AN: I was supposed to write something connected to my past entry but it didn't work out so well. I wrote this instead. The prompt was Germinate, it was written for the writing contest community brigits_flame.
Title: To Defeat the Dragons Rating: G Word Count: 329 Author's Note: This was written for brigits_flame as a Just For Fun entry. The prompt was 'Strike'. I think I used it rather vaguely here, but I meant it in a sort of military sense.
Topic: 'Good Omens', 'There was a spark.'- first line, 'Verisimilitude' AN: I had a lot of fun writing this. It's a continuation of April, Week 2's topic. I apologize for the length, but I hope you all like it anyway.
AN: Here's my not so comedic, comedy for the mini contest. My word was 'selling' which can mean 'to exchange something of value for something else', which is what sort of happens here. Enjoy! :)