I was finally able to make one! Thanks to malashrestha for kind of giving me the need/push to make this. xD I don't get to leave a comment on fics that I have read most of the time. D: I'm really sorry authors! DX But that doesn't mean I love the fics any less. DX
I will just list Ohmiya, though the author might have wrote other pairings. I mostly just read Ohmiya so. xD
I will list by authors and it'll be alphabetical. I will also list the favorite fic I read from them if I can, but please do feel free to check out their whole page/masterpost so you can check all their works! :D <3
Clockwork - Summary: There's a clock on Ohno's wall, right across from his bed. (Also in this one, Ohno is a machine, Nino doesn't know the limits of his own body, and there are puppies and Aiba/Jun. Who's on crack, now?)
At the end of the Hook - Summary: Nino is going crazy while Ohno is out tanning. Or fishing. Or being a mermaid.
Encaustic - Summary: Come help with the farm. Art school won't miss you for one month, right? Ohno works on an acerola farm and Nino is the paper boy.
On this night in a million nights - Summary: "To seven days," Ohno says then, and raises his bottle to Nino's. "To a week." (Encaustic universe)
Three Stories (The finished Remix) *gah. i love this one so much. like really really. <3 you guys should also read Unfinished Fairy Tale by Itgmars which inspired this one.
jade_lil (one of my super favorites! ♥ i read all of the ohmiya she wrote, chaptered, oneshots, drabbles, i love them all, seriously! ♥ please check out her super organized masterpost! xD)
These are my favorites among my favorites: (chaptered) xD