Title: Like Father, Like Son
Prompt: Mirror
Characters: Lilah, Connor, Angel
Setting: Season Four ~ Episode Home
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not Joss, just me, no money, just love
With a smirk, Lilah switched on the TV and there he was.
Angel watched his son stalked across in front of the camera.
He could feel the hostility in those eyes.
The rancor the boy felt wasn’t repressed in anyway.
It flowed off him in waves.
Connor looked so very much like Darla.
Same beautiful blue eyes and delicate features.
Darla could cut a man to ribbons with those eyes.
But Conner wasn’t only his mother’s child.
A long time ago, Liam had hated his father.
Angel could see the mirror image of that hate looking back at him now.