Log: I am... [Axel & Kanda]

Apr 14, 2007 03:51

Who: Axel (flurry_of_fire) and Kanda (to_dark)
What: Meeting coz Kanda's back! \o/
When: After this.
Where: Axel's room
Rating: PG

For maybe the first time in around two weeks, Axel actually looked forward to something.

He'd practically jumped Kanda on the journals when he saw the man's post, eager to see the familiar writing once more, and immediately had demanded he get to see his friend. The exorcist was on his way up right then, and Axel wondered if he'd end up punching him for leaving the way he had. No forewarning, no note, not even a damn hint; only some green tea and chocolate to pacify Axel's temper until their next meeting. Well, Axel didn't feel quite 'pacified' anymore. In fact, he was rather pissed. Kit apparently realized her master's displeasure and made herself scarce. A good thing, too. With the redhead's temper simmering, hiding was a very smart move.

He stared with annoyance at his door, too antsy to sit still on his bed but too tense to pace around. So he leaned quietly against a wall and just waited. Just waited a bit longer.

Kanda... well, he certainly would not have denied the other meeting up right now. Although these beasts here were making it all rather difficult. He finished off one in his path, wipped Mugen and continued onwards. At least they were not in vast groups up here.

He wondered if Axel was going to kill him. Or smack him. After all he had left without warning.

Without... yeah, yeah, he knew... stopping infront of the familiar door Kanda felt nervous- something he had not felt in a while- and knocked on the door.

At the knock on the door, Axel tensed more and warily eyed it. Well, of course those zombies wouldn't be knocking but... "Come on in," he said simply, but ended up striding over to the door anyway and tossing it open. He gave the exorcist a blank look, as if taking in the sight of a stranger, raised his eyebrow, and unceremoniously dragged Kanda inside by the collar. Oh yes, he wasn't very happy right then.

He manhandled Kanda out of the way so he could close the door (last thing they needed were zombies interrupting them), and then finally turned to Kanda with recognition shining in green eyes. They practically burned holes into Kanda's skull.

For a moment he said nothing, only staring the other down, and finally, finally, his lips twitched slightly. Without saying a word, Axel wrapped his arms around Kanda and pulled him into a tight hug.

Kanda was surprised as the other grabbed him by the collar and dragged him inside. Even as the other let go to close the door, Kanda didn't know what to say. Words had never been his forte... and now, he thought an apology was in order but- he had done what he had to do. Selfish but-

-dark blue eyes stared back at green ones, the mask slipped enough, just enough to let some sort of emotion cross Kanda's eyes.


And then Axel was hugging him tightly, he froze, he stopped breathing.

It was...right.

Kanda let out the breath he had been holding and slipped his arms around the other tightly. "Lae." he whispered.

Axel grinned at the sound of his Somebody name - really, he only felt like 'Lae' around Kanda - and squeezed him a little tighter before reluctantly releasing him. "Have fun with the bears and waterfalls?" he asked him with amusement, giving the man a quick glance over for any wounds, scratches or otherwise.

He walked over to his bed, half-expecting Kanda to follow. "As you can see, Paradisa's been busy with you gone." He of course meant the Ganados having a field day ruining the castle. "Did your training or whatever get interrupted?" He sat on the bed and turned to him, watching quietly and just enjoying the other presence in the room.

Kanda reluctantly released the other and smirked following him to sit on the side of the bed, next to him, "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Kanda gave an annoyed grunt and then lifted one hand to press against his forehead.

"Yeah." he gave a nod. "It was lucky I caught Ada's entry when she wrote it." Otherwise he would have been far too late. Not that things got any better since his arrival but...

"Well Ravi thought of it first," he answered Kanda with a laugh. "Apparently being out in the forest means you need to be wrestling with bears and meditating under waterfalls." Honestly he thought that was a bit extreme. Hell, Kanda probabaly didn't encounter a single bear while away from the castle.

Axel peered at his friend from the corner of his eye, thinking about what might have happened if he hadn't seen Ada's note.... He decided he didn't feel like depressing himself with 'what if's. "Heh, good thing you're here then," he said, more to himself. He stifled a yawn quickly, his body still demanding sleep, even with Tyki no longer in his room.

