Meme meme meme (because I can so I will)

Nov 21, 2010 19:20

Memely stolen from promiseoftin who stole it from someone else. You know the drill.

Three jobs I've had in my life:

1. barista
2. street charity canvasser


English teacher

Three places I have lived:
1. Long Beach, CA
2. Osaka, Japan
3. Melbourne, Australia

Three favorite drinks:

1. chai tea lattes
2. hard pear cider

3. Mariage Frères Marco Polo tea

Three TV shows that I watch:
1. Firefly (yeah, its over but it is an absolute fav!)
2. La Femme Nikita (haven't seen the new version yet but am hopeful though I don't think anyone can be better than Peta Wilson's Nikita)
3. ..erm... hrm. I don't watch much TV. I've caught a couple episodes of True Blood but am not an avid fan at all...

Three places I have been to:
1. Taipei, Taiwan
2. Prague, Czech Republic
3. Bora Bora, Tahiti

Three of my favorite foods:

1. chocolate
2. curry
3. sushi

Three things I am looking forward to:

1. moving to Washington D.C. this weekend
2. Thanksgiving with the fam.; last meal together in who-knows-how-long?
3. having a full-time job with perks

Three things that are always by my side:
1. chapstick
2. tea/coffee
3. cell phone

Three things that I did today:

1. ate a pecan-crusted caramel apple (Mmmm)
2. cracked open Super Freakinomics
3. started thinking of what to pack for my move

meme, desert

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