Jul 16, 2008 22:34

Ahaha I didn't want to get in to fanfiction fandom world! But I actually TRIED. And heck, somehow, I made an R-rated fic. GOSH. *___*

But yay, I bring Ohmiya bathroom!smex fic!!!:

Title: Something to Do
Rating: R/NC-17
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Ohmiya, and a little bit of Sakuraiba fluff
Words: 1335
Summary: Ohno invited Arashi over to his place, and while they came he was at the shower. Nino was bored, so he did something.
A/N: not beta-d, sorry if there are some grammar problems

The bell of Ohno's apartment rang while he was in the shower, and he was pretty aware that it was his band mates, who he promised with to watch movies together at his place.
"Ooi, Satoshi-kun, we're coming in, kay?” Sho's voice came from the outside. Ohno, not finished yet with his shower, opened the bathroom door and showed his head up. "Ah," as he saw Sho, Jun, Aiba and Nino were already inside. "I'm still showering, you guys just do something else for a while" he said, then closed the door and continued showering.

Jun went over to the kitchen to prepare the food he brought, Aiba and Sho were watching the TV, close to each other, while Nino was wandering around, looking bored. Then, he had something dirty in mind.

He was standing near the bathroom door, looking around, hoping nobody sees him. When he got the perfect timing, he entered the bathroom quickly and locked it.

"Oh-chan" Nino called from behind the curtain.
"Wha..Nino? What's wrong?” Ohno was clearly surprised, especially when he heard Nino's shirt fell on the floor, his belt, and pants.
"I'm bored, Oh-chan. I need something to play with, after all" Nino moved the shower curtain so he can go in.

Nino saw Ohno, who has his head upwards, making it like a sexy shower scene, and Nino got horny all of a sudden and got the urge to fuck Ohno hard and fast.

Nino grabbed Ohno's shoulders and slammed him gently to the wall, kissed him forcefully that made Ohno groaned, but accepted the kiss, even though his eyes can't open because of the water and shampoo liquid falling through his face. Nino's tongue was exploring everything he can reach on Ohno's mouth, and Ohno's hand was around Nino's waist and pulled him closer, their cocks pressed against each other.

Nino hands ran down from Ohno's wet, soaped, beautiful hair to his neck, then down to his body as he stroked Ohno's abs and chest. He then broke the kiss, sucking Ohno's neck and went down, nipping and sucking Ohno's nipple. Ohno moaned.

meanwhile, at the living room.
"uwaah, Sho-chan! Did you hear something?” Aiba yelled, scared, as he wrapped his hands around Sho's arms. "Huh, I didn't hear anything, just the TV. It's just you, Aiba"
Jun went out of the kitchen, bringing the prepared food, and went to the living room, as he saw Aiba cuddling Sho. 'how gross', he thought. Suddenly he remembered something.
"Oi, you two! Ohno haven't finished?! And where the hell is Nino?!” Jun asked with his voice raised loudly.
Aiba, as soon as he heard Jun, he quickly gets away from Sho, looking embarrassed.
"Well, Ohno haven't finished, and I thought Nino was still wondering around the house, have you looked at the bedroom?", Sho said.
"Wh...Why the hell would Nino go to the bed...!", and Jun suddenly rushed to the bedroom, where he thought Nino and Ohno were having sex there. But he didn't found them, so he just went back to the living room. "So, they...I mean, Nino wasn't there. We should just probably start the movie already".
Sho and Aiba agreed, so they decided to leave Ohno and Nino. But because Jun is such a considerate person, he reminded them.
"Ooi, Satoshi-kun and Ninomiya-kun, wherever the fucking you are, we're gonna watch the movie without you guys!" Jun reminded, with a loud voice.

at the bathroom.
Nino went down to Ohno's cock, licking the precum, kissed the slit, and sucked it hard and fast. They didn't seem to hear Jun because of the water rushing down from the shower to the floor. His head moving forwards and backwards playfully, enjoying it as he sucked. Ohno's hand was on Nino's head, eyes squeezed shut while breathing heavily and making little moans.