"That idiot." Kanda uttered with more than his usual bitterness. Maybe, deep down, Kanda could never really detach himself from Ravi. Like or dislike. It was all there inside, even if he did his best at shoving it down deep.

Kanda slipped one arm on Axel's shoulder, comfortable. "Of course I would come." He wasn't going to leave Axel here, even if it was more sentimental than he would normally admitt. But in his world and following his code of morals...

...well Axel had a place, a place which meant it was alright to let go of things. Only a little. Kanda did like control.

Axel noticed the affectionate gesture rather smugly, glad to know Kanda missed him as much as he'd missed Kanda, and ended up leaning slightly against the other for support. Of course, he also noticed the sudden harshness in the other's demeanour when Ravi's name cropped up. "He's always an idiot," he said, testing the waters. "... Though it sounds like he screwed up more than usual."

He snorted at that last statement. "Well, if you hadn't, I'd go out and find your sorry carcass, so it works out." It was his way of saying he'd been worried despite knowing Kanda wouldn't fall so easily to the Ganados. Even Axel hated admitting how the man's absence affected him so deeply.

Bad waters to test, "It's not my business. Whatever Ravi does, as long as he does his job as an exorcist, that's all that matters." The rest had nothing to do with this and the way Kanda said this, it was calm almost... resigned? Bitter yes, but only because he let Axel see it for a moment, because he wanted the other to know.

But he also had to know that it no longer mattered.

"Oh would you?" Kanda leaned against Axel, "I have no faith in any of you being that capable of finding it." If it happened. Kanda didn't expect his body to turn up any time soon.

Okay then, wrong approach. Axel's curiosity tried getting the better of him, and he almost snuck in a question, only to bite it back at the last second. He did end up saying "Ravi usually ends up being your business," with a shrug, but left it at that. The last thing either of them needed was Kanda in a very bad mood.

Axel scoffed in false outrage. "I'd find it. All I'll need to do is burn down the entire forest first." Wouldn't that be fun? "Of course... there's a chance your body would get caught in the blaze." A snicker escaped. "Oh well, details. Body or the ashes, I'm sure I'd find it." Both his eyes slipped shut and the Nobody found himself relaxing unconsciously.

"Not anymore."

Kanda tackled the other onto the bed, drapping one arm over the other. Axel seemed tired and well, this was good, a change from laying on the floor. Kanda wanted to rest but right now... well, not right now.

"I'm flattered to know you'd find something." he replied drily, though he was clearly amused.

Surprised, maybe even a little shocked, Axel let out a choked grunt as he was pushed over. "You could've asked," he muttered under his breath, but didn't resist or really mind this new position. If anything, it started lulling him further into sleep. Axel fought against it and kept his eyes and mind open. "Heh, I'm sure Ravi would be sad to hear this." Okay, apparently he couldn't let this go now that he'd managed to find this much aggression toward his fellow redhead.

"And of course; we're friends. I'd demand you find my carcass if the roles were reversed," he said with a smirk

"Didn't feel like it." Kanda grunted in reply and closed his eyes, he was not going to fall asleep right now, but this felt comfortable. It was a break between the killing that needed to be done, and a lot of it needed to be done. He anticipated it already. Snorting in reply, Kanda didn't answer.

"I, honestly, do not care."

The swordsman propped up his head to look at Axel, "I wouldn't need to find it, it'd be on the end of my sword." he returned the smirk, with a half-smirk. "I'm still waiting for the day you'll join the legions of the stupid in this place."

"Well I noticed that." Axel twisted his body around so his back was against the mattress, and his eyes were pointed toward the ceiling. Kanda's arm draped over his stomach. "Yeah, I noticed that, too." He wondered where Kanda's sudden disregard for Ravi came from; he wanted to pry and ask, honestly. He could've, he supposed, except the redhead knew better than to ask. Not yet. Besides, there was no fun in taking the easy road anyway.

"According to some, I've already joined the stupid. I think they're just jealous I get more action than they do." Axel's smirked widened. "And if anything, I think you'll join them before I do."

Kanda pulled the other closer, settling himself comfortable. He was glad to let the topic of Ravi drop. Truly, Kanda did not want to spend time discussing that. Yeah, Axel could have asked, Kanda would have slowly told him but... Not when he felt- not happy, but relieved to see Axel unharmed. Axel, Misa and the other exorcists.

