Gilmore Girl ficlet: One Plus One and He Saw Three

Nov 15, 2007 18:18

Small Fandom Haikuathon: Round 3 @ haikuathon - go, create.

One Plus One and He Saw Three [Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, 619 words/4m:03s. Thanks to mcee for the read-through, and to slodwick for the challenge inspiration - prompt: adventures in the simple life. Future fic, but no particular spoilers past season 3.]

Rory already loves their new house, even though it's only part built. She sees Dean in it, in the strength of the foundations, in the sturdy lines of timber, in the fine ink drawings on rolled up architect's paper. )

fiction: gilmore girls, fandom: gilmore girls, fiction

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Comments 45

harrigan November 15 2007, 18:36:38 UTC
Yay! Dean/Rory fic! Definitely not enough good GG fic out there - this is a most welcome addition!


oxoniensis November 16 2007, 20:50:38 UTC
I haven't read any GG fic in ages, which is sad!

Thank you!


nutkin November 15 2007, 19:07:08 UTC
This is so sweet and lovely! I just want to wrap it around me like a sweater.


oxoniensis November 16 2007, 20:51:11 UTC
Thank you! I just get so schmoopy with those two, but I'm pretty unrepentant about it!


zooey_glass04 November 15 2007, 20:57:48 UTC
Awww, this is so lovely! There should be more Dean/Rory in the world, definitely. I'd write some myself, but I find it really hard to get good ideas for them.

This made me happy :D

(And damn, I must make a GG icon after NaNo! I keep needing one!)


oxoniensis November 16 2007, 20:55:33 UTC
I had a load of GG icons made for me for the last but one Sweet Charity, and the maker said I was welcome to share them as I wanted. Do you want me to sort out the early season ones for you to pick from?

And yay, I'm glad you enjoyed it - now you know why Sam and Verity appeared in your snippet!

You could always just write happy schmoopy domestic future fic for them! We need more Dean/Rory writers, especially since mcee's gone over to bandslash.


zooey_glass04 November 17 2007, 23:03:00 UTC
Ooh, yes, that would be awesome, if you're sure you don't mind sharing! Thank you <3

Happy schmoopy future-fic does sound tempting. I will probably need it as respite after I finish having my butt kicked by the epic angsty Wincest novel I am writing for NaNo, ahahah.

And what is it with bandslash?! I do not approve, it is like a creeping disease taking over fandom. J2 remains a special case for me as far as RPS is concerned, I have to say. I am still slightly weirded out by how that has pwned me, but SPN fandom is the fandom of moral exceptions, ahahaha.


oxoniensis November 17 2007, 23:35:29 UTC
I'm glad to share them - I've kept one or two just for me, anyway, which I'm perfectly happy with.

... )


vinylroad November 15 2007, 20:58:03 UTC
This is lovely. I've never really been one for Gilmore Girls fic, but there's something about Dean/Rory future fic that is really enticing. This is soft and beautiful and perfect. This is how I want them.


oxoniensis November 16 2007, 21:02:16 UTC
Thank you!

I'd love to read some gen fic in the fandom, just town stuff, about Miss Patty and Kirk and Babette and everyone. It's one of those things I want to write, and have to say no to right now, because I have too many deadline fics on the go! Gah. I also want to write more of Rory the Vampire Slayer and zombie!Kirk and make it a ridiculous crossover with Supernatural! One day, I shall indulge myself.


kellifer_fic November 15 2007, 21:29:07 UTC
This is adorable and thankyou for sharing... :)


oxoniensis November 16 2007, 21:02:42 UTC
And thank you for reading! :-)


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