Ohmiya Fic - Bubbles on the Water

May 27, 2009 00:17

An Ohmiya Fan-fiction (嵐)
By: Ami
Beta-reader: beastlover

Standard disclaimers apply.

Note: this can be seen as a direct sequel to The Liar’s Truth, but you can ignore its prequel.

1. Prologue

Nino liked to think that he was a perfectly reasonable, logical person. That was why he refrained from smiling when he saw that his tea leaf was floating vertically in his glass. That was why he tried not to grin when he realized that every traffic light along his way had turned green as he pulled up, all the way to the studio. As expected, the elevator’s door opened the moment he stepped in front of it.

However, Nino knew that the series of fortunate events had come to an abrupt halt when the elevator’s door opened to Matsumoto Jun’s giggly face.

Later that day, their managers announced Nino and Ohno’s next movie project for Spring 2010.


2. Chapter One


Star-crossed yet couldn’t manage to contain their feelings. Kitagawa Nozomu (Ninomiya Kazunari), a successful bakery owner, didn't mean to fall for Kitagawa Touya (Ohno Satoshi), a carefree freelance painter who often stops by for curry bread. One day a large bakery from a popular brand was built right across from Nozomu’s place and business immediately slowed down until Nozomu was no longer able to keep his business going. With the loyal company of Touya, he struggles to rebuild his business back in his hometown, where he is considered an outcast. Just when he starts to regain people’s trust and start his business again, his love affair with Touya is uncovered, making him an outcast and stopping his business once more. Torn between love and family, Nozomu is forced to make a harsh choice which would decide what the rest of his life was going to be like.

“So, Ninomiya-san,” asked a pretty announcer from the front row, “What kind of movie do you think this is? This sort of romance theme is rather unusual, don’t you think so?”

“Ah, yes. This theme is indeed unusual, but in essence, if I had to give this movie a genre… I'd say that this is a human-genre movie,” Nino replied neutrally, folding his arms just in case his hand found itself a way to invade Ohno’s personal bubble. “It tells the story of a human who tries to live his life ordinarily and happily, only to find himself caught up in a swirl of problems and he is required to make a tough choice. Yes… I think it pretty much covers it. I think it is very human. Each of us will be able to understand the dilemma.”

“And Ohno-san, what do you have to say about this movie? Do you think you were chosen due to the rumors of your ‘closeness’ with Ninomiya-san?”

Nino peeked at the sleepy-looking man beside him who clearly wasn’t even half as anxious as he was, even though the older man’s preparations had only included memorizing the movie’s title.

“I had no idea I would have gotten involved in such a project. Frankly, I’m not sure what sort of response we’re going to get from this movie, but I’m looking forward to work on this role, with everyone’s help. I’ll do my best to support the production of this movie.” Ohno surprisingly came up with not just one, but three full-sentences. “About my closeness with Nino… yes, we indeed are close.”

Nino held back a smile.

“What went through your minds when you were chosen? We heard that both of you didn’t go through the normal casting procedure because the director had his heart set on you from the beginning.”

“Well…” Nino looked thoughtful, “We are very flattered to have been chosen among so many actors. Of course, we would have followed the procedure if it had been required. I have never had such a challenging role before, so I consider this something new to conquer.”

“How about you, Ohno-san?”

“I… am not a great actor like Kazu here…” Ohno’s slip of tongue raised a loud whoop among the crowd but the 29-year-old idol didn’t even seem to notice. “I realize that I’m the one with less experience… that’s why I’ll have him teach me how to do this right.”

“What do the other members think about this movie? Are they being supportive?”

“Well, rather than being supportive, they’re teasing us all the time.” Nino mock-frowned, “Jun-kun kept saying that this was bound to happen some time, because we always fooled around with each other. Sho-kun and Aiba-chan just laughed. A lot. Their voices became really hoarse during the rehearsal. Then it was our turn to laugh at them.”

The comment made the crowd burst into hearty laughter.

“Other than the incessant teasing, they’re being supportive---” Nino paused for a moment, before adding hesitantly, “…I guess.”




Nino took a little sip of his beer before putting his glass down and watching his teammates gulp down their own drinks enthusiastically.

“Hey Nino!” Aiba yelped, looking scandalized at Nino’s almost untouched beer. “Tonight’s party is yours! Have more spirit and drink more! Come on! Come on!”

