Evanna Lynch is embarrassed by her tragic Patronus (which is not Harambe btw)

Sep 25, 2016 08:58

I don't geddit @pottermore...all of my happiest memories are spent in the presence of cats. Why oh why is my Patronus a SALMON?!πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜‘ #Patronus
- Evanna Lynch (@Evy_Lynch) 23 September 2016

The actress, book lover and aspiring cat took the recently released Pottermore Patronus test but didn't quite get what she expecto.

+ Joss Whedon, a weasel? )

buffyverse / whedonverse, meme, pottermore, irish celebrities, harry potter, j.k. rowling

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Comments 440

glitterslugs September 25 2016, 02:45:33 UTC
i got a stallion or some shit i fuckin hate horses


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maynardsong September 25 2016, 04:16:22 UTC
IDG how it specifies mare or stallion. Horses aren't sexually dimorphic and a penis or lack thereof, I can't imagine that being part of a Patronus. It's not like antlers. This makes my brain itch.


toxic_illusion September 25 2016, 03:21:27 UTC
How can someone hate horses?! You hate rainbows and cupcakes too, bb?


andres01234 September 25 2016, 02:45:36 UTC
I didn't understand the process. I had to pick one word out of 3 without any context


randommakings September 25 2016, 02:49:58 UTC
yeah, the test is dumb and with how vague it is it seems pretty impossible that it's not entirely arbitrary. I even missed an entire question because I couldn't decide what to choose..like...so lame


helyanwe89 September 25 2016, 02:51:46 UTC
A lot of the Pottermore quizes are like that. I think the one for sorting you asks you things like moon vs stars.


dfabb September 25 2016, 02:52:40 UTC
i think it's supposed to be like... whatever word you instinctively gravitate towards first reflects something about your personality? like word association.


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smegma September 25 2016, 02:58:21 UTC
i like the theory that the cursed child is in-universe fanfic written by rita skeeter & harry's gonna sue the shit out of her


masterofmystery September 25 2016, 03:07:39 UTC
lmao i like this


littlelistmaker September 25 2016, 03:15:39 UTC
thank you for alerting me to this theory


sandstorm September 25 2016, 02:46:35 UTC
🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 I'm like Slytherin prime with my King Cobra patronus 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍


teenxwolf September 25 2016, 12:41:12 UTC


lloydsgurl September 25 2016, 02:47:32 UTC
I got a wild boar AND was sorted into gryffindor

insult on top of injury!!!


crunk_cubed September 25 2016, 04:08:09 UTC
i got wild boar too and all of my friends are getting cute shit, i'm so bitter.


lloydsgurl September 25 2016, 04:15:33 UTC
my sister got a peacock!!!

altho at least a wild boar would fuck shit up


elevatorshaker September 25 2016, 06:57:30 UTC
You can be a baby wild boar. Those are cute as all hell.


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