"Please, Nino... faster..." Ohno commanded. Nino did what he was told; he kept sucking Ohno's cock faster and faster, arms around Ohno's thigh so he can get a better grip.

Ohno was shaking, panted heavily, and sweat combining with the water from the shower, that made his face red, either because of the hot water or because of Nino. "Nino...I'm come..." Nino sucked faster, and finally Ohno came into Nino's face with a shaky cry. Nino used his finger to remove the come on his face and forced Ohno to suck it. As soon as his hand was clean from the come, Nino kissed Ohno deep once more, but more passionately.

And then Ohno finally remembered something. "Nino! The movie!”
Nino doesn't seem to bother, he kissed Ohno again. Until they heard someone knocking the door, that was Jun. "Hey Riida, it's been 45 minutes! How long are you gonna be in there?!"
Nino tried his best not to make any suspicious noises, and Ohno replied. "Uh...I'll be out in a second!"
When Ohno was about to go out from the shower, Nino held his hand firmly. "Wait Oh-chan. I need to be inside you, just for a while" Nino insisted, and cupped Ohno's cheeks, leaning his head closer and kissed him again.
"But, Nino...make it quick, okay?". Nino smiled and laid Ohno against the wall.

Nino positioned his cock from behind Ohno, an as soon as he felt it's right, he entered it fast and hard, making Ohno yell, but Nino quickly covered Ohno's mouth with his hand, to prevent any suspiciousness from outside.
Nino kept thrusting back and forth, while his hand pumping Ohno's cock and his mouth on his neck. Ohno moaned every time Nino thrusts in and bit his neck, his hands clutching on the wall.

And suddenly, someone knocked the door, at a very very wrong time. It has to be Jun, because he was the one bugging them from the beginning.
"Fuck you, Jun!" Nino whispered, but still going in and out from Ohno. "ah...Jun...wait..." Ohno's voice can't go any louder, his whole body being controlled by Nino, and still kept moaning.

"Riida... someone there?!" Jun asked from outside.
"Yes there is, so fuck off!" Nino admitted, but he changed his voice a bit, but still recognizable enough for Jun. Good thing his voice isn't so loud, so Aiba and Sho doesn't know.
And Jun yelled, being such a jerk that time.

"SHUT UP, JUN!" Aiba and Sho exploded from the couch. And Jun just laughed as he walked over to the couch again.
"I'll kill that jerk when we're finished!" Nino got pissed and thrusts in faster and pumped Ohno's cock hard, almost squeezing it, and Ohno HAD to scream that time, it just hurts so much.

"Oh-chan...I'm close..."
" too..."
And they both reached their orgasm at the same time, and they both screamed moans of pleasure.
Nino turned Ohno around and kissed him hard and dirty, for the last time before they took a quick bath and put on their clothes on.

"You go out first, Oh-chan. I'm gonna get a knife to kill Jun" Nino insisted.
"'re serious?!"
"Of course not! Hurry up, get out!"

"Aah, what a relaxing shower! Sorry I took too long.” Ohno went out, as if nothing happened, and he looked at the TV screen. "Uwah! Why did you guys go on without me?!” he asked, catching all members attention.
"I told you, didn't I?” Jun said, eyes concentrated on the TV screen, not even looking at Ohno. Ohno just walked to the couch and sat next to Jun.

Several seconds later, Nino went out, didn't say anything and just quickly sat next to Sho, just to make it seem less-suspicious. And somehow coincidentally, the movie was currently showing the part where the character was taking a bath while there was a shadow behind the curtains, and Jun laughed. "ahaha, didn't somebody from us experience the same thing?" Jun teased.
Nino then stood up, heading to the kitchen.
"Where are you going, Nino?" Sho asked.
"I'll go get a knife" Nino replied, eyes death-glaring Jun for a second and went to the kitchen.


and Jun was killed.
ahaha JK. XDD

hime_poisoned checked its 'worthy'ness to be posted or not, and she insisted it to be posted. :|

But well, I hope you read it and liked it!

fanfic?, ohmiya, arashi

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