Nino smiled wryly before taking another small sip, “You’d better not be thinking of leaving the tab to me.”

“Of course not! We’ll leave it to Riida!”

Ohno, who was conveniently sitting next to Aiba, didn’t waste the chance to throttle the miracle boy for the comment, but never actually refused to pay.

“Come on, let’s put in our order. I’m starving!” Sho whined, rubbing his miraculously well-toned stomach.

The moment Jun raised his hand, a waitress rushed to his side to take his order.

“When will the shooting start?” Sho asked while checking on the calendar in his cellphone.

“Next week,” Nino and Jun replied at the same time, while Ohno looked perfectly content playing thumb-sumo with Aiba.

“Whoa. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that Jun-kun was in the movie instead of Satoshi-kun,” the newscaster chuckled.

“Ooi, Satoshi-kun, please listen when someone is talking to you,” Nino scolded his lover half-heartedly. Taking advantage of Ohno’s distraction, Aiba swiftly turned the tables and won the round. Ohno pouted as he completed his punishment by emptying his glass. Aiba was quick to raise his hand and ask for a refill.

“No wonder you always get home dead drunk after going out with Aiba-chan,” the ‘Iwo Jima’ actor sighed.

“It’s not my fault Riida sucks at games,” Aiba grinned widely and emptied his glasses as well. “But you like going out with me, right, Riida?”

“Hn,” Ohno replied intelligently while quickly chugging the first half of his second glass.

“This movie is gonna be awesome. We’ll be sure to watch it.” Sho told them cheerfully.

“You know what, I’m not that excited to watch it. We watch the same damn scene everyday anyway.” Jun smirked into his beer. “Ohmiya SK fans are gonna be ecstatic, though.”

“Yeah, I bet they will!” Aiba exclaimed, “Will you kiss or make out or something in the movie?”

“I refuse to share spoilers.” Nino smiled a bit too sweetly, “If you want to know you have to watch it yourself. When it’s done.”

“Nino you’re so stingyyyy!!!”

“I guess I am.” Nino calmly took another small sip of his beer.

“Nevermind then, I’ll ask Riida.” Aiba gave Ohno his brightest smile, “Nee, Riida… will you make out with Nino in the movie?”

“Nope,” Ohno replied quickly before gulping the remainder of his second glass. “I scanned the script and found nothing more than one petty kissing scene. Disappointing, huh?”

Nino wasn’t sure whether he should be kissing or throwing the rest of his beer at the guileless idiot for that comment. Aiba, ever the considerate fellow, raised his hand to ask for another refill.

“It has been two months, hasn’t it,” Jun suddenly spoke up, “Since both of you bought that apartment nearby. Aren't you going to move in there?”

Nino shot Ohno a frown before answering sulkily, “Apparently, mama's-boy still wants to live in mama’s house.”

“I don’t!” Ohno yelped, “I mean… I want to live with my parents, but I also want to live with Kazu.”

“Make up your mind, idiot,” Nino rolled his eyes. “Anyway, we’ve bought the damn apartment after all and it’s not going anywhere, so for the time being we’ll just use the place to fuck.”

“Ssshhh!” Sho frantically looked around, almost bumping his head on their tray of food.

“Yay! It’s here!” Aiba cheered excitedly.


“You know, Riida,” Jun, who had just finished with his meal and was waiting for his side dish to arrive, started, “you should really consider moving out. You’re almost 30, for god’s sake. Don’t you want to live independently? Nino might get old waiting for you.”

“Actually, living with him might shorten my lifespan considerably. And I don’t want to be a jii-chan yet. That’s the real reason. It’s me, not him.” Nino, as always, finished first, promptly dumping the rest of his food onto Aiba’s plate.

“Um… actually,” Ohno looked intimidated as his bandmates’ eyes were immediately focused on him, expecting him to continue. “Actually… I have thought about it.”


Ohno blinked. “I still need time… to… prepare myself. Maybe after this movie…”

“Aaah,” Nino mock-groaned, “I should have dated cool MatsuJun instead of this mama-boy.”

Jun only chuckled into his beer, while Ohno looked very hurt by the statement. For a moment, Sho even thought that the older man might start to cry.

“But, Nino-chan, I love you… uu…”

At that point, Ohno collapsed face-first into the table and Aiba started laughing like an idiot.

