Oct 05, 2010 23:53
Time is slowly passing but too slow for my tastes. I sit here in the desert wanting - needing - something more to do than this. I randomly check online for things to do or things to apply to but come up with little to nothing - or without enough time to do what needs to be done for the application process.
I had a pretty decent day today, though. Jess (kyuuketsuki miyu) and I drove up to Idyllwild for a change of scenery. It only took an hour on a horrible twisty-turvy road but we made it up safely and sat around in a gorgeous coniferous forest and had lunch and tea and walked around a bit in the chilly mountain air.
What a change from this horrible dry desert. I think I much prefer forested areas to this arid flat valley with dirty brown boulder mountains in the distance. I think that what I really just want is out of this desert - and it hasn't even been 2 months yet since I've been back in America. I want to go somewhere new, move somewhere new, someplace that may not even be on my radar right now. I just want change; not necessarily constant change but enough change to keep jolting me awake every couple of years. Part of me yearns to leave all of this stuff behind and cram a suitcase full for a new adventure. I still have that travel bug, that yearning, that wanting to explore the world that hasn't gone away at all. To be back here is not traveling to me, it's not new or exciting or different. It's just... old and brown and same ol' same ol'. Not what I want.
I'm really hoping that if I keep looking eventually I'll find something that I can apply to that will help me onto some form of career path. Somewhere new and exotic.
Here's hoping for the future to come sooner rather than later.