Jan 05, 2010 11:53
I'm such a fan of the power outages. When I'm at work, it means I don't have to do much of anything until the power comes back on. And when I'm in the science library, it means I can sit in the dark and the quiet in a narrow, towering alley of books. Or journals about chemical physics. I kinda hope they continue.
However, I'm not a fan of hearing the sounds of what I can only assume was someone being repeatedly shoved down the cement-and-metal stairs right outside my window and the cops being called, at midnight, on the night before the first day of school, when I've got to be awake in six hours. I'm not sure what was up with that.
Work's sort of alright this term. I got an extra shift compared to how much I usually work, which is weird. My mom suspects it's because I've been working there for so long, but honestly, I would not be at all surprised if it was all some strange mistake, and if they didn't even know my name at all. Incidentally, on the slip of paper that told me my schedule for winter term, it said that the first day of work was Sunday, so I went to my 9:45am shift, only to find out that DUX Bistro didn't open until 4:30pm. Would have been nice to know. Thanks guys.
My "Proper & Improper Women" class (I can't call it my English class, because I'm also taking Intro to the English Major this term, but it seems stupid to call it my Women class.....) is, unsurprisingly, filled with women, but it seems like it'll be cool. My Italian Neo-Realist Independent Film class (a comparative lit class I signed up for because all the Spanish classes were full) is 400-level and seems difficult and I don't know ANYTHING about film except that I sometimes like films, but also as a final project I can either write a 10-12 page paper or make a film. So, maybe I'll be making a film. I might enlist the nerds.
My computer science class (taught by the guy who owns that sexy BMW convertible that Leighton got to drive as a going-away-to-college present, I believe) is probably going to be one of those classes, like standard basic chemistry in high school and linguistics, that I find extremely comforting. Whenever I got stressed out about Euro Lit and whatever else I was taking junior year, I would just do my chem worksheets. They were comforting because they were easy and I was good at them and I understood them and I was still doing something productive so I didn't have to feel bad. I can remember getting really psyched about memorizing morphemes using flashcarddb.com during finals week last spring. And now, even though computers and math kind of scare me, this is an entry-level, introductory course. There's some reading, but the textbook's written by my professor, so it's like hearing him talk. And thanks to Charlie and other nerds, I've had a good many things explained to me. I didn't file it all away to remember, but the fact that I ever heard it at all is making this better, I think. And also, I'm not gonna lie. The sound of nerds explaining things to me is really, really comforting. I wonder why? :)
Well, I'm off to my first English Major blah blah lecture. Will I meet my future husband today? Only time will tell.