swedish school eliminates gender

Jun 30, 2011 00:38

from jezebel.com
Erin Gloria Ryan -A preschool in Sweden is doing its part to make Tucker Carlson's bowtie spin around in shock and surprise.
CNN reports that the Egalia preschool in Stockholm will eliminate gender specific pronouns, and refer to the children present as "friends" rather than "boys" or "girls." Also on the chopping block? Fairy tales that further gender stereotypes, to be replaced with tales of families featuring gay and lesbian couples.

The school is funded by Swedish taxpayers, but if it ever finds itself in dire financial straits, it could always make extra money by charging American conservatives a hefty fee for a Halloween House of Liberal Horror tour of the facilities.

Scandinavian countries are known for their hippie dippie socialist ways, leading the world in gender equality.
more at the source

i don't really appreciate the tone of this article, but then again jezebel is not a news source, but a news blog. a more neutral source may be found at the source as the source of the source (CNN article.) like the article mentioned, this brings up a lot of issues that storm and his parents' choices brought up.

parenting, education, gender construction

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