Gilmore Girl ficlet: One Plus One and He Saw Three

Nov 15, 2007 18:18

Small Fandom Haikuathon: Round 3 @ haikuathon - go, create.

One Plus One and He Saw Three [Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, 619 words/4m:03s. Thanks to mcee for the read-through, and to slodwick for the challenge inspiration - prompt: adventures in the simple life. Future fic, but no particular spoilers past season 3.]

One Plus One and He Saw Three

Dean looks at a pile of rough-cut wooden planks and a heap of sand, boxes of screws and other paraphernalia Rory doesn't have names for, and he sees a house. It amazes her, this ability of his, this vision. He's always had it, she thinks, even as far back as the day they met. He saw her, and straight away he saw them, and more. He saw what might be. One plus one and he saw three.

Rory has never been practical, not in that way. It's in the genes, a Gilmore thing. A family joke at times, at least when it comes to the kitchen, something they laugh about, but feel neither shame nor pride in. Just the way the Gilmore women are.

So her mom has Luke, who is eminently practical, and now Rory has Dean. And for all that Stars Hollow might look at them and think they're an odd match, they complement each other.

Dean likes to talk about the house he's building for them. When they're bumping knees in the tiny apartment they're renting from Kirk (his latest venture, the property market), Dean will lay out the proportions of the living room, describe how much space there'll be in their bedroom even with a king size bed. When Rory's struggling to reach the Pop-Tarts at the back of the single cupboard they have in their kitchenette, he'll lean over and pull the box out for her, and tell her all the ways he's making the house perfect for both their heights. He'll describe the early morning view from their bedroom window, and tell her how beautiful the acer trees in the back yard will look in the fall.

Rory likes to talk about the home they're building. When she's looking through catalogues, picking out color schemes and furnishing rooms that are no more than a bare frame yet, she's talking about the house-warming party they'll have, and who they'll invite (half the town will come anyway, invited or not). She's thinking about children, her's and Dean's, sitting at the kitchen table - one girl, one boy, and they'll both have Dean's tip-tilted nose and her dark hair. Sam and Verity she calls them, and Dean laughs at her (just a little) for naming them before they're even conceived.

She already loves their new house, even though it's only part built. She sees Dean in it, in the strength of the foundations, in the brave lines of timber, in the fine ink drawings on rolled up architect's paper. She sees the man he's become, sees the promise that was always hinted at in the boy she knew and loved and left and found again. Cannot look at it without thinking of him, and knows she never will. She never wants to.

Dean worries about her still, Rory knows. He worries that she'll get bored of their life together, that he's not enough for her, that she needs something grander than married life in Stars Hollow. One day she'll find exactly the right words to tell him that listening to him talk about their new house is more exciting even than being in Gaza City when Abbas came back to power, or in Washington when Bush was finally impeached. That sitting in their cramped little apartment, dreaming of their future while she's tapping away at her novel, gives her more happiness than she's ever had before. That the simple life, the adventure that they're going into together, that's exactly what she's always wanted, even if she didn't know it. That she might not be the practical one, but she looks at Dean and she sees family. She sees her home.

One plus one, and she sees three.


I wrote and recorded this back in the summer, and it feels dated already. But still, there's so little Dean/Rory fic out there, I thought I'd post anyway.

[ Download the audio file ]

fiction: gilmore girls, fandom: gilmore girls, fiction

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