One sentence meme

Nov 14, 2007 18:29

For some reason I'm fidgety today. I can't settle down to writing or betaing properly, but lazy-daze will have my ass if I don't hit today's word target. And I daren't sit down and watch Pushing Daisies until I hit it. So I'm dragging out that good old one sentence meme again. The one that I feel free to interpret as one sentence, one drabble, one ficlet, or 10,000 words, depending how much I like the prompt! (Hint, I'll probably like Supernatural, Pushing Daisies or Dean/Rory prompts best. Oh, or Friday Night Lights, maybe.)

So, give me a fandom, a character or pairing, and a single word/song/picture.1 And I'll write something. Easy.

1Not a plot prompt, please, or a phrase. Just one word or song or picture.

ETA: That's eleven prompts, which is plenty, so I'm closing up shop for new ones now.

Friday Night Lights, Tami Taylor, illumination for musesfool.

Supernatural, Madison, above, for innie_darling.

Pushing Daisies, Ned/Chuck, water for corellianjedi.

Supernatural, Dean, frost for jhava.

Friday Night Lights, Tim Riggins, start, for purestvixen.

Pushing Daisies, Ned, silence, for firstanointed.

Supernatural, Sam & Dean, "Singin' in the Rain" (the song), for catmoran.

Supernatural, Sam/Dean, forgetting, for sorchasilver.

Supernatural, Sam/Jess, picture prompt, for vinylroad.

Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, Sunday morning by Ani DeFranco, for zooey_glass04.

Supernatural/Pushing Daisies, Dean & Chuck, hard, for silver_venus42

Supernatural, Bobby, laughter, for stephanometra.


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