“Damn drunkard,” Nino concluded with a snort.


“You sure you want to stay here tonight?” Sho asked for the sixth time, just a moment before dropping Nino and his dead-weight lover in front of their apartment building. “I thought you’d rather dump him on his mom at a time like this.”

“Well, Oh-chan often gets drunk like this, so,” Nino expertly dragged his half-conscious lover out of the car and helped the older man to stand on his feet, “I was thinking of getting myself used to tending drunkard. and… you’re either thinking about how adorable I am, or something else with the same degree of mushiness. Stop.”

Sho grinned, clearly amused. “Do you need my help to carry him?”

Nino said no and rather regretted it when Ohno collapsed near his feet.


After dumping the dead weight on the couch and calling Ohno’s mother to tell her the whereabouts of her son, Nino could finally take a deep breath. He sat on the floor, leaning his back against the couch. He hadn’t drunk enough to be tipsy, but carrying Ohno all the way up to their apartment proved to be more strenuous than he had expected.

Nino didn’t realize he had fallen asleep, but apparently at some point he had, because, when he stirred awake, he was cuddled up in Ohno’s arms in their bed, with a blanket covering both of them.

“You awake?”

Nino almost jumped at the rush of warm breath tickling his ear, but Ohno’s arms kept him locked in the embrace.

“What time is it?”

“Hmm… early, I bet,” Ohno murmured to the back of his neck, making him shiver.

“It can’t be too early, because you’re awake.”

“Hmm,” Ohno agreed, with no intention of moving.

Nino gave a half-hearted push to remove himself from the comfortable warmth and rose up to reach for the small alarm clock on the bedside table. Ohno was right. It was way too early to start functioning. Nino crawled back in to his lover’s arms happily.

“Hey,” he blinked, “you smell like soap.”

“Ah,” Ohno replied, still with his eyes closed, “puked out dinner earlier. I thought you wouldn’t like the smell so I went and took a bath.”

“I’m glad you did.” At least now Nino knew why the older man was coherent enough for a conversation.

“Aren’t you going back to sleep? What’s on your mind?” Ohno asked.

“Hnn… nothing… it’s just… I’m thinking about how happy I am to be here… with you…” Nino sighed deeply while admiring the curves of Ohno’s neck. “I’m not usually this corny you know. It’s just the alcohol.”

Ohno’s warm chuckle sounded even more pleasant when Nino was pressed against the older man’s chest.

“Hey, Oh-chan,”


“Are we… that obvious?” Nino extended his hatefully short fingers on Ohno’s solid chest.

“What do you mean, obvious?”

Nino groaned. With Ohno being his usual beloved oblivious airheaded self, of course Nino was the one left with the task to monitor their public display of affection. It was in Ohno’s nature not to stop him even if he were to propose making out on national TV, because Ohno always felt it was safe to rely on Nino to do the logical thinking. Nino shamefully had to admit that his logic wasn’t always reliable when Ohno and Ohno’s magnificent backside were involved.

“We’re not being obvious at all,” Ohno suddenly said, looking thoughtful. “Frankly, it’s nothing compared to the time when we were instructed to do fanservice.”

“Perhaps I’m thinking too much.” Nino agreed, “It’s just… there were so many choices… we’re not the only ones who practice fanservice. Hell, you have even done it with Jun, Sho and Aiba… but they chose us.”

“Don’t make me sound like a player,” Ohno sounded a bit hurt, “They must have had their own reasons to have come up with us.”

“It must have been my charm," Nino grinned cheekily. "They thought of me first, then they realized that I wouldn’t have accepted this offer if my partner wasn’t you.”

“Ah, that makes sense.” As always, Ohno was immune to Nino’s brattiness because he simply did not notice it. “I hope I won't mess up. I wouldn't want to embarrass you.”

"No, you won't," Nino laughed, "You have Ninomiya Kazunari to learn from!"

"You have to teach me, then."

“I will, Oh-chan. You know I will.”

Nino slipped one hand around to grope Ohno from behind and was more than pleased to be rewarded with a surprised yelp.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch, you know," Nino whispered sensually in the other man's sensitive ear, "So let me collect your down-payment now."

As petty as Nino’s choice of words was, Ohno was more than inclined to agree, just this once.



fic, arashi, ohmiya

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