uhm...the Wedding!!

Jul 26, 2008 08:46

So, yeah I made a fic for Ohmiya's wedding and...and... it's sorta too sparkly and stuff, but heck I decided to post it anyway. XP

Title: Wedding
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ohmiya
Summary: Ohno had a dream about being married to Nino.
A/N: For the Ohmiya wedding

evolardnektalked about. I just made it last night so it's not beta'd.

Ohno was perfectly aware that he was at a wedding, being the groom and currently, the bride's walking in. Bride's face was covered, but hair was short. Ohno doesn't know who it is, but somehow, his heart was already beating fast.

He fastened his tie and fixed his hair with his fingers, getting ready for whoever the bride is.

Ohno can feel the person who's already in front of him is beating fast, just like himself. Somehow, Aiba was the one being the priest, saying all usual stuffs about marriage and 'I do's, and finally.

"You may now kiss the bride."

This was the moment he was waiting for, finally knowing who's behind that silky thread of cloth. He opened it slowly, and well, it was Nino after all.

"I knew it was you, Nino." Ohno whispered.

"Wake up, Oh-chan." Nino said. Of course, Ohno got confused.
"Huh? What do you mean?"

"WAKE UP, you sleepy ass!!" Nino's 'real' voice reached out from outside the dream world. Ohno suddenly opened his eyes and he saw a grumpy Nino.

He didn't know why Nino was so upset all of a sudden, but too bad, that wedding thing was just a dream. How he wished it was real, so Ohno could kiss Nino's soft lips without hesitation, as a real married couple.

"Wha...what?" Ohno asked.
Nino pushed Ohno over to the edge of the bed, making him fall down.

"You broke my DS, idiot! You crushed it with your ass!" Nino complained. Ohno must've accidentally slept on Nino's DS when Nino just laid it there.

"It's your fault you put it there!!" Ohno blamed. "And now my back hurts, Nino..."

Nino gets off the bed and walked over to Ohno. He sat down in front of him, and cupped his cheeks. "Sorry, Oh-chan." Nino apologized.

"No need to apologize, Nino" Ohno smiled.

"Anyway... were you talking while you were sleeping? Because...I heard something like you were calling me." Nino smirked. "Or were you dreaming about me?"

Ohno's face went red all of a sudden, remembering the dream he just had. Nino, seeing Ohno red, became happy and expecting for a positive answer from him.

"Well...uh...yeah." Ohno confessed, embarrassed, but Nino went over-excited and hugged him tightly.

"About what?" the puppy-eyed Nino asked.

"Do...Don't laugh, okay?"

Nino nodded repeatedly.

"I dreamt about..." Ohno took a deep breath. "O...Our wedding." he said quietly.

Nino released the hug and looked straight into Ohno's eyes.

"Let's do it" Nino hesitated.

"What?! For real?! But...I...when...what?!" Ohno was surprised, well of course he was. Who wouldn't be if someone suddenly insisted for a wedding?

"I need you to wear the gown for me."

"But..." Ohno blushed. "I wanted you to wear the gown. For me."

Nino was surprised and happy at once. He hugged Ohno again and whispering 'I love you, Oh-chan! I love you!' to his ear.

"Let's get the others to help us with that, okay?"


It was definitely like Ohno dreamt about, the place, the crowd, the priest-Aiba, everything was like in his dream. And now here comes Nino, with his beautiful wedding gown, holding a bouquet of flowers, walking slowly to the groom.

It wasn't really an 'official-marriage', just for Ohno and Nino to feel what it's like being married to each other, but heck, they probably think it's all real.

As Nino walked closer to Ohno, he can feel their hearts beating so very fast.
Nino finally arrived in front, and hearing Aiba the Priest talking. Ohno inserted the ring he bought to Nino's finger, slowly. And finally,

"You may now kiss the bride"

'Yes, this is it' Ohno thought to his head over and over. He almost can't believe this is all real, but he just gets on with it.

Ohno slowly lift up the piece covering Nino's face, and they both smiled the happiest smile they've ever done, and Ohno leaned closer and closer, and finally closed the gap between them, making them share a sweet, romantic kiss.


see? But yay for the Ohmiya wedding :DDD I can't stop imagining about Nino with a wedding gown. It made me flail. *_______*

and and I made a lovebar/colorbar/siggie/idk for Ohmiya. :DD

+please link the pic back to my journal or just put a credit below it if used. :D

wait...why does it have a white thingy?! I was sure it was PNG! Cih, but anyway
Hope you like it!! :DD
And I'm probably gonna make more Ohmiya graphics today. Just wait. :DDD

fanfic?, ohmiya

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