There was no point, Ravi hadn't done anything wrong. Not really.

"I expect you to kill me when I do."

In response, Axel hummed in his throat, remembering that promise. It seemed like such a long time ago since he and Kanda first met over the journals. "Yeah I know," he said softly, and let his eyes close once more. "I keep all my promises." What a morbid thought they joked about... or were they? Sometimes Axel wasn't sure what he was agreeing to when it involved Kanda. He'd agree nonetheless.

"Hm, I wonder if those Ganados are going break into the room," he mumbled, feeling his mind slip away. He wasn't worried. Either he or the swordsman could easily take out any that were unfortunate enough to stumble into this room.

"Good, I hate people who don't" But even then... it was hard to think that he could hate Axel. Even if Kanda disliked many things and hated a lot of people...

"I hope not." Kanda gave a snort against the other's shoulder which was currently his pillow. "It'd be rather unfortunate for them to bother me." Admittedly he had been a tad too sadistic outside, he had been efficient but also cruel. Crueler than he had ever been. Cruel like in the Akuma battle and he'd enjoyed it. Rushing into battle and smirking.

"Kanda, I think you hate just about everyone, promises or not," Axel snickered, only poking fun at the exorcist. "And maybe they just wanna say hello to you. Strike a conversation while they try ripping out your entrails. You know, normal ice-breaking techniques." Oh, Axel didn't doubt Kanda had been calculating and cruel in his killing. He'd seen the man work on the akuma a few weeks back, both impressed and faintly startled by the actions. Oh of course he knew Kanda to be dangerous, but that was hard to imagine when they were relaxing side by side on his bed.

Well... yeah. He pulled the other close for a minute, mimicking the same hum Axel had done a few moments ago. "I rather rip their entrails out." Mugen's blade was still drying from the blood he'd been spilling before. Of course, right now he didn't look particularly dangerous nor Axel had anything to fear from Kanda but... he poked his head up after a few moments. "I should get back to it."

Destroying and killing.

Axel opened his eyes slowly. Yeah... they both should. After all, the redhead had his own agenda to follow. First off, making sure those he viewed as friends weren't getting too scratched up. Like hell was he taking care of anyone else for a long, long time.

He sat up with a large sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, don't have too much fun out there." A side glance. "Make sure to save a few for me when I get bored."

Kanda straightened too and suppressed a sigh. "I'm sure there will be plenty left for you when you decide to join us." he pulled away completely and rose, half turning to Axel for a few more moments.

"Take care of Kit meanwhile."

A smirk spread, wide and brimming with amusement. "Oh there better be. I want my fun, too." The next comment made him snort. "Heh, she can take care of herself, but I'm sure she'll appreciate her uncle's sentiments," he said, and as if summoned, the kitten moseyed her way out from under the bed with a mewl, eyed Kanda with brief recognition, and then scampered toward his legs, wanting at least one pet before he left. "See, what did I tell ya?"

Kanda looked down with disinterest at the kitten along his feet and then he bent over to pick her up, lifting her awkwardly so he could stare eye to eye with the kitten. "You take care of this idiot while your uncle is out there slaughtering, alright?" he said seriously to the kitten before craddling her carefully and offering her back to Axel.

"Lae... you know..."

Don't you?

Kit meowed again, seeming to understand her orders while she was transferred to Axel's arms. The redhead only offered a laugh at the entire scene, quieting when Kanda turned hesitant in his words. He tilted his head, staring gravely without voicing either acceptance or confusion for a moment, then smirked fondly with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course." He did know, always had, always would. "Now get lost before I give you that punch in the face I owe."

As long as he remained Lae and not an Akuma. Lae and Misa came before that cross. That was something so dangerous that Kanda dared not breath it out loud, but as long as Lae knew that was fine. The exorcist rolled his eyes and 'tched'. "I'll see you later."

Though he would have to hide it from everyone else. As long as the mission was done... he would allow himself this. It would be alright, right? He thought back to Misa. Yeah. She could keep a secret. So could Lae. And so could Kanda. To their grave. He closed the door behind him and unsheathed Mugen.

kanda yuu, axel

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