It sounded crazy in his head and he knew it would sound even more so if he said it, but there wasn't anything else he could say. "It was a giant key. The keyblade." But he had lost it. At one time, he was able to fight with two--the Oblivion and the Oathkeeper. He smirked a little at his clenched fists. That represented so much.

"I've never had to find a weapon on my own." Unless foam bats counted, and he wasn't about to admit THAT to Kanda.


to_dark March 5 2007, 06:08:03 UTC
Kanda could have made any and many remarks about this whole thing. It was not appropriate however, and maybe his time with Axel had softened him enough to hold his tongue from time to time. That and the conversation with Allen. His main justification was that it would be unproductive in the long run. So instead: "Sora told me." Once, a long time ago.


They would have to get him something better. Kanda was not sure this sword was... right. No, he was certain it was not.

"We'll find you something better."

Right now... "How much do you know about-" he gestured towards the sword.


lineupthepieces March 5 2007, 06:21:26 UTC
A little shocked to hear that Kanda knew about that, Roxas simply nodded. He wondered if Kanda realized that he was a part of Sora. It may or may not have come up: after all, Roxas was the one who kept insisting their Lae was really Axel, a Nobody, just like himself.

Roxas tried to remained focused. "I'm... not sure. I knew how to block and avoid attacks with the keyblade, but I'm not sure how well that translates to... this." Again, he tried holding the sword. He held it to the side, almost as if it were the keyblade. He frowned. It just felt wrong.


to_dark March 5 2007, 06:33:06 UTC
"I never seen a keyblade so I am not sure how well it-" Yeah, translated to that. However judging by- er...

Okay yeah, that was awful way of holding this sword. Kanda cringed inside but ruled in his temper. He was supposed to be helping. "No, wrong-" taking a few steps closer Kanda paused for a moment and then began to rearrange Roxas' posture, from the grip on the hilt to how to hold the sword to how his body was balanced.

[ooc: I hope this reply is ok? XD ]


lineupthepieces March 5 2007, 06:52:38 UTC
"I'll have to get Sora to.. show.. you..." Roxas' reply trailed off as Kanda drew closer. He felt a jolt of fear, which he immediately thought as stupid. He had faced giant monsters, powerful opponents, the loss of his own existence, and yet this person frightened him?

Maybe it was because Roxas could tell that he wasn't at all happy to be helping him out. So he did what Kanda showed him without protest, afraid he was going to fall over every time his leg or arm was moved. This wasn't going to be as easy as he had hoped. "This is going to take some getting used to."

[ooc: it's fine XD Roxas doesn't know WTF he's doing, so feel free to have Kanda move him around and stuff :D]


to_dark March 5 2007, 06:57:55 UTC
"If we can get something similair to this keyblade thing of yours, it'd be much easier." Kanda was not trying to be intimidating or anything. However- uhg. He was going to be needing a lot more patience to do this. A lot more.

"Now, do a simple swing with that."

Just to get an idea of how much work this would be... Kanda only hoped- no, the exorcist kicked his brain and ignored that train of thought. He was rust himself, not having fought with Mugen since his last injury. So... this was also a good time for him to get into the habit.


lineupthepieces March 5 2007, 07:08:01 UTC
"Yeah," Roxas agreed. He doubted he could find something like it, though. Unless one was made. It wouldn't be a real keyblade, but the shape might help. Thinking back, he felt like a jerk. He had hated that thing. He never understood why he could use it. No matter what he did it always came back to him. He missed that.

Shifting his weight so that he wouldn't fall over, Roxas paused for a moment. He knew how to swing. Maybe holding a sword was different from the way a keyblade was held, but swinging... he could do that.

Roxas relaxed his shoulders and swung vertically, trying to get used to the weight of the blade.


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