
Jun 29, 2011 19:51

tw for sexual assault, suicide, kidnapping, general violence against women
Within Every Woman is a documentary by Tiffany Hsiung about "comfort women," the thousands of women were coerced or kidnapped into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during World War II. This film focuses on the aftermath of such atrocities, and the complexities involved in healing from sexual abuse.

Decades later, these women are breaking the silence about the abuse they endured. For some, it took over fifty years to come forward and tell their families and loved ones about their past. The hope is that their stories will inspire modern day victims of sexual abuse to come forward and speak out.  Here's a trailer for the film:

Official Trailer from Tiffany Hsiung on Vimeo

I'm told that the film is still in production, but has already generated a great deal of interest for distribution. They're currently fundraising to get the film finished, and just about winding down a Kickstarter campaign. As I write this, it appears they just surpassed their $50,000 goal. But that doesn't mean they couldn't use a little more...

They began the project in 2008, traveling through rural China, the Philippines, and South Korea to meet and document the survivors of what is known as the largest institutionalized rape system in world history. Today, the survivors are referred to as "the Grandmothers" - all above the age of 80, they are now mothers, grandmothers and wives. But behind their inspiring courage and strength, it is clear they are still haunted with memories of the past. We want to show the complex healing processes that these women who have struggled with their whole lives and ask, "How does one begin to heal from such brutality?" As a result, WEWoman will focus on the current lives of the few remaining survivors who are scattered across Asia. By peeling back the layers of silence, shame and sacrifice they have endured, we will reveal their wisdom, resilience and compassion. We will embark on a journey of hope, reminding survivors everywhere that they are not fighting alone, and that together, they can overcome their past with grace and strength to find kindness in an unkind world.

Time is running out. These brave women are now in their 80s and 90s, and history still demands justice for what they've been through. If you'd like to be a part of bringing their stories to the world, make a pledge on Kickstarter here. And to learn more about the film, go to the Within Every Women website here.

source: angry asian man
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