Thread: Let the games being [Riku, Roxas, & Sora]

Apr 13, 2007 21:32

Who: Riku (from_twilight), Roxas (lineupthepieces) and Sora (chosen_heart)
What: Killing zombie competition!
When: During the battle
Where: Stairwell/First floorish?
Rating: PG-13 for wholesome zombie killing

He was the first to reach the stairwell between the second and first floor. The noises from the battle could be heard echoing through the stone corridors. The Ganados truly had entered the castle. Sora himself had been catching a few hours of precious sleep when it happened. Which meant he missed the start of the action, but sounded like there was still plenty to be had.

Sora also knew for a fact there was no way he was going to let Roxas and Riku win at who could kill the most monsters. It was a matter of pride for him. As well as the fact that he had a competitive streak in him. He liked winning.

Pausing, he contemplated going down there before the other two and getting a headstart. For all he knew, Roxas was already down there, though he had just talked to the guy. But - Sora decided nah, he would start legit at least. Putting his hands behind his head, he waited.

At least, he would for five minutes to give them a good start.

riku, roxas, sora

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