Title: Unfair Author: Kat Lee Characters/Pairing: Cordelia, also mentions Doyle and Angel Rating: G/K Challenge/Prompt: Unfair Word Count: 2 connected drabbles, each a perfect 100 words Warnings: None Summary: Cordelia's life has been unfair for so long. Perhaps she should have known better than to expect something different. Disclaimer:
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Enemy Of Every EnemyIn the end, it's a simple choice. Quick trip to LA, a few stakings, and crank up the TV stations. (Not like she's never killed him before
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Title: Junior A/N: 100 words written for the First Meeting(s) prompt at open_on_sunday. Spoiled for AtS: SalvageConnor is barely grown-up. Stupid puppy, more anger and libido than anything else. Faith knows the attitude, recognizes the snarl on his heavy mouth and the way he crowds close. He wants to throw himself against the baddest son of a bitch he can find.
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Title: Slayer/Faith A/N: 100 words written for the First Meeting(s) prompt at open_on_sunday. Spoiled for AtS: Salvage.Inspired by some stupid, throw-away reference to the smell of menstrual blood
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Title: Like Father, Like Son Prompt: Mirror Characters: Lilah, Connor, Angel Setting: Season Four ~ Episode Home Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not Joss, just me, no money, just love
Original SinFred had always felt that people were good. A few bad ones here and there, but good for the most part. She had read Calvin for a religion course, and just couldn't understand how he could go on about the inherent evil of humans when the Starbucks man wrote a smiley face on her coffee cup or when a woman helped her pick up the books she
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